Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Older Persons Grant
Grant Application Guidelines
Older Persons Grant 2016 – 17
What is the Older Persons Grant?
The Older Persons Grant has been purposely set up for community organisations/groups based in Rhondda Cynon Taf working with people aged 50 and over. This Grant enables organisations/groups to apply for a grant that meets one or more of the objectives set out in the Eligible Projects.
This £20,000 Grant will be managed by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.
Who can apply?
Community organisations/groups must demonstrate that their goals will benefit groups living in Rhondda Cynon Taf. Groups/organisation can apply for a grant providing they:
1. Are a not for profit group
2. Have a constitution
3. Have a Bank or Building Society Account with at least two signatories
4. Have a recent Annual Accounts or Statement of Income and Expenditure (audited or signed as approved by a senior person from the group)
You will be required to submit copies detailed in 2 to 4 above.
If you are a new group, then you will be required to submit an estimate of expenditure.
Eligible Projects
All projects submitted to the Older Persons Grant must be based in Rhondda Cynon Taf and benefit residents aged over 50. Projects must address one or more of the following themes:
· Age Friendly Communities
Age-Friendly Communities will meet the needs of older people, and people of all ages, in each individual community by responding directly to their needs. Such communities will encourage and enable older people to engage with their surroundings and continue to engage socially within those communities, thereby maintaining their health, independence and wellbeing.
Example: Intergenerational working is a way of improving communication and relations between people of different ages. Intergenerational working encourages different generations to recognise each other’s values through meaningful activities undertaken together.
A working example is a good neighbour initiative to encourage mixing and cohesion amongst tenants of a housing scheme, to celebrate the diverse range of people, ages, and backgrounds of those living in the local scheme. Students from a local School could be invited by the residents who would host the event. There could be quizzes with teams off all ages. This could start a relationship in communities that will carryon on a timely basis.
An Intergenerational Forum of Secondary School and Older People come together to discuss issues of a mutual interest.
Craft and Chat sessions would encourage communication amongst the groups, increase participation, skills swaps and build new friendships.
Drama workshops with a mixed age a group.
Collecting, presenting and learning of local history to explore the history of a village with local school children.
Intergenerational Awareness Session focusing on the development of intergenerational practice as a catalyst for change; to support community groups, managers, practitioners and volunteers to develop stronger and more resilient communities. Highlight the importance and benefits of intergenerational working. The sessions could encourage active debate regarding the impact intergenerational practise can have towards breaking down barriers, harnessing skill and challenging perceptions.
· Dementia Supportive Communities
A dementia supportive community is any community that shows a high level of public awareness and understanding of dementia. Such communities are more inclusive of people with dementia, and improve their ability to remain independent and have a voice, choice and control over their lives.
Example: Raise awareness and understanding amongst a community, which could be through activities that are appropriate to the need of people with dementia. An example could be a cooking class.
Working in partnership with Alzheimer’s Society, a Dementia Cafe could create an opportunity for people with dementia and their carers to meet regularly in an informal setting. This could reduce social isolation and stigma.
A choir for people living with dementia and the people who care for them. They could meet weekly, singing and socialising for an hour. This could demonstrate that it is possible to live well with dementia.
· Falls Prevention
Falls prevention is a key issue in the improvement of health and wellbeing amongst older people. Falls are a major cause of disability and death in older people in Wales, and result in significant human costs in terms of pain, loss of confidence and independence.
Example: Low impact exercise session in Tai Chi or Chair Based Exercise.
· Loneliness and Isolation
Loneliness and isolation are cross-cutting issues that seriously impact on the healthand wellbeing of older people. Lonelinessalso has a much wider public health impact too, as it is associated with a number ofnegative health outcomes including mortality, morbidity, depression and suicide aswell as health service use. More than 75% of women and a third ofmen over the age of 65 live alone. Without the means to leave their homes, or withfewer visits from community workers and service providers, an increasing number ofolder people will feel lonely and isolated resulting in damaging effects to their mentalhealth.
Example: Sustainable Luncheon club that could be a Group that brings a friend to a lunch.
· Opportunities for Learning & Employment
Older people have a wealth of knowledge and experience which is currently underappreciated and undervalued in the workplace. It is good for the individual, the community and the economy for older people to be engaged in some form of employment, education or training. Learning for older people has a range of benefits, such as:
· Promoting full economic and societal participation / · Contributing towards personal wellbeing and fulfilment· Supporting creativity and innovation / · Increasing efficiency as workers or volunteers.
With the economic downturn affecting the traditional models of retirement, older people must be able to access new learning and employment opportunities to remain in or re-enter the labour market.
For other older people who are able to retire when they choose, access to learning is a key factor in maintaining their wellbeing. Learning and skills development in this context includes financial and digital inclusion, helping older people to become more resilient in later life.
Example: Commission classes that are bespoke for older people i.e. Art Classes, I.T., creative writing, digital stories, etc.
A grant of up to £500 - £1,000 will be available through this scheme.
Costs for work already undertaken or equipment that has been purchased prior to a formal grant offer, are ineligible from this fund and should not be included in any application you may wish to make.
Grants are for Revenue costs only.
Your project can start anytime following receipt of the grant.
You must be able to spend the grant before 31st March 2017.
How are applications to the Older Persons Grant assessed?
Applications will be assessed by a panel comprising of representatives from:
· 3 Paid Senior Officers from across the Authority
They will use a scoring system against each question.
How are successful applications to the Older Persons Grant monitored?
The panel may undertake monitoring visits during the lifespan of the project.
Successful applicants will be expected to maintain records in relation to qualitative and quantitative information, based on agreed performance indicators and using an outcomes framework.
Expenditure in relation to the project must be documented and all copies of invoices and receipts must be submitted.
What help is available to assist in putting together an Older Persons Grant application?
The Strategy for Older People Co-ordinator in Rhondda Cynon Taf is available to provide advice in terms of discussing project ideas and completing the application form. However, this Officer will not complete the application for you.
Applications for Round 1 must be submitted in printed format before 4pm on Friday 22nd July 2016 to:
Rhian Webber
Strategy for Older People Co-ordinator
C/o Administrative Team
Public Health & Protection
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Ty Elai
Dinas Isaf East
CF40 1NY
For further information, please contact Rhian Webber 01443 744847
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Older Persons Grant
Application Form 2016 - 2017
Name of Organisation:Organisations Address & Postcode:
Contact Name:
Project Name:
2.1 Where will the project take place (please tick all that apply) / Rhondda [ ] Cynon [ ] Taff Ely [ ]2.2 Is this a new project? (Please tick) / Yes [ ] No [ ]
2.3 Can your project start before or on the 1st August 2016? / Yes [ ] No [ ]
2.4 Please briefly describe your project, telling us your aims, what you plan to do and what you plan to spend the grant on (Max 250 Words)
2.5 Please state which of the themes within The Older Persons Grant Scheme your project Supports (as outlined in the Grant Application Guidelines – Eligible Projects)
2.6 Please list the main intended outcomes of the project (Max 250 Words)
2.7 Tell us how you will monitor the anticipated outcomes of your project (Max 250 Words)
2.8 How long will the project run?
2.9 Will the project be sustainable? I.e. if your project is a Luncheon Club, how much will you charge to carryon once the fund has ended?
2.10 How many people will benefit from the project?
2.11 How many volunteers will be involved?
2.12 Are you working in partnership with other Groups/Organisations on this project? If yes, who?
(We may contact the partner/s for information)
2.13 In terms of health and safety, how will you ensure that your project beneficiaries are kept safe?
2.14 How will the project/activity be evaluated? (attendance, feedback, classes/groups run)
Section 3: Project Costs
3.1 How much will the total project cost? / £3.2 How much do you require from the Older Persons Grant Scheme? / £
3.3 Have you applied for, or received any other funding from other sources? / Yes [ ] No [ ]
If ‘yes’, please provide details, and the amount requested/secured.
3.4 If you need other funding for the project please tell us where the rest of the funding is coming from and provide evidence of this, such as approval letters, bank statements etc
3.5 Please give a breakdown of the project costs you are seeking from the Development Fund
3.6 Will your project continue after the period you have requested funding for? / YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
If yes, explain how on-going costs will be met. For example do you have a fundraising strategy or will your project start to generate income?
Section 4: Financial information
4.1 Please send us a copy of your most recently independently audited accounts or, if you are a small charity (with income less than £10,000 per annum) then your most recent statement of income and expenditure is only required.4.2 Tell us your bank account details. You must complete all parts of this question.
Organisation account name
Bank / Building Society name
Bank / Building Society address
Sort Code:
Account No:
Building Society Roll Number
4.3 Who from your organisation can sign cheques for this account? / 1. Name
2. Name
3. Name
Section 5 - Signatures
Signatory one: Main contact
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all answers on this application form are true and accurate. I understand that Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council may collect supporting information.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Signatory two: Senior authority
Your Chairperson, Vice Chair or Treasurer must sign below. This should not be the main contact for the project.
Title:First Name:
Contact Address, including postcode:
I confirm, that I am authorised to sign this agreement, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all answers are true and accurate. I further confirm that this application is made on the basis that if successful, in full or part, the organisation will comply with the terms and conditions that follow
Signature: ______Date: ______
Position: ______
Please ensure that the form has been signed by a senior member of your organisation, and the main contact, and enclose with your application:
The most recent independently audited accounts or an endorsed financial statement
Constitution or set of rules signed or with proof of adoption
Business Plan (where relevant)
Letters of Support/partnership agreements (where relevant)
Copies of job description(s) and person specification(s) (where relevant)
Evidence of Match Funding