Richmond County Technical Career Magnet (TCM)
Banking, Investing and Insurance
Mrs. Robin D. Holt Instructor
2015-16 Course Syllabus
Teacher’s Room # 243
Email Address:
School Phone: 706-823-5580
Cell phone: 706-414-9040
Teacher Planning: Mon & Wed 1:50 – 3:10
Teacher Conference: Tues 3:10 – 3:45
Explore the financial world as students dive into the main areas of financial services, including banking, investing, and insurance. Basics of banking and credit include a brief history of money and banking, negotiable instruments, creation of credit, and the function of banks. Methods for measuring the financial performance of financial institutions are analyzed. Students will be introduced to a variety of investment options and learn to determine the appropriate options for an investment goal. By analyzing financial reports and employing other tools to predict growth rates and return on investment, students will develop strategies to produce financial growth strategies for a business. Through projects, students will determine the risks faced by individuals and businesses and decide on the proper risk management techniques to mitigate those risks. Investigating both personal and business insurance products and deciding which products are suitable for a specific customer profile will be covered. Ethical issues and case studies involved in the financial services industry will be used to determine how industry regulations are developed. An investigation of careers in the financial services industry will be explored throughout this course. Concepts of this course will be enhanced by business partnerships with community financial institutions, investment firms, insurance companies, stock market simulations, guest speakers, virtual experiences, technology and field trips.
Various forms of technologies and internet research will be highlighted to expose students to the resources in the financial industry. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of the employability skills standard for this course.
Banking, Investing, and Insurance is the final course in the Financial Services pathway in the Finance Cluster. Students enrolled in this course should have successfully completed Introduction to Business and Technology and Financial Literacy. After mastery of the standards in this course, students should be prepared to earn an industry-recognized credential in this career area.
FBLA is a co-curricular student organization that plays an integral part in the components of the banking, investment and insurance standards. FBLA activities are incorporated throughout this course and the rest of the finance pathway courses. Students are strongly urged to join FBLA to benefit from the wealth of opportunities the organization has to offer.
FIN-BII-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
FIN-BII-2 Demonstrate an understanding of basic banking concepts, terminology and operating procedures.
FIN-BII-3 Compare and contrast various types of negotiable instruments and describe the effects of E-commerce on banking.
FIN-BII-4 Interpret and measure financial performance of banking institutions.
FIN-BII-5 Demonstrate an understanding of basic investment principles, including the importance of investment planning and establishing financial goals.
FIN-BII-6 Demonstrate an understanding of investment instruments and their proper use in financial planning, retirement planning, estate-planning and wealth management.
FIN-BII-7 Predict future investment trends and explain the role of international finance in the investing process.
FIN-BII-8 Demonstrate an understanding of risk management basics and personal insurance coverage.
FIN-BII-9 Identify risks present in business and the insurance needed to protect a business.
FIN-BII-10 Students will evaluate the ethical needs of the financial services industry and examine the effects of fraud upon the industry.
FIN-BII-11 Students will identify and evaluate careers in the financial services industry.
FIN-FL-12 Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and technology education courses through leadership development, school and community service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive events.
Student will have a daily journal writing assignment that will be the warm activity for the class period. This assignment should be recorded in the student’s notebook or folder for the teacher’s periodic review. The class also uses these prompts to engage in discussion as the students exploreand explain their ideas. Students will also have a monthly periodical reviews as part of the class required writing assignments. These assignments will give the students the opportunity to elaborate and evaluate various business opportunities.
1. Classroom norms
A. Respect the person who is speaking by not talking when he or she is speaking
B. Follow BYOT policy
C. NO gum, candy, or food in the classroom
D. Water bottles are allowed with caps or tops but must be kept at the classroom desk and not at the computers
E. Only one person out of the room at the time to go to the restroom using the pass on the wall to go
F. Do not change the settings on the computer
G. When working in groups, use proper voice levels for group work
H. Please do not use lotions, perfumes or scented items while in the classroom. I have severe allergies which lead to migraines.
I. Do not copy anyone’s work on the computer or change anyone’s work on the computer
J. No social networking or surfing for non-academic related subject matter
K. Be On Time
1. Warning
2. Student/Teacher Conference
3. Parent Contact
4. Referral
*Remember this also depends on the nature of the issue or concern with which classroom environment has been disrupted.
3-prong folder or a space provided in a three ring binder
Pen or Pencil
Headphonesor ear buds
A = 100 – 90
B = 89 – 80
C = 79 – 75
D = 74 – 70
F = 69 and below
Assignment Categories Grade Weights Grading Scale
Formative Assessments 40%
Daily Assignments
Service Learning
Summative Assessments 60%
Unit Tests
Article Summaries
Year End Exam Counts 20% of the Total Grade
There will be an End of Course Assessment for financial literacy certification. The test is formulated by in New York, NY.
Assignments will be submitted online unless otherwise stated by the teacher to an account.
Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Should a student be suspected of copying another student’s work or plagiarizing a document, that student will receive a zero for his or her work.
If a student is absent from class, the student should check the teacher page for that class day’s work or check the teacher immediately upon returning to school. Remember, being absent from one class period is like being absent from two days of class.
You have one week to make up missed work when you are absent as long has you have an excused absence from school. If the absence is unexcused, work should be submitted to the teacher the day the student returns to class day.
Tutoring is available before school from 7:15 am to 7:50 am Tues – Thu and afternoon tutoring can be arranged with prior notice.
For assignments not completed on time, 10% will be deducted for the first three days (consecutive school days) upon the fourth day the assignment is not turned in, a zero will be placed in the gradebook.
Expectations for Academic Success Additional Requirements/ Resources
1) Complete daily classwork assignments.
2) Participate in discussions and ask questions.
3) Participate willingly and with a positive attitude as a team member.
4) Problem solve and accept challenges.
5) Challenge yourself to continuously improve.
This syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.
TCM does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex,gender, age, marital status, ability or veteran status.