Tour1 - Booking Form /
Please complete one form per motorcycle.
Once completed, email to
Rider details:
Home telephone number (incl international dialling code):
Mobile telephone number (incl international dialling code):
Mobile number during tour (incl international dialling code): / (if different)
Email address:
Special dietary requirements:
Tee Shirt Size: Everyone on a tour gets a free Tour1 tee shirt: / Mens: S / M / L / XL / XXL
Womens: S / M / L / XL / XXL
Emergency contact number:
Emergency contact name:
Emergency contact relationship:

Note, emergency contact information will only be used in event of illness or accident.

Pillion details (if applicable):
Home telephone number (incl international dialling code):
Mobile telephone number (incl international dialling code):
Mobile number during tour (incl international dialling code):
Email address:
Special dietary requirements:
Tee Shirt Size: Everyone on a tour gets a free Tour1 tee shirt: / Mens: S / M / L / XL / XXL
Womens: S / M / L / XL / XXL
Emergency contact number:
Emergency contact name:
Emergency contact relationship:

Note, emergency contact information will only be used in event of illness or accident.

Rider’s age at time of the tour (tick one):

18-25 / 26-40 / 40-69 / 70+

Your motorcycle details; (if you are renting a motorcycle, just write ‘Rental’). For our tours in the USA, we will contact you separately about which model of rental motorcycle you will want.

Registration number:
Approximate fuel range:

2018 Tours:

(Put an X in the relevant box)

WW1 Battlefields:
Start date: 7 June 18 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £325 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £495 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £195 balance to pay
Difficulty: Easy / Sharing with...
Altitudes with Attitude:
Start date: 24 June 18 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £2295 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £2975 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £1735 balance to pay
Difficulty: Challenging / Sharing with...
Prague HOG Rally
Start date: 30 Jun 2018 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £1695 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £2275 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £1325 balance to pay
Difficulty: Moderate / Sharing with...
Italian Mountains and Lakes
Start date: 10 July 2018 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £2320 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £3060 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £1695 balance to pay
Difficulty: Moderate / Sharing with...
Living the High Life
Start date: 18 July 2018 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £1880 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £2500 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £1390 balance to pay
Difficulty: Moderate / Sharing with...
Dolomite Mountains
Start date: 21 Aug 2018 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £1665 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £2220 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £1205 balance to pay
Difficulty: Moderate / Sharing with...
Adriatic Adventure
Start date: 29 Aug 2018 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £2320 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £3060 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £1695 balance to pay
Difficulty: Moderate / Sharing with...
Thunder in the Deserts
Start date: 22 Sep 2018 / Rider only, own room / £300 deposit to pay now / £5350 balance to pay
Rider and pillion / £300 deposit to pay now / £6200 balance to pay
Rider (shared room) / £300 deposit to pay now / £4185 balance to pay
Difficulty: Moderate / Sharing with...

The rooms we book for the tours will have either double or twin beds. Please state which you would prefer. We will endeavour to meet all preferences, but this may not always be possible:

Double bed
Twin beds
No preference

Each of the tours above have a difficulty rating. To help you to understand if a tour is right for you, you can expect the following from each difficulty rating:

Easy – Can be ridden by any rider, but we expect that you have been riding large motorcycles for at least a year and that you have some experience of, and are comfortable with, riding in groups of at least eight motorcycles before. While it will be better if you have ridden in mainland Europe before, this is not essential. While there is not much motorway riding on the tour, as a guide, you will be expected to be able to ride at 70mph on motorways. We do not ride fast on this tour. There will be plenty of stops, and some days will be shorter, but the longest days will include around 9 hours of riding, with plenty of breaks.

Moderate – These tours are not recommended for new riders. You should have at least four years of riding experience on large motorcycles. You must have ridden on the right-hand side of the road before and you must be comfortable with travelling in a group of riders and be able to keep a good pace within that group. We do not ride fast, but at the same time, it is better if riders do not go too slowly. The route is very likely to include some twisty roads and hairpin bends / switchbacks, some tight. There is also likely to be some riding in mountains at considerable elevations. While there is not much motorway riding on the tour, as a guide, the group will be riding at speeds of 75mph on motorways. You must be confident of riding in rain and on wet roads. Each day’s riding will be around 9 hours, with breaks. You should be able to ride all day. If you are at all unsure if your riding ability is good enough for this tour, then you must contact us by telephone to discuss.

Challenging – These tours are for experienced riders only, with say, a minimum of five years of riding large motorcycles. You must have ridden on the right-hand side of the road before on many occasions and you must be comfortable with travelling in a group of riders and be able to keep a good pace within that group. We do not ride very fast, but at the same time, it is better if riders do not go too slowly. The route will include many twisty roads, plus many high mountain roads with many tight hairpin bends / switchbacks. There will be some sections of road with steep drop-offs at the side and no guardrail. If you or your pillion are at all uncomfortable at riding at height, then this tour is not for you. If you are from the USA, please note some of the roads you will be riding are significantly narrower and have tighter bends than in the USA. All roads are fully paved. While there is not much motorway riding on the tour, as a guide, the group will be riding at speeds of 75mph+ on motorways. You must be confident of riding in rain and on wet roads. Each day’s riding will be around 9 hours, with breaks. You must be able to ride all day. If you are at all unsure if your riding ability is good enough for this tour, then you must contact us by telephone to discuss.


Timing: As soon as we receive your booking form, we will send an invoice to you for the non-refundable deposit, which is payable straight away. 3 months before the tour starts we will send an invoice for the balance.

Detailed tour information: An itinerary will be sent to you by email soon after the deposit for the tour is paid, or by 1st January at the latest. About 1 month before the tour start date, an updated itinerary will be sent containing the very latest information.

Terms and Conditions: By making a booking with us you confirm your acceptance of our terms and conditions, which can be found at the bottom of each page of our website.

Motorcycle shipping information: For our one-way tours, a few weeks before the tour starts you will be contacted directly by We Move Bikes with details of shipping your motorcycle back to the UK. This is dealt with directly by them.

For the one-way tours, the prices above include the cost of transporting your motorcycle back to London or Gloucester, but not the cost of insurance for shipping your bike back, as this is based upon the value of your motorcycle. This insurance cost is approximately £4 per £1000 of the value of your motorcycle. You will be contacted by We Move Bikes just before the tour to arrange this payment. (FOR THIS BOOKING WE HAVE INCLUDED THIS IS TE PRICE)

Where did you hear about us?

We would like to know how you heard about Tour1. This helps us target our advertising better.

Word of mouth / friend
Google Search (or other engine)
Harley-Davidson website
HOG Magazine
Previous customer
Other (specify)

Tour1 Booking Form, V18.4