Lesson 9 -January 20, 2017



I.  2nd, 3rd, 4th

a.  IR Time (10 min)

b.  Survivor Challenge-Push up

c.  Writing Assignment#1-Writing about writing.

i.  Workshop finish

ii. Citations, Works Cited page

1.  Step-by-step walk through

2.  Instructional Videos on Google Classroom

iii.  Elaboration exercise: The case

1.  Students generate scenario (weapon, location, item of clothing)

2.  Working with “legal team”, outline the case in one paragraph

a.  Present the evidence (what is it?)

b.  Elaborate (what it means, why it matters?)

c.  Share with class.

3.  Help students see the connection. When we write essays, we want our reader to see the evidence and understand why it’s being used, what its connection is with the idea in the paragraph. Needs to be thorough so that the “case” is proven.

d.  Homework: Read Social Media texts.

Three Ways Social Media is Ruining Your Relationships

Dr. Emma Seppala

Social media has completely transformed the experience of travel. Not just because dodging selfie sticks makes navigating tourist attractions harder but because tourists no longer even look at the monuments, piazzas, or works of art anymore. Instead, they turn their backs and look at themselves on a screen.

Theexperienceof art and history has been replaced with the experience of a digital representation of those things. We spend more time thinking about how other people will perceive our adventures than actually having them.

These days,the urge to check social media is stronger than the urge for sex. Both are driven by a need to connect. After food and shelter, our need to belong and feel positively connected to others is arguably the number one predictor of well-being, happiness, health, and even longevity.

Trying to connect in this way, though, is actually counterproductive. Here are three ways virtual connection is ruining your real-life relationships:

1. You've lost the moment.

What are you doing on social media? Sharing moments. Moments of joy, of friendship, humor, and beauty. Ironically, by engaging with social media, you lose the moment. In your quest to connect virtually, you disconnect from your reality and the people in it.

You lose the experience of happiness in the process of trying to refine your smile for public consumption. Your attachment to positive reinforcement through likes and comments will keep you detached.

We're happiest when our mind is in the present moment — not when it’s wandering off somewhere. Truly savoring a positive experience — i.e., immersing yourself fully it —enhances the experience and the happiness you derive from that experience. When you pull out that selfie stick, you’ve lost it. You’ve effectively pressed pause on the moment you are about to celebrate virtually.

2. It is addictive and self-absorbing.

Instead of deriving pleasure from your experience and the people around you, you seek it (along with validation) from your phone.Your brain’s pleasure centers also respond positively to novelty, which social media offers in a constant stream of new interactions, new posts, and new pictures every second.

Ironically, a tool to connect you with others makes you feel you isolated and obsessed over the appearance you're making, the responses you’re getting, the impressions you are giving(Was what I wrote OK? How come there aren’t more likes?).Authentically connecting with others has numerous benefits.Self-focus, on the other hand, is associated with anxiety and depression.

Instead of deriving pleasure from your vacation, your device becomes your main source of pleasure. Unwittingly, however, it makes you less connected and more narcissistic. With that comes a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows caused by obsessive attention-seeking.

3. It's actually harmful to relationships.

One study showed that themere presence of a cellphone when two people are talking interferes with feelings of closeness, connection, and communication.We are profoundly social creatures wired to connect with others. We are exquisitely fine-tuned to understand people by internalizing the minutest changes in their body language and faces.

We automatically mirror and mimic these movements, creating a sense of understanding toward the feelings of others. This is why you cringe when you see someone fall on the street or why you feel sad when you see someone’s eyes filling with tears.

If devices constantly interfere with your conversations, you undermine your ability to connect with others. You miss the flicker of emotion in your child’s eye, the look of exasperation in your partner, or the attempt of a friend to share something meaningful with you. In theory, social media is meant to connect us, but in reality, it acts as a barrier.

It’s fairly simple: Our impulse to broadcast our lives makes us miss out on them. So for your next vacation, leave your selfie stick at home, take your social media apps off your smartphone, and lose yourself in the travel experience. You might actually do something worth writing home about.


7 Ways Facebook Can Ruin Your Relationship

Brittany Wong

Sure, Facebook makes connecting with new and old friends around the world easier than ever— but it also makes it easier to disconnectfrom the person that matters most: your spouse.

Psychologist John Grohol, the CEO and founder ofPsych Central, sees this happen all the time.

“Readily available communication on Facebook leads people to pursue temptation or engage in risky behaviors,” Grohol told The Huffington Post. “Facebook makes it easy to engage in less inhibited communication — which can lead to taking risks we wouldn’t ordinarily take in our everyday life.”

Below, Grohol and other relationship experts share different ways Facebook drives a wedge between couples— and how to avoid the issues in your own relationship.

1. Watching other couples’ PDA on Facebook makes some feel inadequate about their own relationships.

“Several clients have told me, ‘I’ve had to get off Facebook. It makes me crazy.’ They are struggling with the idealized view of others’ lives as portrayed in cheerful, perfect-looking posts on Facebook. Even before social media, keeping up with the Joneseshas never been healthy for couples. It’s an unobtainable and superficial goal.” —Margaret Rutherford, a clinical psychologist based in Fayetteville, Arkansas

2. Oversharing on Facebook can cause major arguments.

“Sharing too much can be a problem. One of my clients, Carolyn, had been working really hard. One spring morning, she and her husband Thomas decided she’d call in sick to work so they could take the kids to the zoo. As she was scrolling Facebook later in the day, she saw that Thomas had posted a photo of them in front of the elephant house. She was enraged! She felt betrayed. He felt like she was overreacting — none of her work colleagues (at least not ones who’d care) are even friends on Facebook. Thomas apologized. Even though he didn’t intend to hurt or betray her, he could see the impact of his choice was hurting her.They used this fight as an opportunity to talk about differences between the two of them in their social media usage: Why did posting family pictures at the zoo feel important to Thomas? What was the meaning to him? What would it have felt like to just let it be their day — unposted, unliked, uncommented on? They also talked about Carolyn’s resistance to social media. Certainly, she didn’t want her zoo trip on Facebook because she was playing hooky, but as they learned, this was a deeper and longer-standing resistance for her.” —Alexandra Solomon,psychologist and author of Brave, Deep, Intimate: 20 Lessons to Get You Ready for the Love of a Lifetime

3. Couples check Facebook instead of checking in on each other.

“One of the issues I see come up most often is when one partner feels neglected because the other partner is on their phone checking out Facebook whenever they’re together. When I have clients express this concern, I encourage them to talk about it openly with their partner. I coach them on how to share their feelings using ‘I’ statements and to directly state if they are feeling ‘upset’ or ‘neglected.’ More often then not, talking about it openly and making little shifts in how the concerns are communicated makes a huge difference.” —Jennifer Twardowski, a self and relationship coach.

4. Family and friends who continue to interact with exes can drive a wedge between couples.

“Divorce and remarriage have long invited questions and challenges regarding boundaries and loyalties, but Facebook forces individuals, couples, and entire families to face brand new dilemmas. My clients Rick and Sarah were married for 10 years. They recently divorced and Rick is now married to Lynne. Rick’s family and friends had not yet unfriended Sarah, so when one of them commented on Sarah’s photos or posts, it was like a knife in Lynne’s heart. She wondered if she’d ever belong in this new family. Rick felt caught. He tried to comfort Lynne — of course his family loves her, but they’d known Sarah for years. Lynne felt insecure in this community and mad at Rick for sticking up for Sarah. So Rick reached out to his family and friends. Rick’s family and friends reacted differently — some were upset at him for the request. There are no easy answers here, but I would invite all of the players to identify the tension and connect with the feelings stirred up as they sit with the dilemma.” —Alexandra Solomon

5. Friend requests from old flames can lead to affairs.

“Amy, a client of mine, was happily married for over eight years. She accepted a friend request on Facebook from an old love, Joe, thinking it would be harmless fun to catch up with him and see what was going on in his life. Amy started messaging him through Facebook and the more they talked, the more they also began to flirt. Flirting made her feel special and a little reckless, two things that were missing from her predictable marriage. It started off harmless enough, but over time, it started to get more and more serious. Finally Amy decided to meet up with Joe for a drink. That bad decision led to another — to sleep with him. She instantly regretted what she had done and went home wracked by guilt and shame. Should she tell her husband? Amy decided against it, thinking it would be a one-time thing. However, the next day she was back on Facebook, messaging Joe and planning the next time they’d see each other. Each time she did it, she felt more and more guilty. Eventually Amy’s husband found out about the affair and they were forced to have a long talk about what to do about their marriage and future together. As this example shows, in a marriage, you have to keep connected with your partner and limit your flirting -– especially with your exes —on messaging apps or social media sites like Facebook. Doing so will reduce unnecessary temptation.” —John M. Grohol, researcher, author and CEO and founder ofPsychCentral.com.

6. And after infidelity, the site makes affair recovery even more challenging.

“I have been shocked at the sleuthing some spurned spouses are able to accomplish.Facebook makes it extremely difficult for couples to recover from an affair even when it is being used innocently; the site itself triggers suspicion, pain and bad memories in the betrayed.”—Amanda Deverich, a marriage and family therapist based inWilliamsburg, Virginia

7. Checking Facebook before bed can put a damper on intimacy and affect sleep.

“If you’re chronically surfing Facebook when you could be going to bed with your partner, it can damage your relationship. Not only are you on your computer screen when your partner might be interested in relationship-enhancing conversation, physical intimacy, or a cuddle, you are likely tinkering with your natural sleep cues that could leave you sleep deprived. As I’ve told clients, avoid social media (and screens) at least one hour before bed in order to help you get the best sleep possible and so you can engage with your partner instead. Keep the bedroom a screen-free zone.” —Alicia H. Clark, licensed psychologist based in Washington, D.C.
