RHS Weekly Lesson Plan Essentials of Health
Dates / 3-2-15Monday / 3-3-15
Tuesday / 3-4-15
Wednesday / 3-5-15
Thursday / 3-6-15
Standard / HS-EHS-6-Locate and identify the types of muscles in the muscular system. / HS-EHS-6-Locate and identify the types of muscles in the muscular system. / HS-EHS-6-Locate and identify the types of muscles in the muscular system. / HS-EHS-6-Locate and identify the types of muscles in the muscular system. / HS-EHS-6-Locate and identify the types of muscles in the muscular system.
Essential Question/
Key Question / Name and locate the major muscles in the body.
Name and locate two muscle injection sites.
What are the causes, symptoms and treatments of specific muscle diseases? / Name and locate the major muscles in the body.
Name and locate two muscle injection sites.
What are the causes, symptoms and treatments of specific muscle diseases? / Name and locate the major muscles in the body.
Name and locate two muscle injection sites.
What are the causes, symptoms and treatments of specific muscle diseases? / Name and locate the major muscles in the body.
Name and locate two muscle injection sites.
What are the causes, symptoms and treatments of specific muscle diseases? / Name and locate the major muscles in the body.
Name and locate two muscle injection sites.
What are the causes, symptoms and treatments of specific muscle diseases?
Lesson Opener / Use Quizlet to write down #24 abbreviations.
Turn into Mrs. Wood when finished / Use Quizlet to practice #23& 24 abbreviations. / .Use Quizlet to practice #23 & 24 abbreviations.
Test Tomorrow! / Use Quizlet to study #23 & 24 abbreviations.
Test Today! / Study for Muscular System Test.
- Answer the following question on Today’s Meet: : Name a muscle in your leg that is common for cramps
- .Discuss answers
Major Muscles in our body and most common muscle diseases and injection sites.
- Nearpod presentation-will include activities, quizzes and worksheets, skills lab.
- Teacher to give Nearpod code.
- Answer the following question on Today’s Meet: What is the difference between a strain and a sprain?
- Discuss answers
Major Muscles in our body and most common muscle diseases and injection sites.
- Nearpod presentation-will include activities, quizzes and worksheets, skills lab.
- Teacher to give Nearpod code.
- Answer the following question on Today’s Meet: What muscle disease deals with involuntary muscles?
- Discuss answers
- Complete Review Worksheet for Major Muscles in our body and most common muscle diseases and injection sites.
- Nearpod presentation and Quizlet for reference while completing worksheet.
- Teacher to give Nearpod code.
- Abbreviation Test #23 & 24
- Answer the following question on Today’s Meet-What area of the muscular system do you need to review most?
- Review for Muscular System Test.
- Go over Review sheet,
- Play Kahoot
- Practice with Quizlet.
- Look over Nearpod presentation-teacher to give Nearpod homework code.
- Muscular System Test
- Answer the following question on Todays Meet-What is the importance of the muscular system?
- Discuss Answers.
Lesson Summary / Nearpod activities, quizzes and worksheets. / Nearpod activities, quizzes and worksheets. / Question and Answer session about review worksheet / Nearpod activities, quizzes and worksheets.Kahoot, Quizlet / Quick review before Muscular System Test.
Evaluation / Nearpod activities, quizzes and worksheets, skills lab / Nearpod activities, quizzes and worksheets, skills lab / Review worksheet progress / Kahooot, Quizlet results and review worksheet answers. / Test review and Muscular System Test
Materials Needed / iPad / iPad / iPad, Muscular System review worksheet. / iPad,Muscular System Review Worksheet. / iPad