Ridgeway High U. S. Government Syllabus and Overview Class Motto: Knowledge is Power.

Teacher Information

Mrs. Ashford Classroom: 144 Phone: 416-8820 Email: Website: ridgewayhighusgovernment.yolasite.com

Course Description and Purpose The study of the U.S. Government will provide students with the historical knowledge as well as the skills necessary to become an informed and active participant in the civic life of their local as well as global community. The purpose is to prepare students to vote, to reflect on the responsibilities of citizenship, to participate in activities both for their own individual benefit as well as the community at large. It is intended that this course offer an opportunity for students to make reasoned decisions of a political nature.

Course Goals:

a. Demonstrate an understanding of the terminology, structure and operation of the federal, state and local government in the United States.

b. Demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship.

c. Demonstrate an aware of major concerns of the United States with regard to international relations.

d. Demonstrate an awareness of the role, recruitment, and decision-making in the United States government.

e. Demonstrate the willingness to become involved in the United States political process.

f. Demonstrate academic skills that include research, note taking, group discussion, and reading.

g. Demonstrate the ability to use technology to advance academic concepts.

Classroom Rules

  • Prepared. Notebook, folder, pencil and ready to learn.
  • Punctual. Class start promptly.
  • Participation. Turn in all assignments and join in all class discussions.
  • Professional. Maintain a positive attitude and commit to completing all requirements for class.

Classroom Consequences

1st offense: Verbal warning

2nd offense: Student/teacher conference

3rd offense: Parent will be contacted, which could possibly lead to a student-parent-teacher conference

4th offense: Office referral and In-School Suspension (ISS).

(Note: If the infraction is severe, the teacher reserves the right to skip the normal sequence and immediately remove the student from class.)

Required Text McClenaghan, William A. American Government. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

Classroom Materials and Requirements:

  • Any color folder or binder with pockets
  • College Ruled Notebook Paper
  • Pen or Pencils
  • Gmail Email account
  • Access to Computer/Technology/Internet

Students are graded in the following areas per semester:

  • Lesson Assignment Packets/Binder Assessment
  • Classroom activities
  • In class and out of class projects/homework
  • Quizzes and Exams

Extra Credit Opportunities

Students can have up to 4 extra credit opportunities per nine week period. Extra credit points are given only if student is up to date with classroom work. Extra credit work does not replace any classroom assignments.

Two-page typed written biography on a lie of a person in political office (past or present)

One-page typed summary on a current event in the local or national news

Make Up Policy

Students are to show an excused or unexcused slip from the Attendance office to receive make up work. All excused absences will receive full credit for assignment. For unexcused absences, a student must submit a request to complete make up work in order to receive credit for missing work.

Cellphone Policy

Students who wish to carry a cell phone with them to and from school must keep device turned off and stored. All students are banned from possessing any type of phone or personal communication device that is turned on or in visible/audible use at anytime during the regular school day. Cell phones will be used in class during computer time.


What is it? The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work. When a student is found copying and pasting other people work and not giving the author credit for the work will receive failing grade. A student will have one opportunity to redo work correctly or receive the final grade of zero for assignment.

Class Field Experiences

Parents and Students, there are a few trips planned for the upcoming school year. More information will soon follow.

Dear Parents,

Taking the time to read and sign this syllabus will give your child an additional 100 extra credit points to be used toward their final grade. To view what is happening in class, please visit the classroom website at: ridgewayhighusgovernment.yolasite.com.

Student Name ______(Print)

Student Name ______(Signature)Date ______

Parent Name ______(Signature)Date ______

Class Lessons Layout

First Nine Weeks- Role of GovernmentSecond Nine Weeks-Rights of the People

Foundations of American Government The Executive Branch

Comparative Political and Economic Systems The Judicial Branch

Political Behavior: Government by People The Executive Branch

Participating in State and Local Government

Important Semester Dates and Deadline Dates

Fall Term

First Day of School:Monday, August 8, 2016

Labor Day Holiday:Monday, September 5, 2016 (No School)

Parent/Teacher Conferences:Thursday, September 15, 2016 (3pm-6pm)

District Learning Day:Friday, September 16, 2016 (No School)

Nine Week Exam-Project Due:Monday, October 3, 2016 (Make-Up)

Nine Week Compare/Contrast Paper Due: Monday, October 3, 2016 (Presentations)

End of First Nine Weeks:Friday, October 7, 2016

Fall Break: Monday, October 10 -Friday, October 14, 2016

Veteran’s Day Holiday:Friday, November 11, 2016

Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, Nov. 23-Friday, Nov. 25, 2016

Nine Week Project Due:Monday, December 5, 2016 – Make Up Work

Nine Week Position Paper Due: Monday, December 9, 2016 Presentations

Semester Exams Tuesday Dec. 13--Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Friday, Dec. 16, 2016 at 10:15am


Important Semester Dates and Deadline Dates

Spring Term

First Day of School:Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Martin Luther King Holiday:Monday, January 16, 2017 (No School)

Parent/Teacher Conferences:Thursday, February 9, 2017 (3pm-6pm)

District Learning Day:Friday, February 10, 2017 (No School)

Nine Week Exam-Project Due:Friday, March 11, 2017 (make-up)

Nine Week Compare/Contrast Paper Due: Tuesday, March 15, 2017

End of First Nine Weeks:Friday, March 10, 2017

Spring Break:Monday, March 13-Friday, March 17, 2017

Spring Holiday:Friday, April 14, 2017

Nine Week Project Due:Monday, May 15, 2017 – Make Up Work Due

Nine Week Position Paper Due: Monday, May 15, 2017-presentations

Semester Exams Tuesday May 23-Thursday, May 25, 2017

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Friday, May 26, 2017 at 10:15am


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