RI-Milan Booster Club Minutes from the May 8, 2014 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Kevin Guthrie. We had a thank you from the Head Start program for our support of the banquet. We had no guests

The minutes from the April meeting were read, there were no changes or additions. Dave Rockwell made a motion to accept the minutes, 2nd by Roger Lodge, and they were accepted.

Rock Shop: Dave noted that he gave Rock Shop items for Longfellow and Denkman for their frolics, plus he gave items for the Night of 1,000 Dreams. He has a lot of inventory left to start next year off.

Concessions: Kevin said he was asked to do concessions for the Alleman/Rocky alumni football game on June 21st, he told them most of our equipment was down but he would try to do hot dogs and pork chops.

Treasurers Report: As with last month, the Report was short as it has been a quiet month. Bob DeVrieze made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report, 2nd by Roger, and the motion carried.

Old Business:

There was discussion about the proposed electric sign at the high school, Bob Swanson has a letter prepared to go to Dr. Oberhaus and Dave will present our position to the School Board, essentially our position is we will foot most of the bill but expect help from Development and the District. Dave recommended we authorize the officers to secure a $25,000 loan, after discussion and clear agreement by all present he formally made a motion to do this, 2nd by Bob D. The motion was approved.

Dave said the Headstart banquet was was a huge success; many participants thanked him for our support, and it really was a nice affair. We did get a $500 donation from the Rotary Club, our portion of the bill was $2,203. There was discussion about getting something in the paper about this to give us some recognition; Dave will talk to Holly Sparkman about that.

Roger made a motion, 2nd by Bob D, that the Boosters repay Kevin for his purchase of the skybox at the Night of 1,000 Dreams. The charge was $300 and we will give the skybox to the guys from Midwest Construction for their support to us. The motion passed.

New Business:

We have candidates for all scholarships so they all will be awarded. Kevin, Randy Slusser and Don Wentler were chosen as the scholarship committee.

After many years of dedicated service, Doug Hall announced tonight he won’t be able to do concessions. It simply has become too physically taxing for him to do it. Kevin thanked him and urged him to still stay in the Boosters and come to the monthly meetings.

Roger made a motion to adjourn the May meeting, 2nd by Doug. The motion was accepted.