Meeting Minutes,June 2, 2009
Members Present: Ms. Jeannie Baliles; Mr. Orran Brown, Esq; John Douglass, Esq; Robert Holsworth, MD; Mr. Frederick Marsh, Esq; Mr. John Moeser, PhD; Mr. John Thompson, Esq.
Staff Present:Daisy Weaver, Council Office; Haskell Brown III, City Attorney Office; Tabrica Rentz, City Attorney Office; Angela D. Montgomery,Council Office; Debora Shaw,Council Office.
Other:Rachel Dean, Law Student, University of Richmond
Approval of Minutes:The Commission voted 7-0 to approve the May 7, 2009, meeting summary with a motion revising the Douglass Subgroup and Holsworth Subgroup reports.
Reports from Subgroups
Holsworth’s Subgroup (Appointmentand Removal)- The subgroup discussed preliminary recommendations for the City Assessor and City Auditor Positions; the authority of the Chief Administrative Officer to remove staff hired by Council; and resolution of budget disputes.
- Recommendations:
- City Assessor Position-Align the City Assessor Position with the Financial Portfolio.A recommendationwill be presentedat the July Commission Meeting.
- City Auditor Position - Joint appointment and removal of the City Auditor by City Council and the Mayor because the City Auditor represents the City as an entity and not solely City Council or the Mayor.
- Maintain the current indefinite term of office to provide continuity and eliminate making the City Auditor Position a focus of political patronage.
- Amend the language of Charter Sections 4.02 and 5.03 to settle the dispute concerning the appointment and removal powers of Council and the Chief Administrative Officer.
- Maintain the current budget language of the Charter.
- Council and the Mayor should review City Boards and Commissions including those not in the City Charter.
- Additional Issues:
- Determine the necessity of creating a Definitions Section for Section 4.02.
- Summarize the Subgroup’s recommendations and provide a written report to the Commission.
Douglass’ Subgroup (City Attorney) - The subgroup reviewed the authority of the Mayor and Council to sell and lease real estate on behalf of the City.
- Recommendations:
- Provide the Mayor veto power regarding the lease or sale of City real property.
- Develop a recommendation for succession to the Office of Chief Administrator for proceeding to Circuit Court.
Marsh’s Subgroup (Chief Administrative Officer) - The subgroup further reviewed the appointment of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).
- Recommendations:
- Provide a draft of specific Charter amendments at the July Commission Meeting.
- The Mayor will nominate a Chief Administrative Officer within a specified time and Council will accept or reject the nominee within a specified time.
- Upon disagreement of the Mayor and Council on the Chief Administrative Officer nominee within the specified time, the Circuit Court will select the Chief Administrative Officer.
- Inspector General Position - As outlined in the Charter the Auditor may perform these responsibilities. Correct the technical errors in the Charter without substantive changes.
- Next Step
- Chairman Douglass will informally meet with the Mayor and Council to review recommendations.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 2, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. in the Second Floor Large Conference Room.