An advertisement titled “procurement of Consultancy services for Commercial Study, Financial models, operation and management models regarding Shopping Mall industry for Multipurpose Cineplex and Commercial Complex in i-8 Markaz”Waspublished in Dawn and Express March14,2014 inviting Technical and Financial proposals in response to RFP documents.
The following amendments have been made in the RFP document to address the querie of bidders.
Query / Addendum # 01Q. Clause IB.2.1 of the RFP document specifies, bidding is open to all pre-qualified firms and companies meeting the requirements. Please confirm, if we are qualified under this criterion for submission of proposal. / Clause 2.1 .
The sentence “Bidding is open to all pre-qualified firms and companies meeting the following requirements is replaced with
“Bidding is open to all firms and companies meeting the following requirements”.
(a) Duly licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council(PEC) in the appropriate Category relevant to the value of Works/services.
Q. As per clause IB.61(d) of RFP, method of procurement stipulated is QCBS, for evaluation of technical and financial proposal. However as per clause IB.19.1(b) each bidder who qualifies technically will be then evaluated on 'lowest cost basis'. Please clarify if Clause IB.19.1(b) is applicable. / Clause IB .61 (d),
QCBS is applicable.
Clause IB.19.1(B) is not applicable.
IB.58 – Proposal Presentation
Please clarify if any presentation is required at any stage of the assignment? / Yes.
i. Financial Cost – To be quoted Lump-Sum for FULL assignment as per TOR
j. Mode of Payment – Why Client has assigned values for Interior Design @ 15% and Top Supervision @ 10%?
Does it not compromise bidder's right to quote his own price for any particular item or service? / Please follow the mode of payment as mentioned in attached Mode of Payment FIN FORM 2A.
1. Please clarify whether you mean "general" commercial sudies of any type or those "specific" to Shopping malls required under Sub-Criteria 1 - Specific Experience of Consultant relative to Assignment.
/ One specific shopping mall study is required as per Attached Evaluation Criteria.
2. The Qualifications and Minimum Experience required for Key Professional Staff of the Consultant under TOR Clause 11 - STAFF are excessive. Atleast the minmum experience be generally reduced from 15 to 5 years. Not only that would be more realistic; it would help in lowering the cost of consultancy. / Reduced from 15 years to 10 years as mentioned in Point 11 of Section 5, attached with this Addendum.
Extension in the time of submission of Proposal because of delay in uploading of RFP within the stipulated timeframe. The date should be extended up to 30 April 2014 to assemble the right team. / Extended till 21st May, 2014 as advertised in Dawn and Express on 30th April, 2014.
The parameters/criteria of acceptance of deliverables should also be provided. / Within 14 days of submission, deliberations and discussions to be held and changes will be incorporated in the next 7 days by the consultant and submit for approval which will take 7 days.
. As suggested by all participants present at the meeting, deadline for submission of bids may be extended till April 30, 2014. / Extended till 21-5-14
4. As discussed, RFP does not provide a specific criterion for acceptance of deliverables once consultants are on board. We recommend that "deliverables should be considered accepted, if Client does not provide any written comments within 7 working days of submission of a specific deliverable defined under the scope of work." / Within 14 days of submission, deliberations and discussions to be held and changes Will be incorporated in the next 7 days by the consultant and submit for approvalWhich will take 7 days.
IB.40 (a) – Proprietorship Firms have no requirement for Registration Certificates.
Only Income Tax Registration is required which is considered valid registration. Please clarify in this regard? / Registration with SECP is required.
Evaluation of Technical Proposals:
Criteria, sub-criteria, and point system for the evaluation of Full Technical Proposals are:
1. Specific experience of the Consultants relevant to the assignment: 30
2. Adequacy of the proposed methodology and work plan: 50
3. Qualification and Competence of the key professional staff 20
for the assignment:
Total Points: 100
1. Specific Experience of the Consultants Relevant to the Assignment: [30]
If Experience of at least 5 commercial studies done in last 3 years…. 30
If Experience of at least 3 commercial studies in last 3 years …..20
If Experience of 01 commercial study in 3 years ……10
(Must have done atleast one local shopping mall study in last 3 years to qualify)
2. Adequacy of the Proposed Methodology and Work Plan [50]
in Responding to the Terms of Reference:
a. Quality/Details of Methodology: 55% of 50
- Shopping Mall Industry in Pakistan.5%
- Inception report… 5%
- Operations and management report of mall 5%
- Report on market demographics……………5%
- SWOT analysis of EOBI project in i-8 markaz….5%
- Responsibilities of Mall Operator…. 5%
- Branding and marketing activity…… 5 %
- Conversion of Office building into Retail space 5%
- Zoning and space allocation strategy……. 5%
- Interior /exterior design report. 5%
- Financial model for Mall ….5%
- Suggested revenue stream /investment options /equipment details….5%
b.Draft agreements: 15% of 50.
Suggested revenue stream /investment options /equipment details….5%
Draft of Rental agreements……20%
Bidding Documents / Request for Proposals 25%
Draft of Concessionaire or Operations/Mgmt Agreement….40%
Technical assistance in procurement of operator ………10%
b. Work Programme/Work Plan: 20% of 50
- Activity Schedule for Mall Zoning, Occupancy Management, Operations Management 35%
- Team organization for all scope of services in TOR 15%
- Staffing Schedule for all services as per TOR 30%
- Estimate of Staff Months for entire Assignment 20%
c. Proposal Presentation: 10% of 50
- Conciseness 30%
- Clarity 30%
- Completeness 40%
3. Qualification and Competence of the Key Professional Staff for the[20]Assignment:
- Senior Manager- Retail industry [02]
- Chartered Accountant[04]
- Interior designer/architect[02]
- Financial Expert [02]
- Retail Consultant (with background of retail/ Mall industry) [04]
- Legal Expert on contracts/ agreements[02]
- Manager with operations background[02]
- IT Manager [02]
- Security Manager [02]
Total points for the three criteria: 100
The minimum technical score (St) required to pass is: 70 Points.
The formula for determining the financial scores is the following:
Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price and F the price of the proposal under consideration.
The weights given to the Technical Proposal (T) and Financial Proposals (P) are:
T = 0.8
P = 0.2
Revised Scope of Services /TOR(Terms of reference)is amended as under:
Scope of Services/TOR
1. Provide an overview of the Shopping Mall industry in Pakistan
2. Inception report
3. Report on methods for operations and management of Malls in vogue in the country and those being practiced in the shopping mall industry worldwide and suggest Operational model for EOBI commercial complex based on mall industry standards and best practices
4. Report on market demographics for the clientele frequenting the area
5. Comply objective for this RFP, provide SWOT analysis of EOBI’s mall complex andmake recommendation for possible improvements/modifications in the mall complex from the Operational perspective
6. Suggest full range of Management activities and responsibilities for the Mall Operator in the Operational Phase
7. Suggest Branding and Marketing Strategy for the mall
8. Suggest conversion of Office building, whether into commercial or mixed use development ?
9. Suggest optimization of Zoning and Space Allocation Strategy for the mall complex
10. Report on Financial Model for the mall complex including various revenue stream scenarios/options and suggest a revenue maximization strategy
11. Study and suggest whether the owner should invest in Cineplex and Playland with investment estimates or outsource/rent these to operator/concessionaire who shall invest
12. Make recommendations on pre-qualification and bidding documents for Mall Operator and/or designer (if required) and assist in their evaluation and selection process
13. Preparation of following Draft Agreements between:
a. EOBI and Tenants
b. EOBI and Operator
c. PRIMACO and Consultant Firm for this Consultancy
14. Interior Design of Playland, Cineplex, Food Court, Supermarket,
Fashion Retail brands.
15. Technical assistance in procurement of operators or operating concessions.
Total Financial cost as per TOR
Lump sum Amount in Pak. Rupees(A)Operational/Manaagment/Financial consultancy services
Amount in Figures(a)
Lump sum amount in Pak Rupees
(b)Interior Design
Amount in
figures (b)
Amount in words(b)
Total Lump Sum Remuneration ofConsultancy services (a+b)
Form fin 2A
Operational/management/financial advisory services
ON SUBMISSION OF INCEPTION /preliminary REPORT / 10%Upon Submission of Deliverables/REPORTS AS PER TOR-APPENDIX A / 15%
on approval of All REPORTS/Deliverables (Excluding Interior design) / 35%
On Execution of all deliverables / 20%
Upon completion of all deliverables / 20%
on submission of concept interior design / 10%ON APPROVAL OF CONCEPT INTERIOR DESIGN / 10%
Review of interior /exterior design with landscaping etc, with façade review. / 10 %
The Consultant shall Prepare and Submit the following deliverables as per TOR to the Employer in the number of copies specified below.
Sr # / Deliverable / Scale& Size / Format / RequiredNo of
(Hard + Soft)
1 / Inception /Preliminary report / Soft and Hard / 2+2
2 / Report on Shopping Mall Industry in Pakistan / Soft and Hard / 2+2
3 / Report on Operations and management report of mall / Soft and hard / 2+2
4 / Report on market demographics / Soft and hard / 2+2
5 / Report on SWOT analysis of EOBI project in i-8 markaz / Soft and hard / 2+2
6 / Report on Suggested revenue stream /investment options /equipment details… / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
7 / Report on Responsibilities of Mall Operator / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
8 / Report on Branding and marketing activity / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
9 / Report on Conversion of Office building into Retail space / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
10 / Report Zoning and space allocation strategy……. / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
11 / -Report on Financial model for Mall / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
12 / Report on Suggested revenue stream /investment options /equipment details… / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
13 / Report on Technical assistance in procurement of operators or operating concessions( as the case may be), floating of tenders, pre-qualification, bid evaluation and recommendations. / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
14 / . Report on Preparation of following Draft Agreements between:
a. EOBI and Tenants
b. EOBI and Operator
c. PRIMACO and Consultant Firm / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
15 / Interior and exterior design report. / Suitable / Soft & Hard / 2 + 2
Staff: SECTION 5, POINT 11.
The Consultant’s personnel (including any replacement personnel) occupying the following positions in the provision of that part of the Services relating to design shall meet the criteria described below and shall subject to the prior approval of the Employer. No such approval or otherwise shall release the Consultant from any of its obligations or liabilities under this Agreement.
r # / Key Professional Staff / Qualification / Minimum Experience1 / Senior Manager – Retail background / MBA or Equivalent / At least 10 years experience
2 / Chartered Accountant / ACCA, ICMA / At least 10 years experience
3 / Interior Designer/Architect / Bachelors in Architecture / At least 10 years experience
4 / Financial Expert / MBA-Finance /Accounts / At least 10 years experience
5 / Retail Consultant / MBA-Marketing/Management / At least 10 years experience
6 / Legal Expert on Contracts/Agreements / LLB or Equivalent / At least 10 years experience
7 / Operations Expert / MBA or Equivalent / At least 10 years’ experience
8 / IT Expert / MCS or Equivalent / At least 10 years’ experience
9 / Security Expert / Bachelors Degree or Equivalent / At least 10 years experience or Armed Forces Background