Republic of the Philippines
Camp Olivas, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
TO : See Distribution
FROM : Regional Director, PRO3
DATE : May 9, 2012
a. NHQ LOI 55/2011 (SANGLAHI-ALPHA) dated March 26, 2012;
b. Human Security Act (RA No. 9372) of 2007;
c. Anti-Terrorism Council Resolution No. 034-2011 dated June 9, 2011 with the PNP as Lead Agency in Counter Terrorism;
d. Joint Letter Directive No 07-2010 “Creation of Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center (JPSCC) date November 24, 2010;
e. PNP Three-Tiered Defense System against Terrorism.
This Implementing Plan sets forth the concept and operational guidelines in the prevention of any terrorist-related incident and the containment and neutralization of local and international terrorist groups operating in the country primarily through the PNP Anti-Terrorism Multi-Sector Strategy and Three-Tiered Defense System.
Acts of Terrorism continue to be perpetrated by extremists from all socio-political and religious milieus. Many countries now face the problem on terrorism, which has already cost countless lives and properties. Recent developments on the global war against terror prove the increasing need to further enhance every nation’s capability against extremists who are armed with ideological and radical motivations backed by modern operational tools in pursuing their terroristic activities.
According to the 2010 Terrorism Index of the Maplecroft, a global risks advisory firm, the Philippines is the 8th most dangerous country in the world in terms of likelihoods of terrorist attacks and mass casualty occurrence. These findings may be linked to the bombing incidents in Makati, the Valentines’ Day bombings and other similar incidents, which put the country in a negative international perception in dealing with terroristic atrocities.
The PRO3, in coordination with the 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, shall assist the PNP Counter Terrorism Task Force (CTTF) in the implementation of a responsive and effective counter-terrorism strategy to prevent, contain and neutralize the different terrorist groups, domestic and international operating in the region.
a. Strategic Concept:
The PRO3 shall assist the PNP CTTF in the implementation of the governments’ unified approach to combat terrorism. This will entail the employment of Multi-Sectoral Strategy (MSS) wherein the law enforcement agencies, together with other government instrumentalities and major stakeholders are the main partners in combating terrorism, including the efficient and effective prosecution of arrested suspects.
This strategy involves institutional initiatives through:
1) The Creation of a PRO3 Counter Terrorism Task Group (CTTG)
A CTTG shall be organized, activated, developed, trained and equipped, and shall be known as Regional Task Group SANGLAHI-ALPHA. It shall serve as the primary investigative and operational arm of PRO3 against local and international terrorist groups operating in the region.
This Regional Task Group SANGLAHI-ALPHA shall be composed primarily of personnel/units from the 3rd Regional Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (3rd RCIDU), Regional Intelligence Unit 3 (RIU3), Regional Police Community Relations Division (RPCRD) and Regional Legal Service 3 (RLS3).
The Task Group shall be headed by the Chief, RID as TG Commander with C, RIU3 as Deputy TG Commander and Deputy C, RID as Executive Officer. It shall have an Administrative Division, which will cover the financial, logistical, and general support functions; and an Operations Division that will conduct intelligence research and analysis, tactical operations, investigation and detection and community liaising.
An oversight committee shall be organized with DRDO as Chairman and C, ROPD, C, RPCRD, C, RIDMD, and C, RLS3 as members. This oversight committee shall ensure the conduct of semi-annual evaluations to be set by the committee members on the performance of the Regional Task Group SANGLAHI-ALPHA, its responsiveness to local and international threats, and its impact on the overall peace and order situation in the region.
2) Inter-Government Agency Collaboration and Cooperation
The Regional Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center (RJPSCC) and the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Council 3 (RLECC3) shall be utilized as avenues for coordination and collaboration in the pursuit of this endeavor. Likewise, regular liaising with the Regional Prosecutor will be conducted for the efficient and effective prosecution of cases involving terrorism. Same measures shall be employed as well with other government agencies/stakeholders to ensure good coordination and cooperation.
Coordination and collaboration with the AFP counterparts shall be encouraged to ensure harmony in the conduct of counter-terrorism operations especially in critical or affected areas.
3) Multi-Sectoral Collaboration
Community involvement and close coordination with religious and civic organization leaders are vital in counter-terrorism operations. Partnerships with these entities encourage proactive participation of the community. Dialogues and other forms of communication between the Regional Task Group SANGLAHI-ALPHA and the community will open avenues for information that can be used in neutralizing terrorist personalities/organizations that have the potential to carry out acts of terrorism.
Deradicalization shall be carried out in areas where possible radical ideas and movements may emanate. These shall not be limited to dialogues and “pulong-pulong” with religious and community leaders but shall include the psychological aspect wherein experts in deradicalization will be invited to conduct seminars and trainings.
International collaboration and cooperation shall likewise be institutionalized to improve liaising and information exchange with foreign counterparts.
b. Operational Concept:
To effectively carry out its mission against all forms of terrorist activities perpetrated by both domestic and international terrorists, PRO3 shall implement the “Three-Tiered Defense System” anchored on the four (4) Ps (Predict, Prevent, Prepare, and Perform) on a continuing basis to be carried out in two (2) phases: the Pro-Active and the Reactive Phase, utilizing both overt and covert measures.
1) Pro-active Phase (Intelligence and Target Hardening)
a) Predict
This activity involves the prediction of the likelihood of a crisis/violence occurring, arising from terrorist atrocities, through the determination and assessment of the details of terrorist plans, answering: Where, When, What, How, Who and Which are they going to hit.
b) Prevent
This effort involves the adoption of all types of security counter-measures designed to avert, neutralize, and strengthen or harden target areas and personalities identified in the prediction stage.
c) Prepare
This involves planning, organizing, training, equipping, maintaining of operational readiness and pre-positioning of response/reaction teams and crisis management committees to avert and meet all foreseeable threats/emergencies.
2) Reactive Phase (Incident Management)
a) Perform
This covers the activation of a Crisis Management Committee (CMC) and the actual execution and implementation of specific contingency plans on fire control, medical evacuation, crowd and traffic control, isolation, media plan, negotiation and tactical action/intervention. It also includes the documentation and investigation of the incident and subsequent filing of appropriate charges in court.
To ensure an efficient and effective integration of efforts within the PNP Regional, Provincial, and Station levels, the anti-terrorism strategy shall employ a Lead, Direct Support, and Auxiliary Support Office concept. Lead Office means that a specific PNP office shall be designated to orchestrate a major component activity of the anti-terrorist program to be supported by several offices.
The PPOs/CPOs shall formulate and implement their own anti-terrorism strategy, considering the peculiarities in their respective areas of jurisdiction. In the event of suspected terrorist attacks, the PPOs/CPOs shall ensure the management and containment of the incident and shall coordinate with the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA who shall coordinate with the PNP Task Force SANGLAHI-ALPHA for any development of the case.
In the event of a confirmed terrorist incident, the Task Group SANGLAHI-ALPHA shall take cognizance and immediately inform the Regional Director and the PNP TF SANGLAHI-ALPHA Commander who shall be responsible in informing the C, PNP and the ATC Program Management Center (ATC-PMC) on the nature of the incident, and shall closely coordinate with concerned units for immediate intervention/ counteraction.
In case of bombing attacks and explosions perpetrated by terrorists, the Inter-Agency Protocol on Explosives and Related Incidents Investigation among the PNP, AFP, NBI and PCG shall be strictly followed.
c. Tasks:
All units of the PNP are tasked accordingly under this Plan and shall perform, among others, additional tasks necessary within their mandates for the successful accomplishment of the mission specified herein.
The Deputy Regional Director for Operations (DRDO) serves as the overall supervisor in the implementation of this Plan.
1) ROPD:
a) Chief, ROPD is designated as member of the Oversight Committee;
b) OPR in the implementation of this Plan;
c) Supervise and monitor the progress and activities of tasked units in the implementation of this plan;
d) Ensure that RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA and other relevant matters shall be included in Regional JPSCC monthly meetings for operational and policy directions;
Initiate the convening of the Critical Incident Management Committee (CIMC) in case of any confirmed terrorist attack;
d) Assist RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in the monitoring of movement of suspected firearms, explosives, explosives ingredients and similar materials; and
e) Perform other tasks as directed.
2) RID:
a) Chief, RID is designated as the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA Commander;
b) Deputy Chief, RID is designated as the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA Executive Officer;
c) Prepare and submit Incident Report and Post-Terrorist Attack Assessment to NHQ PNP;
d) Provide timely and periodic intelligence and intelligence support to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA and other tasked units;
e) Update and validate watch lists on major threat groups and furnish the same to tasked units;
f) Prepare periodic threat analysis at the regional level;
g) Consolidate and review all related reports on threat analysis, vulnerability assessment, and security surveys on vital installations; and
h) Perform other tasks as directed.
3) RIU3:
a) C, RIU3 is designated as the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA Deputy Commander;
b) Provide personnel augmentation and other resources to support RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA as required;
c) Support RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in the conduct of case build-up/surveillance on suspected terrorists and their supporters, contacts and support elements;
d) Assist RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in the continuous assessment of the terrorist threat, specifically the threat groups;
e) Intensify intelligence monitoring and report to the ground commander any unusual activity within the vicinity of the crime scene; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Chief, RPCRD is designated as member of the Oversight Committee;
b) Prepare and submit an information operation plan relative to this Plan;
c) Formulate a “deradicalization” program targeting individuals and organizations that have the potential to carry out attacks;
d) Assist in the active implementation of the Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) in support of this Plan;
e) Mobilize NGOs and GOs in the implementation of this Plan;
f) Conduct an effective perception management; and
g) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Chief, RIDMD is designated as member of the Oversight Committee;
b) Liaise regularly with the Regional Prosecutors Office for the efficient prosecution of arrested terrorist suspects and their cohorts and other matters relative to the implementation of this Plan;
c) Assist in the filing of all appropriate cases and the prosecution of members of the terrorist groups; and
d) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Provide logistical support/requirements to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA as requested; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
7) RCD:
a) Provide fund support to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA and other tasked offices/units as requested; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Issue appropriate orders for the detail of PNP personnel with the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA;
b) Design appropriate training programs/seminars for the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA personnel to enhance their capability in the performance of their assigned tasks relative to this Plan in coordination with DHRDD ;
c) Prepare/consolidate a list of PNP personnel with specialized anti-terrorist training and skills for possible deployment/detail with RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA; and
d) Perform other tasks as directed.
9) RLS3:
a) Chief, RLS3 is designated as member of the Oversight Committee;
b) Assist RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in coordination with RIU3 and 3rd CIDU in the filing of cases against suspected terrorist/s;
c) Provide personnel augmentation and technical assistance to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA; and
d) Perform other tasks as directed.
10) RPSB3:
a) Provide personnel augmentation and technical support (e.g. K-9, EOD) to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA if situation necessitates; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
11) 3rd CIDU:
a) Assist the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in the conduct of investigation and case build-up against members of terrorist groups for the subsequent filing of appropriate charges in court;
b) Ensure regular coordination with the Regional Prosecutors Office for the prosecution of suspected terrorist elements;
c) Provide personnel augmentation and other resources to support RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA;
d) Provide investigative technical assistance to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA; and
e) Perform other tasks as directed.
12) PCAS3:
a) Assist RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in conducting security survey/inspection on airports;
b) Provide personnel augmentation and technical support (e.g. K-9, EOD) to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA if situation necessitates; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.
13) RMO3:
a) Assist RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in conducting security survey/ inspection on ports;
b) Provide personnel augmentation and technical support (e.g. K-9, EOD) to RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA if situation necessitates; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.
14) RCEO3:
a) Provide secured communication-electronic equipment to the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA and the tasked units;
b) Provide personnel augmentation to the RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA, if needed; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.
15) RCLO3:
a) Assist the investigation units in the collection, handling, preservation and documentation of physical evidence at the crime scene; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
16) All PPOs/CPOs:
a) Ensure the implementation of the 3-tiered defense system in respective AORs;
b) Assist the PNP/RTG SANGLAHI-ALPHA in the conduct of investigation of all terrorism-related incidents;