Richard W. Malott
Department of Psychology
Kalamazoo, Mi 49008
(269) 387-4481
8971 W. KL Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI49009
(269) 372-1268
Ph.D., ColumbiaUniversity, 1963, Major-psychology.
Dissertation: Schedules of Inter-response Time Reinforcement.
BA, IndianaUniversity, 1958. Major-psychology, minor-mathematics.
Academic Employment Record
Professor. WesternMichiganUniversity, 1973- present.
Associate Professor. Western Michigan University, 1968-1973.
Assistant Professor. Western Michigan University, 1966-1968.
Assistant Professor. DenisonUniversity, 1963-1966.
CroydenAvenueSchool Project. (2003-2004). Contract from KRESA for $59,292.
CroydenAvenueSchool Project. (2002-2003). Contract from KRESA for $59,292.
Professional Awards and Recognition
Outstanding Contribution Award. (2002). New YorkState Association for Behavior Analysis.
Award for Public Service in Behavior Analysis. (2002). Association for Behavior Analysis.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst. (2001). Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award. (August & September, 1988). Department of Psychology, UniversidadCatolica, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award. (May-August, 1984). Department of Psychology, UniversidadSacradode Corozon, LimaPeru.
Croyden Avenue School Autism Project (1995 - present). Gratis
Guest Lecturer
University of SouthFlorida (2001 and 2002)
University of Victoria (2001)
Editing, Refereeing, and Reviewing
Outside reviewing a total of about three articles a year for:
Journal of Organizational Behavior Analysis
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
The Behavior Analyst
Reviewing about one book every three to five years for book publishers.
Recent Supervision of Student Research and Thesis Projects
All of the graduate students were in the Behavior Analysis Program.
PhD Students (2001-2005)
Koji Takeshima. Behavior Analysis, Autism, and Play. 2005/8
Holly Harrison. A Behavior Analysis of Procrastination. 2005/4
Lori Miller. Using Behavioral Systems Analysis to Improve the Placement Service of the Association for Behavior Analysis. 2003/2
Jacalyn Smeltzer. A Behavior Systems Analysis Approach to Designing a High-Impact Knowledge Management System. 2003/1
Sebastien Bosch. Analysis Writing, Evaluating and Revising a Textbook in Behavior Analysis. 2001/3
ElizabethTrojan Suarez. A Behavioral Systems Analysis of Continuous Textbook Quality Improvement. 2001/3.
MA Students (2000-2005)
My MA students do two-semester MA projects, rather than theses. I have supervised 45 MA students since 2000.
BA Students
Recently, I have graduated about two HonorsCollege thesis students and about 15 Departmental thesis students per year.
Other Professional Activities
Council Member: Association for behavior Analysis, 2002 - present
Founder and Co-chair: Teaching Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavior Analysis, 1993 - 1997.
Chair: Education Board of the Association for Behavior Analysis, 1993 - 1997.
Program Chair for the Association for Behavior Analysis, 1978 - 1980.
Secretary-treasure for the Association for Behavior Analysis, 1974 - 1978.[DM1]
Moran, D. J., & Malott, R.W. (2004) Empirically supported educational methods. New York: Academic Press.
Malott, R. W. & Suarez-Trojan, E.W. (2004) Principles of behavior (fifth edition).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Malott, R. W., Malott, M. E., & Trojan, E. W. (2004). Principios elementales del comportamiento (cuarta edicion).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Malott, R. W. & Trojan, E. W. (2000) Instructor's manual with tests and transparency masters for Elementary principles of behavior (fourth edition).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Malott, R.W., Whaley, D. W., Malott, M.E., Sato, M., Sugiyama, N., & Shimamune, S. (1994) Elementary principles of behavior (Japanese edition). Tokyo, Japan.
Whaley, D. L. & Malott, R.W. (1981). Principios elementares do comportamento. Vol. 2 Translators: Maria Amelia Matos, Maria Lucia Ferrara, Cibele Freire Santoro, and Antonio Jayro Motta Fagundes. Sao Paulo: EPU.
Whaley, D. L. & Malott, R.W. (1980). Principios elementares do comportamento. Vol. 1 Translators: Maria Amelia Matos, Maria Lucia Ferrara, Cibele Freire Santoro, and Antonio Jayro Motta Fagundes. Sao Paulo: EPU.
Malott, R. W. and Whaley, D. W. (1976) Psychology.New York: HarpersCollege Press.
Glenn, S. S., Grant, L. Whaley, D. L., & Malott, R. W. (1976) Introduction to the science of psychology. Kalamazoo, MI: Behaviordelia.
General, D., Grant, L., Malott, R.W., and Whaley, D. W. (1976) Introduction to the concepts of psychology. Kalamazoo, MI: Behaviordelia.
Malott, R. W., (1973) Humanistic behaviorism and social psychology. Kalamazoo, MI: Behaviordelia.
Malott, R.W., General, D. A., & Snapper, V. B. (1973) Issues in the analysis of behavior. Kalamazoo, MI: Behaviordelia.
Malott, R.W., (1972) Contingency management in education and other equally exciting places.Kalamazoo, MI: Behaviordelia.
Malott, R.W., (1972) How I learned to relate to my laboratory rat through humanistic behaviorism: A laboratory manual. Kalamazoo, MI: Behaviordelia.
Refereed Publications [1]
Malott, R.W. (2005). Achieving the Positive Life Through Negative Reinforcement. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management.
Malott, R.W. (2005). Autistic Behavior, Behavior Analysis, and the Gene. (2005) The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 20, 31-36.
Malott, R.W. (2005). Autistic Behavior, Behavior Analysis, and the Gene—Part II. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. , 21, 175-179.
Malott, R.W. (2005). Antecedent Control Procedures. In R. S. Drabman & A. M. Gross (Eds.) Encyclopedia of behavior modification and cognitive behavior therapy. Volume Two: Child Clinical Applications.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Malott, R.W. (2005). Self-management. In M.Hersen (Eds.) Encyclopedia of behavior modification and cognitive behavior therapy. Volume One: Adult Clinical Applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Malott, R.W. (2005). Behavioral Systems Analysis and Higher Education.. In W. L. Heward, T. E. Heron, N. A. Neef, S. M. Peterson, D. M. Sainato, G Cartledge, R. Gardner, L. D. Peterson, S. B. Hersh, J. C. Dardig. Focus on behavior analysis in education (pp. 211-236). UpperSaddleRiver, N.J.: Pearson Education.
Malott, R.W. (2004). Autistic Behavior, Behavior Analysis, and the Gene. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 20.
Malott, R.W. (2003). Behavior Analysis and Linguistic Productivity. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 19, 11-18.
Michael, J. & Malott, R.W. (2003). Michael and Malott’s Dialog on Linguistic Productivity. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 19, 115-118.
Malott, R. W. (2003). A Brief History of Behavior Analysis and Autism. Elija Newsletter.
Malott, R. W. (2002). A Commentary on Development, SDs and EOs. Behavioral Development Bulletin. (1), 17-18.
Malott, R. W. (2002). The Founding of ABA. The ABA Newsletter
Malott, R. W. (2002) What OBM Needs is More Jewish Mothers. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 22/2, 71-87.
Malott, R. W. (2002). Trait-based Personality Theory, Ontogenic Behavioral Continuity, and Behavior Analysis Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 22/3, 61-69.
Malott, R. W (2002) Power in Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 22/3, 51-60.
Malott, R. W (2002) Is It Morally Defensible To Use The Developmentally Disabled As Guinea Pigs? Behavior and Social Issues.
Malott, R.W. (2002) My Everyday Jesus Christ. Behavior and Social Issues, 12, 4-8.
Malott, R. W (2002) In Search of Cumulative-Hierarchical Learning. (In preparation. To be submitted to The Analysis of Verbal Behavior).
Malott, R. W (2001) The EO in OBM. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 21/2, 57-65.
Malott, R. W. (2001). Occupational Safety and Response Maintenance: An Alternate View. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 21/1, 85-102.
Malott, R. W (2001) Operant Learning and Selectionism: Risks and Benefits of Seeking Interdisciplinary Parallels Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 24
Malott, R. W. (1999). Saving the World with Behavioral Comunitarianism: LosHorcones. Behavior and Social Issues, 9, 61-68.
Alphabetical rather than reverse chronological listing from here on out.
Bacon, D. L., Fulton, B. J., & Malott, R. W. (1982) Improving staff performance through the use of task checklists. JournalofOrganizationalBehaviorManagement,4, 17-25.
Braam, C., & Malott, R. W. (1991) "I'll do it when the snow melts." The effects of deadlines and delays on rule-governed behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. 8, 67-76.
Dean, M.R., Fulton, B.F., & Malott, R.W. (1983) The effects of self-management on academic performance. Teaching of Psychology, 10, 77-81.
Garcia, M.E., & Malott, R.W. (1988) Una solucion al fenomeno "todo menos tesis y disertacion." Revista Intercontinental de Psicologia y Educacion, 1, 205-216.
Garcia, M.E., Malott, R.W., & Brethower, D. (1988). A system of thesis and dissertation supervision: Helping graduate students succeed. Teaching of Psychology, 15, 186-191.
Heward, W. L., & Malott, R. W. (1995) Introduction: How the happy few might be come the competent many. The Behavior Analyst, 18, 69-71.
Jackson, M. & Malott, R.W. (1944). Helping high-risk black college students. In R. Gardner (ed.) Behavior analysis in education: Focus on measurably superior instruction.Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. 349-363.
Malott, R.W. (1974) A behavioral-systems approach to the design of human services. In D. Harshbarger, & R. F. Maley (Eds.), Behavior analysis and systems analysis: An integrative approach to mental health programs. (pp 319-342). Kalamazoo: Behaviordelia
Malott, R. W. (1983) Skinner sobre los principios relevantes a la conducta gobernada por reglas. In A. Gonzalez, T.E. Cuentas, F. Bellido, C. Portilla, N. Paredes, (Eds.), Psicologia Educativa: Investigacion yaplicaciones (pp. 10-15) Arequipa, Peru: Colegio de Psicologos del Peru, Consejo Directivo, Regional III, 1983.
Malott, R. W. (1984) In search of human perfectibility. In W.l. Heward, T.e. Heron, D.s. Hill, & J. Trap-porter (Eds.) Focus on Behavior Analysis inEducation (pp. 218-245). Columbus: Charles E. Merrill.
Malott, R. W. (1984) Rule-governed behavior, self-management, and the developmentally disabled: A theoretical analysis. Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, 4, 199-209.
Malott, R. W. (1984) The hardware-happiness hype. Journal of OrganizationalBehavior Management, 6, 53-58.
Malott, R. W. (1985) En buesca de la perfectibilidad humana: un enfoque conductual a la educacion superior. T. E. Cuentas (Ed.) I Simposio Peruano de Psicologia del Aprendizahe Aplicada a la Educacion (Articulos Selctos). Agequipa, Peru: Universidad Nacional de San Agustin.
Malott, R. W. (1986). Flight to the laboratory. A. Poling, & R. W. Fuqua (Eds.), Research methods in applied behavior analysis: Issues and applications. (pp. 1-6). New York: Plenum Press.
Malott, R. W. (1986). Self-management, rule-governed behavior, and everyday life. H. W. Reese & L. J. Parrott (Eds.), Behavioral science: Philosophical, methodological, and empirical advances,Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 207-228.
Malott, R. W. (1986) Notes from a Radical Behaviorist, V, Issues 1-8. Department of Psychology, WesternMichiganUniversity, Kalamazoo, MI.
Malott, R. W. (1986-87) Notes from a Radical Behaviorist, VI, Issues 1-7. Department of Psychology, WesternMichiganUniversity, Kalamazoo, MI.
Malott, R.W. (1986) The dangers of literacy. The Western MichiganPsychological Association Newsletter. (May-June), 3.
Malott, R. W. (1987). Can we really apply behavior analysis to everyday life? Contemporary Psychology, 33,141-142.
Malott, R. W. (1988). Rule-governed behavior and behavioral anthropology. The Behavior Analyst,11, 181-203.
Malott, R. W. (1989). The "Behavioral Bulletin Board." The ABA Newsletter, 12-2, 13-14.
Malott, R. W. (1989). Behavioral bulletin board bytes. The ABA Newsletter, 12-3, 10.
Malott, R.W. (1989) The achievement of evasive goals: Control by rules describing contingencies that are not direct-acting. S. C. Hayes (Ed), Rule-governed behavior: Cognition, contingencies, and instructional control (pp. 269-322). New York: Plenum.
Malott, R. W. (1990). Behavioral bulletin board bytes. The ABA Newsletter, 13-1, 7.
Malott, R. W. (1990). Behavioral bulletin board bytes. The ABA Newsletter, 13-2, 15-16.
Malott, R. W. (1991). Comments on Hayes' "A relational control theory of stimulus equivalence." L. J. Hayes & P. Chase (Eds.), Dialogues on verbal behavior(pp. 41-44). Reno, NV: Context Press.
Malott, R. W. (1992). Intro. Psych. Texts as Behavior Mod. Tools. Behavior Analysis Digest.
Malott, R. W. (1992). Can behavior analysis save the world? Contemporary Psychology. 1068-1070, 37.
Malott, R. W. (1992). Language, rule-governed behavior, and cognitivism: On Moerk's integration of Skinner's and Chomsky's approaches to language. Behavior and Social Issues. 2, 33-41.
Malott, R. W. (1992). Should we train applied behavior analysts to be researchers? Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 25, 83-88.
Malott, R. W. (1992). Follow-up commentary on training behavior analysts. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 25, 513-515.
Malott, R. W. (1993). A theory of rule-governed behavior and organizational behavior management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 12, 45-65.
Malott, R. W. (1993, October). The three-contingency model applied to performance management in higher education. Educational Technology, 33, 21-28.
Malott, R. W. (1996). Comments on the dissemination of behavioral technology. Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis, 10, 60-65.
Malott, R. W. (1998). Operant conditioning. In G. Greenberg & M. M. Haraway(Eds.) Encyclopedia of comparative psychology. New York: Garland Publishing.
Malott, R. W. (in press). The three-contingency model applied to staff management in health services. M. Sato, N. Sugiyama, & M. Boyle (Eds.). Theoretical and Applied Issues of Behavior Analysis. Tokyo: Niheisha.
Malott, R. W. (1997). A Behavior-analytic View of Sexuality, Transsexuality, Homosexuality, and Heterosexuality. Behavior and Social Issues.6, 127-140.
Malott, R. W. (1998). Performance management and welfare reform: The three-contingency model of performance management applied to welfare reform. Behavior and Social Issues, 8, 109-140.
Malott, R. W. (1998). A reply to reforming welfare reform. Behavior and Social Issues, 8, 149-152.
Malott, R. W. (1999). Comments on the Learn Unit. The Behavior Analyst, 22, 43.-46.
Malott, R.W. (1999). Quality Assurance: A Serious Threat to ABA on Its 25th Anniversary. Balance Newsletter.
Malott, R.W. (1999). Conceptual Behavior Analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management.19/3, 75-81.
Malott, R. W. (Into the Void). A Behavioral Analysis of Traffic Safety. Human Behavior and Traffic Safety.
Malott, R.W.Garcia, M.E. (1986). Basic behavioral contingencies, rule-governed behavior, and a request. The ABA Newsletter.
Malott, R.W.Garcia, M.E. (1987). A goal directed model approach for the design of human performance systems. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 9, 125-159.
Malott, R. W. & Garcia, M. E. (1991). The role of private events in rule-governed behavior. L. J. Hayes & P. Chase (Eds.), Dialogues on verbal behavior(pp. 237-254). Reno, NV: Context Press.
Malott, R. W., Garmendia, J. A., & Griesser, R. B. (1992). Un modelo alternativo de estudios universitarios: En torno al diseno y la adecuacion de planes. Estudios de Ciencias y Letras. 21, 3-8.
Malott, R. W., Malott, M. E., & Shimamune, S. (1993). Comments on rule-governed behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 12, 91-101.
Malott, R. W., Shimamune, S., & Malott, M.E. (1993). Rule-governed behavior and organizational behavior management: An analysis of interventions. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 12, 103-116.
Malott, R.W., Vunovich, P.L.Boettcher, W. & Groeger, C. (1995). Saving the world by teaching behavior analysis: A behavioral-systems approach. The Behavior Analyst, 18, 341-356.
Miller, J.M., Goodyear-Orwat, A., & Malott, R.W. (1996). The effects of intensive, extensive, structured study on GRE scores. Journal of Behavioral Education 6(4): 369-379.
Pratt, H. D., & Malott, R. W. (1989). Staff management and system evaluation in an inpatient psychiatric ward: The first step toward reform through accountability (Part I). Behavior Management Quarterly, 5, 33-47.
Rogers, L. & Malott, R. W (1982) A comparison of behavioral incentive systems in a job search program. Journal of Organizational Behaviior Management, 4,5-25.
Shimamune, S., & Malott, R.W. (1994). An analysis of concept learning: Simple conceptual control and definition-based conceptual control. The analysis of Verbal Behavior 12, 67-78.
Welsh, T.M., Malott, R.W., & Kent, H.M. (1980) The use of behavioral contracting to eliminate procrastination in a PSI course. Journal of Personalized Instruction, 4, 103.
Yaber, G.E. & Malott, R.W. (1993). Computer- fluency training: A resource for higher education. Education and Teaching of Children, 16, 306-315.
Non-refereed Publications
Malott, R. W.. Notes from a Radical Behaviorist. This is a column appearing in The ABA Newsletter:
a. (1989). ABA, 1989.12-2, 5-6.
b. (1989). "May I ask some rhetorical questions?" he asked, rhetorically. 12-3, 7-8.
c. (1990). "May I ask some more rhetorical questions?" he continued to ask, rhetorically. 13-1, 5-6.
d. (1990). Can we build a world free of aversive control? 13-2, 10.
e. (1991) Should speakers read their talks? 14-1, 12. rule-governed
f. (1991) Gaps and confusions. 14-2, 5.
g. (1991) Can the dead man's test change reinforcement to punishment? 14-3, 9-10.
h. (1991) Reader's reaction: Attack of the single factor theorists. 14-4, 8-9
i. (1992). Saving the world with contingency diagramming. 15-1, 45.
j. (1992). The three-contingency model of performance management. 15-2, 6.
k. (1992). Commitment vs. adherence and cognitivism vs. behaviorism. 15-3, 19.
l. (1992). Notes from a radical behaviorist: Religion, communism, and performance management. 15-4, 9.
m. (1993) I'll stop procrastinating when I get around to it. 16-2, 11.
n. (1993). Why Johnny can imitate. 16-4, 12.
o. (1993). Why we fail to train expert behavior analysts. 17-1, 48.
p. Schizophrenia and a behavioral world view. 17-2, 11.
q. From the tabula rasa to murder, massacre, and genocide.
Malott, R. W.. Notes from a Radical Behaviorist. This is a column appearing in WesternMichiganUniversity's The Faculty Development News.
a. (1993). Structured seminars. 2-5, 7.
b. 1993). A failure to communicate. 2-6, 2.
c. (1993) Souls adrift. 3-1, 7.
d. (1994). Why we fail to train experts. (This is a reprint from of the essay published in the ABA Newsletter.) 3-3.
e. ( 1994). How can we help our students survive the GRE's?
Malott, R. W. (editor) EPB News: Elementary Principles of Behavior Users Group
a. Shimamune, S. & Malott, R. W. (1994) Questions and comments about Elementary Principles of Behavior. 1-2.
Malott, R. W. (editor) TBA News: Teaching Behavior Analysis Special-Interest Group
a. Malott, R. W., & Yaber, G. E. (1993). Using contingency diagramming to teach behavior analysis. 1-1,
Professional Presentations
1. Benz,M.,Garcia,M. E., & Malott,R. W.,Increasing international behaviorist participation at the ABA conventionthrough invitations. Poster. Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.
2. Bergsteinsson, I. & Malott, R. W. Flashcard fluency training with behavioral terminology. Poster presented at the meeting of the
a. Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA. (May, 1994).
b. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI. (March, 1994).
3. Boettcher, W M. & Malott, R. W. (May, 1994). Using research-derived techniques to achieve concept fluency. Poster presented at the meeting of the
a. Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA.
b. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI. (March, 1994).
4. Braam,C.,Malott,R. W.(1985,May). Rule-governed behavior in preschool-aged children. Poster. Association for Behavior Analysis, Columbus, OH.
5. Christensen, D., Greenway, D. Yaber, G. E. & Malott, R. W. (May, 1993). Fluency training with behavioral terminology: A comparison between flashcards and Think Fast. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Chicago, IL.
6. Dorset, B., Friewyck, B., Taiariol, J. & Malott, R. W. Increasing test performance with open study sessions. Poster presented at the meeting of the
a. Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA. (May, 1994).
b. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI. (March, 1994).
7. Foss, E. M. & Malott, R. W. (May, 1994). Using model examples to facilitate concept mastery Poster presented at the meeting of the
a. Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA. (May, 1994).
b. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI. (March, 1994).
8. Frieswyk, B., Hayes, M., Yaber, G. E. & Malott, R. W. (May, 1993). Computer-based fluency training with behavioral terminology: Training mode and performance.. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Chicago, IL
9. Frieswyk, Taiariol, J. & Malott, R. W. Combining response cards and learn units. Poster presented at the meeting of the
a. Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA. (May, 1994).
b. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI. (March, 1994).
10. Garcia, M. E., & Malott, R. W. (1989, May). How to have the perfect sabbatical, avoid income taxes, and travel around the world: A multimedia presentation. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee.
11. Garcia, M. E., & Malott, R. W. (1987, May). The "all but thesis" syndrome: Helping students to complete their theses and dissertations. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville,tn.
12. Garcia, M. E. & Malott, R. W. (1987, March). Helping students complete their theses and dissertations. Paper presented at the meeting of the Northern California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Mateo, CA.
13. Garcia, M. E. & Malott, R. W. (1987, March). Helping students complete their theses and dissertations. Paper presented at the meeting of the Northern California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Mateo, CA.
14. Goodyear-Orwat, A. E. & Malott, R. W. Helping psychology students pass the GRE.
a. (May, 1994). In W. S. Wood (chair) Teaching Behavior Analysis: Using instructional technology and conceptual frameworks. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA.
b. (March, 1994). Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI.
15. Groeger, C. & Malott, R. W. (May, 1996). The Teaching Behavior Analysis SIG. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International, San Francisco, CA.
16. Honeywell, J. A., Shimamune, S., & Malott, R. W. (May, 1992). The effects of deadlines on the return rate of mailed questionnaires. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International, San Francisco, CA.
17. Johnson, L. A. & Malott, R. W. (May, 1994). Teaching a strategy for the analysis of behavioral contingencies. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International, Atlanta, GA.
18. LaFleur, T. & Malott, R. W. Using a Structured Seminar to Teach Applied Behavior Analysis
a. (March, 1996). Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI.
b. (May, 1996). Association for Behavior Analysis: International, San Francisco, CA.
19. Malott. R. W. (1985, May). The following three presentations were in R. W. Malott (Chair), Behavioralsystems analysis applied to higher education. A group poster session. (Association for Behavior Analysis, Columbus, OH, May, 1985.