C-Net Spring Training
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Westgate Baptist Church
Spartanburg, SC
8:00—8:25 a.m.
General Session
8:30—9:30 a.m.
Becky Custer
BJU Press
Greenville, SC
Right from the Start: Philosophy of Early Childhood Education Professional Development
The beginning years are critical. We are laying a vital foundation, and how we do this will shape each child’s approach to future learning. In this session, we will learn what we can do to stimulate and encourage the love of learning in these formative years and teach preschool right from the start!
Workshop Session I
9:40—10:40 a.m.
Robin Spires
Grace Daycare
West Columbia, SC
Through the Learning Glass (Part 1) Growth & Development
Experts say that children must learn what their brains are ready to absorb, so how does one know what to introduce and when? This training class will introduce the learning windows and sensitive periods of development in children, and give applications to be used in the childcare center.
Debra Earwood, Facilitator
Columbia, SC
Stewards of Children (Part 1) Health & Safety
This workshop, developed by Darkness to Light, is a prevention and response program which teaches adults how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. This two-hour evidence-based workshop provides awareness as well as tools for organizations to help develop policies and procedures for child sexual abuse prevention. Participants who complete both hours of the training program will be awarded a certificate of completion.
Rebecca Custer
BJU Press
Greenville, SC
Watch Me Grow! Understanding and Cultivating Preschoolers’ Developmental Skills Curriculum Activities
Learn practical ways to instruct and inspire early learners to grow academically, socially and spiritually. Explore the most productive methods for Circle Time and Learning Centers so that preschoolers can thrive in their classroom environment.
Brandy Mullennax
Richard Winn Academy
Winnsboro, SC
Nonverbal Communication Professional Development
When we interact with others, we continuously give and receive unspoken signals. Do you know what your nonverbal body language is saying to others? Do you know what others are saying to you with their unspoken language? The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication, or body language, is a powerful tool that can help you become a better communicator by recognizing and understanding the importance of your unspoken body language.
Workshop Session II
10:50—11:50 a.m.
Rebecca Custer
BJU Press
Greenville, SC
Music and Puppets Curriculum Activities
Music, a powerful motivator, can also be one of the joys of learning as well. Introducing puppets to the early learner allows his or her mind to create, explore, and flourish. There is no better way to create fun, memorable learning experiences than by incorporating appropriate melodies and exciting puppet friends into the classroom!
Debra Earwood, Facilitator
Columbia, SC
Stewards of Children (Part 2) Health & Safety
This workshop, developed by Darkness to Light, is a prevention and response program which teaches adults how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. This two-hour evidence-based workshop provides awareness as well as tools for organizations to help develop policies and procedures for child sexual abuse prevention. Participants who complete both hours of the training program will be awarded a certificate of completion.
Huey Mills
Carolina Christian Academy
Lancaster, SC
Burnout! Professional Development
Thousands of teachers have burned out and are asking, “Should I teach next year or do something else?” What you do now will determine if you will keep your seasoned and excellent teachers or if you will have to replace them because of burnout. In this workshop, both administrators and teachers will learn the causes of burnout (not what we usually think), how to identify the symptoms and what both schools and teachers can do to overcome it.
Brandy Mullennax
Richard Winn Academy
Winnsboro, SC
Teachable Moments and Treasures in Your Day Curriculum Activities
Do you find yourself diligently working to get everything in during the day that you are obligated to teach? Are you missing the teachable moments in your student’s day that are meaningful to them and have real life application? In this workshop you will learn how to use the student’s interest and their important moments to tie in your curriculum during the day. This creative, collaborative workshop will allow you to put a new twist on teaching that is so much fun and enjoyable to your students.
11:50 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
Workshop Session III
12:30—1:30 p.m.
Mrs. Robin Spires
Grace Daycare
West Columbia, SC
Through the Learning Glass (Part 2) Growth & Development
We have been told that a child’s capacity for learning is truly astonishing, but some students seem to naturally thrive and others do not. This class will focus on the cognitive structures children need in order to become internally motivated to achieve.
Huey Mills
Carolina Christian Academy
Lancaster, SC
Delegating and Getting Results Program Administration
Master the one skill that is essential to your success. Whether you supervise one or one hundred, effective delegation plays a major role in developing your school. In this workshop, you will learn what to delegate, what to do yourself, and how to tell the difference. Others will respect you more, thank you for your trust and you will have more time to do what you do best.
Brandy Mullennax
Richard Winn Academy
Winnsboro, SC
Power of Observation Child Guidance
Are you truly observing what is going on with your students and others around you? Are you taking the time to see the physical clues that others are giving you? Are you truly observing what is going on before the behavior, or are you observing what has happened because of the behavior? This workshop will help you understand the power of observation in the world around you. By noticing the physical, you will be able to prevent most unwanted behaviors.
General Session
1:40—2:40 p.m.
Huey Mills
Carolina Christian Academy
Lancaster, SC
20 Ways to Defuse Anger and Calm People Down Professional Development
Someone erupts and others are left speechless. Disputes bring things almost to a halt, classroom performance suffers, morale is low and teamwork evaporates. The good news is that you can manage other people’s anger and turn it into a catalyst for positive change. This workshop will give you twenty specific techniques you will find priceless!
2:45—3:00 p.m.