Ridgeview High School Wolverines

October 2016 Newsletter

1st Quarter Notes

It is the end of the 1st quarter and the year begins to fly by. This is a long stretch of the school year without a break until Nov. 11. The staff and students are working hard on creating a positive school environment. We have truthfully gotten off to a rocky start with some behaviors, especially around use of profanity, and disrespect toward staff. We are working at changing this culture because this is not what we promote or tolerate here at Ridgeview.

Trauma Informed Classrooms

Last spring we transformed Mr. Forrester’s English classroom into a more comfortable learning environment by removing desks and replacing them with other furniture such as standup desks, tables with chairs, bean bags, rocking chairs, pedal exercisers, and other complimentary pieces. We are in the process of transforming Mr. Johnson and Mr. Smith’s rooms as well. The students have treated the new furniture with respect and are appreciating the efforts we are trying to make in creating a nice, welcoming place to learn.

Spirit Week

Our student council meets to help create a positive culture for our school. During the last week of October we recognize Red Ribbon Week by doing a spirit week. Mr. Wrobel has been bringing in guest speakers to talk to our students about the effects of drug use on the body and brain. He also has been doing a month long unit on the biological effects. So to bring awareness to this important issue we do this week.

Monday-PJ day

Tuesday- Twin

Wednesday-Crazy hair and sock day

Thursday-Hawaiian or Jersey day

Friday-wear red and/or red ribbons

All clothing must still adhere to school dress code and guidelines please.

School Site Council

Ridgeview is looking for parents interested in representing on the school site council. This group meets the first Thursday of each month to discuss school issues. If interested, please contact Mr. Lerch. We really need 1-3 parents to participate.

Virtue Bucks

Staff is recognizing positive behaviors with a Virtue Buck. Each week we have a virtue that we emphasize. Teachers post the virtue in classrooms and Monday mornings. Mr. Lerch describes the virtue after the pledge of allegiance. These bucks get a student to the front of the lunch line and put into a two times a month drawing for gift cards or other positive incentives.

Teachers are being continually interrupted with cell phone and electronic device usage during class time. If you need to get a hold of your student during school hours, please call the school office at 872-6478. The following is being used to address this abuse:

  1. Teacher gives warning, asks student to put device away
  2. Teacher confiscates phone for period
  3. If student does not comply or continues use

student will be :

  1. Sent to office, given class suspension, phone confiscated in the office
  2. If student does not hand over phone, parent will be called to come pick up the phone.
  3. If student still does not comply, then student will be suspended.
  1. Student will be progressively suspended for defiance if there is continuous noncompliance with this issue.

These electronic devices have caused major distraction and disruption in the classroom during instructional time. Please help us lessen these distractions for ALL students.

Check out our Ridgeview Twitter account:


Facebook coming soon!

Calendar of Events/Dates

October 24-28Red Ribbon Spirit Week

November 9ASVAB

November 11Veteran’sDay- No school

November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break

November 30Reg-to-Go for Butte College

December 21End of 2nd Quarter

Dec 22-Jan 8Winter Break

January 16Martin Luther King Day- No school