California Department of Education
Specialized Secondary Programs
Application Due Date:
Friday, October 24, 2014
Administered by the
High School Innovations and Initiatives Office
Career and College Transition Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
Main Phone: 916-319-0893
FAX: 916-319-0168
Table ofContents
Specialized Secondary Programs (SSP) Timeline
A. Purpose
B. Grant Opportunities Available in This SSP Request for Applications
C. Funding
D. Eligibility Requirements
E. Allowable Uses of Funds
F. Administrative Indirect Cost Limits
G. Program Requirements
H. Application Review
I. Inclusion of Remote, Smaller Local Educational Agencies, and Consortia
J. Notification of Funding
K. Appeals Process
L. Grant Application and Fiscal Contacts...... 9
Signature Page (Form A)
School Information and Community Description (Form B)
Community Description Narrative
Overview of the Proposed Specialized Secondary Program
Section I: Selection of the New, Innovative Specialized Secondary Program
Section II: Marketing the Program and Student Recruitment
Section III: Curriculum Development
Section IV: Partnerships and Community Involvement
Section V: Professional Development
Section VI: Capability
Section VII: Sustainability
Section VIII: Project Management
Section IX: Timeline
Section X: Budget Page and Budget Narrative
Grant Budget (Form C)
Budget Narrative
Section XI: 2013–14 Planning Grant Summary
Appendix A: Specialized Secondary Programs Scoring Rubric
Appendix B: Budget Categories, Descriptions of Budget Categories, and Budget Narrative Examples
Appendix C: California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards
Appendix D: Industry Sectors, Pathways, and Contacts
Appendix E: California Education Code Section 58800–58806
Appendix F: Specialized Secondary Programs Course Framework
Appendix G: Brokers of Expertise and UCCI Contact Information
Specialized Secondary Programs (SSP) Timeline
SSP Planning Grant PeriodDecember 1, 2014–August 31, 2015 (9 months)
SSP Implementation Grant PeriodDecember 1, 2014–June 30, 2016 (19 months)
Activity / Grant Type / Due ByRelease of Request for Applications (RFA) / Planning and Implementation / August 29, 2014
Applications Due/Postmarked / Planning and Implementation / October 24, 2014
Grantees Notified / Planning and Implementation / December 2014
End-of-Year (EOY) Evaluation and Report Due / Planning / August 31, 2015
End-of-Project (EOP) Financial Expenditure Report Due / Planning / September 30, 2015
Mid-grant Financial Progress Report / Implementation / August 31, 2015
Mid-grant Evaluation Progress Report / Implementation / September 30, 2015
EOY Evaluation and Report Due / Implementation / June 30, 2016
EOP Financial Expenditure Report Due / Implementation / July 29, 2016
A. Purpose
Specialized Secondary Programs (SSP), authorized by California Education Code (EC) sections 58800–58806, provide startup funds for the establishment of a new, innovative specialized program or school for pupils in grades nine through twelve in high schools. The SSP is expected to developnew standards-based model curriculum that provides enhancedlearning opportunities in a specialized content area. The Legislature intends for SSP to benefit the state economy by having SSP programs/schools located in close proximity to related industries.
All California public high schools, county offices of education, consortia of local educational agencies (LEAs), and direct-funded charter schoolsare eligible to apply.
Programs selected for funding are structured so that participating students explore areas of study in a deeper way while developing knowledge and skills that will prepare them for postsecondary education and careers. As a result, the California Department of Education (CDE) expects there will be high-quality, innovative approaches to curriculum and instruction, assessment, staffing, and scheduling. Not only does the SSP approach often lead to recognizable benefits for the entire school, LEA, and local community, this approach can also serve as a model for effective educational practices for other schools in the state.
B. Grant Opportunities Available in This SSP Request for Applications
This grant provides two funding opportunities: (1) a planning grant up to $35,000, or (2) an implementation grant up to $100,000.
Planning Grants: Planning grants provide startup funds for approximately 9 months for the development of a new, innovative specialized programas described in Section A:Purpose. The SSP planning funds must be used to plan and design the new program or school, visit other California school sites with related programs or instructional methods, write new curriculum, and obtain professional development for the educators who will be implementing the program in subsequent years. After a successful planning year, grantees will be eligible to apply for implementation funding. Approximately40 planning grants will be awarded this year through the selection process.
Implementation Grants: Implementation grants provide funds for approximately 19months for the establishment of a new, innovative specialized program as described in SectionA: Purpose.The SSP implementation grant funds must be used to support a new, program or school thathas beendeveloped and will be implemented no later thanSeptember 2015. The SSP funds must be used to write additional new, innovative curriculum for the program, provide professional development for teachers, support various implementation activities, or purchase equipment and supplies to implement the new program. Approximately20 implementation grants will be awarded through the selection process.Only those high schools and LEAs that received 2013–14 SSP planning grants are eligible to apply for 2014–15 implementation grants.
C. Funding
This SSP grant provides one-time funding for a grant period beginning December 1, 2014, through August 31, 2015, for planning grants and December 1, 2014, through June 30, 2016, for implementation grants. Continued funding after the grant period is not guaranteed. It is based on the high school’s application for SSP funding and its annual progress in implementing the proposed program.The EOYEvaluation Report, EOP Financial Expenditure Report, evaluation of submitted curriculum, and a new application for SSP fundingwill all be used to determinecontinued funding for implementation.
D. Eligibility Requirements
All California public high schools, county offices of education, consortium of LEAs, and direct-funded charter schools,are eligible to apply for SSP planning grants.
Only those high schools and LEAs awarded 2013–14 SSP planning grants are eligible to apply for 2014–15 implementation grants.Compliance with theProgram and Reporting Requirementsidentified in the2013–14SSP planning grant RFAwill be a consideration for continued funding.Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis.
The SSP funding cannot be used to supplement an existing California Partnership Academy,Linked Learning pathway, Career Pathways Trust,or other existing programs, competitions, or clubs at the school.The SSP funding is for new and innovativeprograms.High schools that currently have these types of programs may apply for the SSP grant if the focus of the SSP is significantlydifferent from that of the existing programs(e.g. an unrelated/different pathway).
All curriculum developed with these grant funds will serve as models for other high schools in the state, as prescribed in EC Section 58802. All SSP curriculum must comply with copyright laws and be available for posting on the designated web site. Therefore, programs that require the purchase or use of proprietary curriculum and/or training in the use of such curriculum, are not eligible to apply for this SSP grant. Since the curriculum development is state funded, schools/LEAs may not copyright the developed curriculum.
E. Allowable Uses of Funds
Funds are to be usedin accordance with the California School Accounting Manual. The expenditure of funds must be clearly tied to the activities described in your application. Expenditures may include, but are not limited to, ongoing curriculum developmentand professional development. The purchase of equipment and capital outlayis permitted for implementation grants only. Supplies directly related to and necessary for planningactivities are limited to a maximum of $3,500 for planning grants. Examples are included in the sample Budget Categories, Descriptions of Budget Categories, and Budget Narrative Examplesin Appendix B.These funds must not supplant current costs.
F. Administrative Indirect Cost Limits
The grantee must limit administrative indirect costs to the rate approved by the CDE for the applicable fiscal year in which the funds are expended.
G. Program Requirements
Each grant recipient is expected to fulfill the following requirements:
(1)Plan for a new, innovative specialized program as described in Section A. Proposed SSPs must identify one CTE Industry Sector and one CTE Career Pathway as described in the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards that best aligns with their SSP(See Appendices C and D).
(2)Planning grantees must develop a framework for each proposed new course utilizing the SSP CourseFramework. The framework template is included in Appendix F. The framework and all developed curriculum must be posted on the Brokers of Expertise (BOE)Web site and must comply with their requirements and copyright laws. All curriculum must be submitted in a format that is accessible to all schools(e.g. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint) and provides the opportunity for editing and customization. In addition, all curriculum must be submitted on a CD/DVD(s) to the CDE at the address located on the RFA cover page.
(3)Implementation grantees are expected to develop all curriculum necessary for the implementation of the new course includingany revised/new frameworks, unit plans, daily lesson plans, assessments, projects, and rubrics appropriate for their SSP. All developed curriculummust be posted on the BOEWeb site and must comply with their requirements and copyright laws.All curriculum must be submitted in a format that is accessible to all schools (e.g. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint)and provides the opportunity for editing and customization. In addition, all curriculum must be submitted on a CD/DVD(s) to the CDE at the address located on the RFA cover page.
(4)Submit all required reports and curriculum per reporting timelines.
(5)Grant recipients are required to send at least one representative to the state-wide SSP Convening held in conjunction with the Educating for Careers Conference,scheduled for March 1–3, 2015, in Sacramento.
(6)Grant recipients may not make any significant changes to the SSP, as it was described in the original grant application, unless submitted in writing and approved by the CDE.
H. Application Review
The CDE will not accept applications postmarked after Friday, October 24, 2014. The CDE reserves the right to disqualify applications that are not complete, do not follow the formatting requirements, or do not include complete budget information.
Applications will be scored by a minimum of two reviewers using a common rubric located in Appendix A.
The ability to planor implement a new program must be evident. An application should follow the RFA guidelines and be presented with clarity so reviewers can easily understand the proposed new, innovative program.
I. Inclusion of Remote, Smaller Local Educational Agencies, and Consortia
In order to include high schools and LEAs of different sizes and from more regions of California, selection of participating high schools and LEAs will include consideration of factors related to the geographic diversity, type (urban/rural), and size of the LEA, as well as curricular area addressed.In conjunction with these factors, the highest scoring proposals will be recommended for funding.
J. Notification of Funding
Projects selected for funding will receive a Grant Award Notification (CDE Form AO-400). Each grantee must return a signed notification before any disbursement of funds can be made.
Planning Grants:Applicants approved for funding will be notified inDecember 2014. Funding is for the planning grant period only and must be fully expended by August 31, 2015.
Implementation Grants: Applicants approved for funding will be notified inDecember 2014. Implementation of the program,as proposed in the 2013–14 planning grant, must begin no later than September 2015. Funds must be fully expended by June 30, 2016.
Continued funding is not guaranteed. It is based on the grant recipient’ssatisfactory compliance with grant requirements, reporting timelines, and progress in implementing the program as proposed in their application. In addition,the EOYEvaluation Report, evaluation of submitted curriculum, and a new application for SSP fundingwill be used to determine the continued funding of implementation grantees.
K. Appeals Process
Applicants who wish to appeal a grant award decision must submit a letter of appeal to:
Career and College Transition Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
The CDE must receive the letter of appeal, with an original signature by the authorized person, no later than 10 calendar days following the posting of the Grant Award List on the Specialized Secondary Programs Funding Results Web page. Fax or letters submitted via e-mail will not be accepted.
Appeals shall be limited to the grounds that the CDE failed to correctly apply the standards for reviewing the application as specified in this RFA. The appellant must file a detailed and complete written appeal, including the issue(s) in dispute, the legal authority or other basis for the appeal position, and the remedy sought. The CDE will not consider incomplete or late appeals. The appellant may not supply any new information that was not originally contained in the original application.
The CDE staff will review the appeal and render a decision within 30 calendar days from the date that appeals are due to the CDE. That decision shall be the final administrative action afforded the appeal.
L. Grant Application and Fiscal Contacts
Grant application questions should be directed to Tony Quirarte, Education Programs Consultant, High School Innovations and Initiatives Office (HSIIO), by phone at916-319-0388 or by e-mail at .
Fiscal questions should be directed to Cindy Rose, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, HSIIO, by phone at 916-319-0475 or by e-mail at .
The program narrative section of the grant application contains various components that must be clearly addressed. The length of the narrative response for each component is flexible.However, the total length of the narrative section must not exceed the identified page limits for the specific type (planning or implementation) of grant. Applications must adhere to the following formatting requirements:
- One point five (1.5) line spacing
- Twelve (12) point font size
- Character spacing and kerning for fonts must remain at the “normal” setting
- Arial or Times New Roman font
- 8 ½” x 11” white paper
- One (1) inch margins on sides, top, and bottom (except appendix and pre-formatted forms)
- Pages numbered in the footer
- Each copy of the application package must be stapled in the upper left hand corner
- Applicants must keep theprogram narrative section(Sections I–XI including forms) of the grant application to 25 single-sided pages for planning grants and 28 pages for implementation grants. The page limit does not include the Community Description Narrative page or the 150-word Overview of the Proposed Specialized Secondary Program
- An appendix, with letters of commitment, letters of support, charts/data as described in Section I,and documentation that supports the LEA’s commitment to sustain the SSP in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)as described in Section VII, is not included in the page limits
- A submitted application package must include one original with original signatures, three copies, and a copy of the application on a CD or DVD in Microsoft Word. The letters of collaboration and letters of support may be submitted in PDF format as needed
- Forms may not be altered in any way
Applications must be postmarked on or before October 24, 2014. Applications must be sent to:
Tony Quirarte, Education Programs Consultant
High School Innovations and Initiatives Office
Career and College Transition Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95814
- Applicants are urged to use express, certified, or registered mail.
- Transmissions by e-mail or fax will not be accepted.
Specific questions regarding the application can be addressed to Tony Quirarte,Education Programs Consultant, HSIIO, by phone at916-319-0388 or by e-mail at .
All applications must adhere to the required format and, in order to be competitive, mustinclude all of the requested information and completed forms. In order to maintain the integrity of the included forms, applicants should consider deleting the unused material of this RFA and utilizing the embedded applications rather than copying and pasting the forms. Do not submit any unused material included in the RFA with the application. To be considered a complete application, the packet must include the following components in the order listed:
- Form A:Signature Page. This is the application cover page.The form should besigned by the LEA superintendent and the high school principal. Form Amust appear as the first page of the application.
- Form B:School Information and Community Description.This form provides information about the school’s demographics, geographic location, and one-page narrative about the community served by the high school. Form Band the one-page narrative must be the second and third pages of the application.
- 150-word Overview of the Proposed Specialized Secondary Program.
- Program Narrative section: Mustnot exceed 25 pages for planning grants and 28 pages for implementation grants,including all forms and documents in Program Narrative Sections I–XI.The SSP application has been inserted into the RFA in the required order for your convenience.
- Timeline:A timeline of activities will summarize the processes for accomplishing the year’s work. The timeline follows Section VIII in the Program Narrative section.
- Form C:Grant Budget and a Budget Narrative. The Grant Budget should be signed by the site principal, the SSP site contact, and theLEA fiscal person who has reviewed the proposed grant budget. TheBudget Narrative describing the proposed expenditures for the year must be included behind Form C. Use the budget narrative description format provided in theBudget Categories, Descriptions of Budget Categories, and Budget Narrative Examplesin Appendix B. The Grant Budget (Form C) and Budget Narrative should appear after the Timeline.
- General Assurances 2014–15:The LEA superintendent or an authorized representative of the LEA must review the General Assurances2014–15.
This document is available on the CDE Web site at