The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2016. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Thomas W. Hurley, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc. (D&K) and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.

Disclosure: These minutes are not verbatim – they are the secretary’s interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A§22.

Acceptance of the Minutes of July 7, 2016 Meeting – Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.


7:00 PM Meeting with Jeff Adler, D&K regarding runway extension project, Conservation restriction , Natural Heritage grassland bird study, airport layout plan, future pavement timing, Capital Improvement plan (CIP) - Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler advised that he met with Lawrence Lynch Corp. and KoBo Electric to coordinate the completion of the punch list items. Chairman Fosdick inquired about the schedule for the berm and plantings along Federal Furnace Road. Mr. Adler advised that during the site visit with the Stearns they discussed the berm, appropriate plantings and the budget. The Stearns indicated that they were more inclined to add additional plantings to create a natural look rather than the berm and were going to update the planting plan accordingly. Mr. Adler will follow up with them for an update as it was decided that the best time to plant would be September. Mr. Adler advised that the Delta Taxiway scope is complete and that the Independent Review Process would begin soon. Manager Maher suggested that Commission approve the Chairman to sign the Engineering Contract when the Review Process is complete. Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the Engineering Contract when appropriate. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Mr. Adler indicated that a revised Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) of potential projects for the next five years would be available next month. Manager Maher in particular would like to add the Fuel Farm Tank Replacement (Auto Gas Tank) to the list of State Projects since the Department of Environmental Protection regulations require replacing it by August 2017.


Consumer Price Index (CPI) biennial fee adjustment – Chairman Fosdick requested that Vice Chairman Crociati take the lead on this item. Vice Chairman Crociati presented the proposal to increase rates 2.3 % to the Commission. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the rate increase effective September 1, 2016. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was 5 in favor. Chairman Fosdick and Commissioner Laytin abstained.

Review report concerning New Hangar Construction, Mike Orla – Manager Maher indicated that Mr. Orla finally got his permit.

Review reports concerning new construction, Ben Bailey – Mr. Bailey is reviewing his final plans and drawings and will forward to the Commission and DuBois & King soon.

Review Noise/Safety Complaints - Manager Maher noted that there were several complaints relative to the runway closure in early July and advised that it was temporary.

Approve Professional Jet Center, LLC Estoppel Certificate – Manager Maher advised that the Professional Jet Center was refinancing their mortgage and the bank is requiring an Estoppel Certificate. Attorney Galvin has reviewed and approved the document. Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to approve and sign the Estoppel Certificate. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.


Continued discussion of Airport Layout Plan (ALP runway 15/33 non-precision status) - The Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) requested that the airport modify the ALP for the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), which is a precision like approach.

New Admin building status – Manager Maher indicated that they expect an update at the September CIP meeting but Mass DOT doesn't anticipate funding will be available until 2018.

Aero Club Air Show and Flour drop update – The Aero Club is preparing for the Air Show on August 20th and expect a large turnout. Despite their coordination efforts with Plane Jane’s Restaurant there still seems to be some concerns so Manager Maher and Mr. Hurley will meet with Jane and determine what the concerns are. The next Aero Club event, the flour bombing, will take place September 18, 2016.

Chairman Fosdick thanked everyone for their efforts on the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and particularly Commissioner Hurley for the coordination of the press.

The Collins Foundation has requested September 14, 15 & 16, 2016 for the Wings of Freedom Tour. Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Attorney Delaney advised that Piney Wood Cranberry Company requested a change to the Deed that would re-convey to them easement rights for the Access Road (Village Way). Attorney Delaney prepared the Confirmatory Quitclaim Deed and doesn’t see a problem with the Commission approving and signing the deed. Manager Maher advised that due to the absence of any abutting land along the Access Road the easement rights are inconsequential. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the request and authorize the Chairman to sign the Confirmatory Quitclaim Deed. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

As there was no further business at this time Commissioner Worcester made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.


Kenneth E. Fosdick
