Richard MerkinMiddle School A.S.B Code of Conduct
I, the undersigned, solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will abide by the following Code of Conduct set forth by Richard Merkin College-Ready Middle School. As an ASB member I have the honor and responsibility of being a leader to my classmates and community. I am a role model and I must demonstrate a positive attitude towards teachers, students, and myself. It is important for me as a leader to demonstrate good leadership, be involved, be helpful and of course represent the six character pillars.
- Academic:
- I will maintain at least a 2.75 GPA (“C Average”) as a General Member
- I will maintain at least a 3.00 GPA (“B Average”) as an Officer
- I will not fail any of my classes
- If I receive less than a 2.75/3.00 GPA during a semester, I understand that there will be consequences and limitations to my involvement in ASB. Receiving less than 2.75/3.00 could be cause for removal from office/ ASB membership.
- In case I’m in danger of failing any course, I will find help (tutoring) and raise it up.
- I understand that ASB is important and needs my attention, but I will not leave my classes aside or unattended.
- Behavior:
- I understand that as an ASB representative, I must model excellence in my behavior and will abide by ALLRichard Merkin College-Ready MiddleSchool rules/policies as stated in the Student Handbook.
- I understand that not following rules/policies will result in limitations to my involvement in ASB responsibilities or removal from ASB.
- I understand that receiving a referral will result in limitations to my involvement in ASB responsibilities or removal from ASB.
- I understand that if I am suspended from Richard Merkin Middle School, I will be immediately removed from ASB for the remainder of the school year.
- I will always maintain a positive attitude towards others and myself.
- I will cooperate with the ASB and all of its members.
- I will always have something positive and respectful to say, if not I will keep negative comments to myself.
- I will work attentively and cheerfully with others.
- I will respect others and myself at all times!
- Responsibilities:
- I will uphold the ASB constitution and my oath of office.
- I will not abuse my membership/office position.
- I will not abuse any of my privileges.
- I understand that, regardless of my position, I will be assigned various tasks that deal with all aspects of ASB.
- I understand that I will be assigned work tasks at all ASB functions and that it is my responsibility to work at everyASB event.
- I understand that I am expected to set up and clean up after all ASB activities.
- I understand that being an ASB member is a huge time commitment. I am prepared to work before school, lunch, after school, and some evenings to fulfill my duties.
- I understand that I will be assigned tasks by the ASB President or Advisor.
- As an ASB officer, I will attend all ASB meetings.
- As a member of ASB, I will attend all ASB activities.
- If I miss more than two ASB events, I will be removed from ASB.
- Failure to work at every ASB event will result in limitations to my involvement in ASB responsibilities.
- I know I must be prepared for all activities and events held by the ASB group.
- I must be aware of all events/activities and must come prepared to class.
- Any ASB member who “drops out” before the end of the school term, will not be eligible to run for another office the following year.
I, (print name) ______understand that I must work hard, cooperate and follow this code of conduct in order to be part of ASB/Class Office. Breaking any of these rules my lead to consequences such as limitations to my responsibilities, loss of office position, or expulsion from ASB/Class.
Student’s signature/Date Parent’s signature/Date