RFP No. 1660 Janitorial Services – Community Services Building
Appendix ‘E’ Proposal Response Form
Notes to Respondent
Appendix ‘E’ must be submitted in response to RFP No. 1660
Appendix ‘E’Proposal Response Form (Fillable Form)
Respondents should address and respond to each Section within this Appendix ‘E’ and to submit as an appendix all the required information identified in the RFP No. 1660 document, Section 3.0 Proposal Submission Instructions and Format, clause 3.2 to ensure their proposal submission receives full consideration during the evaluation process.
The City is providing Appendix ‘E’ in Microsoft word format for ease of completion. The tables below in the Microsoft Word format will be expandable. If your RESPONSE is considered to be lengthy, Respondents can provide an “initial” RESPONSE and then provide the details as an Appendix referencing the Section and Requirement No. (i.e. Section 1.0 Company Profile and Experience, Requirement 1.1).
Note: Section 5.0 must be signed by a person authorized to legally bind the Contractor and the Respondent to statements made in the response to this RFP.
Section 1.0Company Profile and Experience
Requirement1.1 / Respondents should as a minimum provide the following information:
1)Include Company legal name, legal address, hours of operation, telephone number, email address, number of years in business providing Janitorial Services similar to the requirements of this RFP.
2)“Doing business as” name
3)Location of closet office to the Community Services Building, hours of operation, telephone number, and email address.
4)Number of employees within the company and the number of employees whose primary responsibility is to perform the Janitorial Services at the Community Services Building.
Respond in Detail
1.2 / Does your company sub-contract out any of the Janitorial Services, as required in Schedule ‘A’ Specifications?
1) Indicate yes or no.
2) If yes, please provide the following information for the proposed sub-contractors:
- Company Name, Legal Address, Contact Person, Phone No. and Email Address
- Portion of the Work to be sub-contracted
- Qualifications and credentials of sub-contractor
- Length of relationship with sub-contractor
Respond in Detail
1.3 / Does your company have a quality assurance program? Indicate yes or no. If yes, explain.
Respond in Detail
1.4 / Does your company have a communication program with your employees? Indicate yes or no. If yes, explain.
Respond in Detail
1.5 / Does your company offer a staff training program? Indicate yes or no. If yes, explain.
Respond in Detail
1.6 / Does your company have environmental initiatives in place? If yes, explain.
Respond in Detail
1.7 / Provide an outline of the Contractor’s safety program, which is a safety program that has been accepted and approved by WorkSafe BC.
Respond in Detail
1.8 / Provide three (3) references: List current or recently completed janitorial services contracts of similar scope and size with the annual value. Include the following information:
3)Length of contract – current, completed (year)
4)Annual value
5)List of Janitorial Services
Respond in Detail
Section 2.0Experience and Qualifications of Personnel
Only those Contractor’s personnel listed in Section 2.0 will be allowed to Work on thisContract. If names are to be added or deleted from this list, the Contract Administrator must be notified and the Contractor must provide their qualifications, experience, proof of credentials and criminal record check. The City reserves the right at that point to accept or reject the proposed alternates. If the City accepts this alternative, they will be added to the list of accepted personnel.
Supervisor Name / Brief Description of Relevant Experience, Certificate Qualifications2.2Key Personnel (List of personnel performing the Work)
Key Personnel / Brief Description of Relevant Experience, Certificate QualificationsSection 3.0Equipment, Janitorial Supplies and Cleaning Products
To check own or lease boxes:
- Double click on box to be filled in, and the “Check Box Form Field Options” screen pops up
- Under “Default Value” click “checked”
- Press “OK”
Respondents are asked to submit a list of equipment proposed for use in the Community Services Building. Proposed equipment shall be of a commercial type and must be approved / certified by one of the following organizations or deemed acceptable by the Province of British Columbia’s Safety Authority (CSA, ULC, cUL, etc.).
Equipment Type (i.e. vacuum, etc.) / Brand Name / Year & Model / Own or LeaseOwn
3.2Janitorial Supplies and Cleaning Products
Respondents are asked to submit a list of all janitorial supplies and cleaning products used in the performance of the Contract should be Scent free Green Seal, EcoLogo or equivalent approved cleaning products, etc., necessary to carry out the cleaning and sanitary requirements for this Contract.
Description (i.e. toilet payer (1-ply or 2-ply), hand towels, foam soap, etc., Glass Cleaner, etc.) / Brand Name / State what 3rd party environmental certification (i.e. Green Seal, EcoLogo or equivalent).Section 4.0Financial Offer
(a)All rates are in Canadian currency and firm for the term of the initial Contract Term, include applicable Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and exclude the Goods and Services Tax (“GST”). The GST is shown as a separate line item.
(b)Monthly Lump Sum Rate is an inclusive price and includes, labour, supervision, janitorial supplies and cleaning products, equipment, insurances, all licences and permits, overhead and profit and anything and everything required to be done by the Contractor for the fulfillment and completion of the Janitorial Services as generally described in Schedule ‘A’ and elsewhere in the RFP documents, in accordance with any Contract formed.
(c)In the case of conflict between unit pricing and any extended totals, unit pricing will govern.
4.2 Lump Sum Contract Price
Lump SumMonthly Rate / Qty / Extended Contract Lump Sum Price (Excluding GST)
Contract Term Year 1
August 1, 2015 to July 30, 2016 / $ / 12 / $
Contract Term Year 2
August 1, 2016 to July 30, 2017 / $ / 12 / $
Subtotal / $
GST / $
Total / $
4.3 Hours to Complete the Works
Respondents estimates the average number of hours per month to perform the Janitorial Services of this Contract is:
Total Hours / Based on Number of Personnel4.4Square Foot Rate: Reduction in Janitorial Services
These square foot rates will be used for reduction in Janitorial Services, if and when requested by the Contract Administrator and will be subtracted from the total monthly lump sum price at the time of billing.
$ / Square Foot Rate4.5Extra Work
If and when additional Work is requested by the Contract Administrator, the following rates will apply. All rates are inclusive and exclude the Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Description / Rate / UnitGeneral Cleaning / $ / Per hour
Floor Mat Cleaning / $ / Each
Floor strip, wax, polish / $ / Per square meter
Section 5.0Signature
Note: This Proposal Response Form must be signed by a person authorized to legally bind the Contractor and the Respondent to statements made in the response to this RFP.
This Proposal Response Form, including all attachments, amendments is submitted in response to RFP 1660 Janitorial Services – Community Services Building. I/We have carefully read and examined the RFP document and have conducted such other investigations as were prudent and reasonable in preparing the Proposal response.
I/We understand and agree that it is my responsibility to seek clarification to items I do not understand or that are susceptible to more than one interpretation. I/We understand that oral representations made by any City representative are not valid unless documented in writing by the City in the form of an addendum.
The person signing this Proposal Response Form declares that they are an individual authorized to legally bind the Contractor and Respondent to statements made in response to this RFP.
Company Legal Company NameLegal Company Address
Phone No.
Cell Number
Print Name and Title (above)
Signature (above)
Date (above)
Print Name and Title (above)Signature (above)
Date (above)
NOTE:If the Respondent is by joint venture, add additional forms of execution for each member of the Joint venture in the appropriate form or forms as above.
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