RHRA Board Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2011

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Bear Creek Services Meeting Room

Attendees:Travis Wilson, Jenny O’Marro, Lisa Anderson, Mel Fontaine, Emmy McCoy, Abbey Hellickson, Lisa Rogich, Judy Rud, Dave Wheeler

Agenda Topic:Review and Approval of March Board Meeting Minutes

One correction noted: Agenda topic reflected Review and Approval of January Board Minutes. Correction was made to change January to February.

Judymotioned to approve the March Board meeting minutes. Jennyseconded. Motion approved.

Agenda Topic:Old Business/Round Table

April 21st Business Expo:

RHRA has a booth at the Expo. Set up time is between 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m. Travis will create sign-up sheet for board members to sign up to be at the booth.

Monthly Meeting Venue:

The RHRA monthly meeting will be moved to La Quinta hotel. Hotel charge for lunch buffet is $7.95 and includes salad, sandwiches, soup, pizza, chef’s choice of hot items, and dessert. The meal does not include beverages other than water. Room rental is $75.00 per meeting day.

Meeting During Summer Months:

Travis motioned to hold membership meetings during the summer months. Emmy seconded. Motion approved.

Abbey motioned to start holding the meeting at La Quinta hotel contingent on room availability. Mel seconded. Motion approved. Emmy will contact La Quinta to find out room availability.

Agenda Topic:Treasurer’s Report and Discussion of Pending Issues or Topics

Current balance: $ 6,648.97 with $50.00 in petty cash

Outstanding invoices:$ 15.00

Scholarship funds available:$3,000 for 2011

Gift card:Jenny will purchase 3 $5.00 gift cards for

the monthly membership drawing

Agenda Topic:College Relations Update and Discussion of Pending Issues or Topics

None at this time.

Agenda Topic:Legislative Update and Discussion of Pending Issues or Topics

Budget issues: State and Federal

Agenda Topic:Membership Update and Discussion of Pending Issues or Topics

New member application: Callie Meyer

Travis motioned to approve. Abbey seconded. Motion approved.

New member application: Robin Stricke (student member)

Travis motioned to approve. Lisa R. seconded. Motion approved.

Current RHRA members: 123 of which 2 are student members

Agenda Topic:Certification Update and Discussion of Pending Issues or Topics

None at this time.

Agenda Topic:Newsletter Update and Discussion of Pending Issues or Topics

None at this time.

Agenda Topic:New Business and Discussion

Conference Calls Tracking Form:

Mel continues to maintain the 2011 SHRM presentations of webinars and conference calls spreadsheet. Attendance to this event should be communicated to her.

Board Positions:

The board is currently recruiting RHRA members for the following positions: President, President-Elect, and Secretary.

Other Discussion/s:

Judymotioned to adjourn the meeting. Daveseconded.

The next RHRA Board Meeting is scheduled for May 10th from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Bear Creek Services Conference Room.