Revised Poetry Wednesdays
Here is an opportunity to improve some of your low scores on Poetry Wednesday writings.
We will continue with Poetry Wednesdays: February 3---Symbol and Allegory and February 10---Simile, Metaphor, etc.
The change: There will be no more Poetry Wednesday homework! YEAH! WOO HOO!
The opportunity: You currently have 4 Poetry Wednesday assignments in the grade book: allusions, connotation/denotation, sound and meaning and imagery. We may not offer extra credit, but here is a way to improve your grades. Please note: the options are only valid for assignments that have been turned in and graded. YOU MAY NOT DO THIS FOR ANY MISSING ASSIGNMENTS! Also, you may only submit up to TWO rewrites. We will not accept any more than that. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED, BUT DON’T COME CRYING TO US WHEN YOU AREN’T HAPPY WITH YOUR GRADE!
Option 1:Write the paragraphs for the next two Poetry Wednesdays like you normally would. If these score better, it will replace your lowest scoring Poetry Wednesday assignments.
Option 2:REWRITE any of your low scoring assignments and turn it in again(with the original version with our feedback on it), and if the score is better, it will replace the low score.
Requirements: (You knew there would be a catch! ) READ THESE AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS EXACTLY!
- You can choose any of the options above.
- You MUST meet the deadline dates for each redo EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT! YOU MAY EMAIL AN ASSIGNMENT, but it must meet the DEADLINE TIME.******************
- No matter which option you choose, you may only turn in 2 assignments.
- Label all assignments with “DO OVER” on it.
- Redo MUST be typed and include the poem.
- If choosing option 2, you must include the ORIGINAL assignment with my feedback. You can email the NEW version, BUT you must turn in ORIGINAL WITH FEEDBACK the next day to qualify.
- You may NOT turn in an assignment to replace a MISSING assignment. Only existing grades may be changed.
Due dates: Must be met to qualify. EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU MUST MEET THESE DATES!
Friday, February 5 by 2:30Symbol/Allegory or Option 2 due
*Friday, February 12by 2:30. Metaphor/Simile or Option 2 due.
*We don’t have school this day, but you can turn into office OR EMAIL it to your teacher. If choosing Option 2 and you email the NEW version, you must turn in ORIGINAL WITH FEEDBACK on Tuesday to qualify.