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FieldAgriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
Revision of Poultry Management qualification
National Certificate in Poultry Management (Level 4) [Ref:1156]
The Agriculture Industry Training Organisation (AgITO) has revised the qualification above.
Date new version publishedJanuary 2012
The next qualification review is planned to take place during 2012.
Reason for the revision
The qualification was revised to ensure that it continued to be achievable.
Main changes resulting from the revision
Expiring standards were replaced or removed and titles, credits, and classifications of some standards were updated to reflect changes made during their reviews.
National Certificate in Poultry Management (Level 4) [Ref: 1156]
Changes to structure and content
- Expiring standards 8493 and 8505, and expired standards 7452, 11994 and 19027 were removed from Elective 2.
- Standards 21335, 21336, 21359, 21390, 21396 and 21397 were added to Elective 2.
It is recommended that people currently working towards version 1 of this qualification transfer to version 2.
New trainees will be enrolled in programmes or courses that lead to version 2 of this qualification.
Standards 7452, 11994 and 19027 have expired, standard 8493 expires 31 December 2014, and standard 8505 expires 31 December 2012. Candidates enrolled in programmes or courses that lead to version 1 who have already gained credit for standards 7452, 11994 and 19027, and who do not transfer to version 2, must complete expiring Elective 2 standards 8493 and 8505 before these dates.
Candidates who wish to use standard 8493 towards award of version 1 of the qualification should be aware that the qualification specifies version 2 of the standard, which contributes only 5 credits to Elective 2. This means candidates with version 3 of standard 8493, which is worth 10 credits, will have only 5 credits recognised towards meeting the requirements of Elective 2.
The last date for assessment to take place for version 1 is 30 June 2012.
This qualification contains standards that have been substituted for earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the earlier standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the substitute standards – see table below.
Credit for / Exempt from7452, 19027 / 21397
8493 / 21335, 21336
8505 / 21390
11994 / 21396
The Agriculture Industry Training Organisation intends that no existing candidate is disadvantaged by this review. Any person who feels disadvantaged by the transition should contact the ITO at the address below.
Agriculture Industry Training Organisation
PO Box 10383
The Terrace
Wellington 6143
Telephone04 801 9616
Fax04 801 9626
S:\FR\eQA Standards\Application Folder\Reports for publishing\Q 2011 0327 Poultry Management Revision Dec11.doc 18/10/2018