IDDT/ACT – Out Patient Commitment Team


Checklist for Additional Material / Yes/No
Budget worksheet
Proof of accreditation
Proof of certification by OhioMHAS


Describe the need, condition, or opportunity that the program addresses. For example: “The program addresses the needs of older adults who need mobile behavioral healthcare crisis intervention.” Following the first sentence, provide additional documentation including local data about the needs of the specific population. Please provide data sources.


Consumers served will meet the eligibility criteria for the IDDT and/ or ACT treatment model. In addition individuals served by this team should be on an outpatient commitment while in the community orindividuals who have been found incompentent to stand trail whoes cases are not maintained under the criminal court. Preference will be given to those individuals who meet these criteria who are currently unlinked, or who cannot access this level of care through their current provider. ADAMH anticipates this team having a point in time capacity of 50-70 individuals.


1. Provider will develop a new team to meet the following multidisciplinary staffing requirements:

  • Maintain a 15:1 consumer/staff caseload ratio
  • Dedicated substance abuse specialist
  • Dedicated and mobile psychiatric team nurse
  • 20- 40% FTE dedicated psychiatrist
  • 1 FTE dedicated team leader
  • 4 FTE dedicated case management staff
  • Required functions, but not necessarily required FTEs include: vocational specialists, housing specialists and peer specialists, e.g. a case manager may have these specializations).
  • Team meetings at least 3 times/week, as well as intensive individual and group clinical supervision.
  1. Provider agrees to provide core services to consumers in accordance with fidelity to both the IDDT and ACT models including:
  • Seven day a week and evening treatment availability as clinically indicated
  • 24 hour crisis service delivery by team staff
  • Mobile nursing capacity
  • Dedicated psychiatric services
  • Peer support and self-help services either provided or made available
  • Vocational and housing services either provided or made available
  • Assertive outreach and engagement
  • Integrated, stage-wise mental health and substance use assessment, planning and treatment (both group and individual modalities)
  • Benefits consultation and enhancement
  • Access to physical health care
  • Illness management
  • Family psycho-education.
  1. Provider will deliver at least 70% of all face-to-face service and 30% of nursing services in the community, non-office settings.
  2. The selected provider should demonstrate the following:
  • Ability to work closely with family supports systems.
  • Knowledge of current Outpatient Treatment laws and their requirements.
  • Ability to provide assistance with required court appointments and requirements as they pertain to the outpatient status.
  • Ability to provide outreach, engagement, and care coordination.


1.List the annual number of unduplicated consumers served by this project. This is the number of consumers expected to be served by this proposal alone.

2.In addition to completingthis information as part of Part III of the budget template, provide a result statement for this program and complete the supporting data in the table. Follow this example for your result statement: “70% of clients completing the AOD vocational program will be placed in a job and maintain employment for at least 60 days.”

Program Budget
Demand / Number of clients …
Output / Number of clients …
Result % / % of participants …
Output Efficiency / $ ...
Result Efficiency / $ ...

3.Explain how you will capture data to support this result and how you will provide that information to the ADAMH Board.

4.Explain how consumer outcomes will be measured and demonstrated.Define what you consider programmatic effectiveness. Include clear examples of your experience achieving positive outcomes for consumers and using data and measurable results for informing and influencing consumer care or treatment and relapse prevention planning.

5.Describe what customer service indicators will be used to measure consumer satisfaction for this particular program. For example, what are your customer service timeframes for returning consumer phone calls or for informing consumers when an appointment has been cancelled? Is there a mechanism in place to communicate these standards and expectations to consumers in this program?


1.Provide proof that your agency is in good standing with an accrediting body, or outline a plan to meet accreditation.

2.Provide proof of certification by OhioMHAS, or outline a plan to meet needed certification.

3. Provide a schedule of program hours through the week, including evening and weekend hours.

4. Discuss your timeline to be at full implantationof the core IDDT/ACT structure within 90 days post award.

ADAMH System Investments – Treatment RFR ApplicationPage 1