Revised March 16th, 2018


Each of the following Awards and Trophies and Plaques/Medallions will be allocated following the competitions unless no competitor has met the requirements as shown below. Should an award that originates from funds administered by the Committee not be awarded, the available money must be distributed to other worthy competitors selected by the adjudicators. The recipients should preferably, but not necessarily, be in the same discipline as indicated in the description of the Award.

No Awards, Trophies or Plaques/Medallions will be presented based on performances in non-competitive classes.

You will note from the list below that there is a great need for increased awards for piano students. If you or anyone you know could help in this regard, please contact the Festival office.


Founder's Award -

A trophy in memory of M. G. Hardill, President of the Kiwanis Club in 1946 and a $300 award donated by the family members of the late Mr. Jack Hardill. This will be awarded to the most outstanding individual musical performer from the five

Disciplines (Brass, Piano, Strings, Vocal and Woodwinds), who has been recommended at the sole discretion of the adjudicators, toparticipate in the competition during the Final Concert of the Stars. Candidates must have performed in 2 or more solo classes in their particular discipline.

Wilson M Gemmell Award and Trophy -

In memory of Wilson M. Gemmell, President of the Kiwanis Club in 1953, a monetary award donated byMr.and Mrs. Andrew Gemmell, presented at the sole discretion of the Adjudicators, to the runner up of the Founder's Award.

The Keeper trophy has been furnished by Kiwanian Peter Adamek.

Founder's Participant Awards -

This award has been graciously donated by Dr. & Mrs. Terry Hawkin. The three participants who have competed in the Founder's challenge will be recognized with a $100 award. Should there only be two representatives the award will be sharedequally. We thank the Hawkins' for their kind donation and interest in recognizing these particular worthy performers.


President's (Scott's Plains) Award -

$100 paid by the Kiwanis Club of Scott's Plains, to a contestant whose performance is of outstanding merit but who is not eligiblefor other specified prizes, awards.

President's (Kiwanis Club of Ptbo) Award -

$150 paid by the Kiwanis Club of Peterborough, to a contestant whose performance is of outstanding merit but who is not eligiblefor other specified prizes, awards.

Scott's Plains Kiwanis Award -

$100 to be used at the Adjudicator's and the Committee's discretion.

The Lt. Governor Award (Scott’s Plains)

We wish to thank the members of The Kiwanis Club of Scott's Plains for recognizing the efforts of Lt. Governor Frank Konopaski. Lt Governor Frank has given outstanding service to Kiwanis International, Kiwanis Clubs of Peterborough,

Lindsay and district. This $100 award will be available to one candidate at the

discretion of the adjudicators.

Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival Memorial Awards -

Donations to the Memorial Awards Trust Fund are invested and the proceeds of the investments are paid out each year as awards to entrants recommended by the Adjudicators. An amount not to exceed $2,000 may be distributed among participants who are considered by the adjudicators to be worthy recipients.

The Dr. & Mrs. Terry Hawkins Intermediate Level Award

To recognize the accomplishments of one student in each of the five disciplines (Piano, Voice, Woodwinds, Brass and Strings) who has participated in this music festival. Intermediate level studies include grade 5 to grade 7 or equivalent, RCM/CCM standards.Each music student chosen will receive a $50 monetary award towards the encouragement of his/her musical development.

The ‘Walter Howell’ Memorial Award sponsored by LLF Lawyers LLP

In memory of Walter Howell, a long time member of the law firm Howell, Fleming.

Mr. Howell was a past president of the Kiwanis Club of Peterborough, and also

a Past International Vice-President of Kiwanis International.

This will be divided into 5 monetary awards, two of which must be awarded toprovincial nominees. The amount of this award is $500.00

The Peterborough Concert Association Award

$50 monetary award will be given to a Peterborough music student in any of the solo classes for the 2017 music festival year. The award may be withheld if a minimum standard is not met and the highest marks will not necessarily determine the winners.

The Tape Estate

An amount of $50.00 will be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicators and committee to a worthy candidate.

The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation

As of 2015 the Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation has increased its scholarship to the music festival. We are grateful to the foundation for encouraging our musicians in other disciplines. $500 will be used towards music areas that has suffered short falls.

Hawkins Award

An award of $50 to be given to a worthy music student, who is not eligible for

Any other awards.

Lindsay Concert Foundation Award

A donation was made to the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival in 2018 to be

Used towards worthy students of music from the Lindsay/City of Kawartha Lakes.

The amount for this initial year will be two $200 awards with subsequent years

Being in the amount of $200.

Outstanding young performer residing in the Lindsay – City of Kawartha Lakes area. This award will be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicators.


The Connie Vizniowski Memorial Award and Trophy -

This monetary scholarship and trophy will be awarded to the winner of Class 400. The winner must be a person whose principalmeans of livelihood is not and never has been from the teaching and/or performance of Vocal Music. The award will be made at the sole discretion of the Adjudicator, based on performance and potential.

[2017 will be the last year of this award]

The George McLeod Memorial Award and Trophy -

A monetary award of $100 plus the George McLeod Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the runner up winner of class 400. We thank the McLeod family for their willingness to support this award and trophy in memory of their father, and many members of the Kiwanis Club of the Kawarthas who have given of the very best to make Peterborough the great community it is today.

Robert Whitfield Morrison Memorial Award -

A monetary award of $100 will be awarded if possible to a male contestant

competing in Section 4. If this is not possible it may be awarded elsewhere

at the discretion of the Adjudicators.

Peterborough Women's Art Association Award -

A monetary award of $300 for a female competing in the 400 class section who has been recommended to attend the Provincial Finals The remaining $100 is to be awarded to a candidate who participated in the Vocal solo ARCT level section.

Should there not be any candidate in the ARCT level the full amount of $300 will be awarded to the 400 series run off winner. The winner is traditionally asked to perform at the Women’s Art Association annual luncheon.

Tim Hortons Award -

A total award of $1000 to be allocated to vocal students at the discretion of the Adjudicators.

The Jim Hooper Memorial Award

To be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator and committee to a vocal performer above the Grade 6 Conservatory level.

The monetary award of $100 maybe subdivided if there are two likely candidates.

Scotiabank Award -

Two monetary awards of $50 to be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator and committee for vocal studies in Music Theater.

Richard Batten Award and The Aileen Batten Memorial Award re word

A monetary award of $50.00 will be put towards the highest mark for vocal competitors who have entered Classes 801 to 806.

An additional $50.00 monetary award will be awarded to at the discretion of the adjudicator and committee for a student studying grades 4-6 voice.

Dr David Milne Award -

A monetary award to be at the discretion of the adjudicator for aworthy participant in Classes 807 to 812.

4 High Notes Award

Two $50 dollar awards have been donated towards Graded level vocalists, who the committee and adjudicator deem worthy. The worthy candidates must have entered more than 1 voice class and participated in a graded level class. Emphasis will go towards grades 5 to 8.

Potten Rose Bowl Challenge Trophy -

Class 901. To be eligible for the Rose Bowl a contestant must receive a mark of at least 85, in the relevant class.

Peterborough Singers - Girls' Vocal Challenge Trophy & Award -

To be awarded to the winner of Class 800 along with $50.


The Mayor Sylvia Sutherland Award (Scott’s Plains)

To recognize the valuable contribution during her terms as mayor of the City of Peterborough, the Kiwanis Club of Scott's Plains Inc. have established an annual award of $100 to be presented to a worthy competitor. At the suggestion of the former Mayor Sutherland, and to recognize her Welsh background, this award will be directed to Men’s Choir entries.

Hawkins Choir Award -

This $100 award kindly donated by Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hawkins will be used

to recognize the achievements of a deserving choir who has participated at the Festival upon the discretion of the Adjudicator.

TheInclusive Advisory Choir Award

Adult choirs and adult vocal ensembles will be considered for this award monetary award. If the award cannot be awarded to an adult choir,a High School Choir will be taken into considered.

The Mary Hinan-Grose Award

In recognition of Mary’s many years of faithful service as choir director at DonwoodUnitedChurch, friends, and members of the Church have arranged that an award will be presented to a worthy choir that has competed in the Festival. The duration of this award will be from 2006 – 2020. The award will be $100


The Music Festival thank the members of Centreville Presbyterian ChurchFrazerville, for their willingness to keep the memory of Gary and Barb Greer alive by sponsoring this annual choir award of $150 to a deserving choir based on adjudicator recommendations.

J Harold Lewis Memorial Trophy -

Classes 101 to 106.

Charles Allen Memorial Trophy -

A trophy for the most outstanding choir performance, in the opinion of the Adjudicators.

PIANO Junior / Intermediate Piano Awards

The PeterboroughSuzukiSchool of Music - Graham Clarke Piano Award

This $100 award is givento honour Graham Clarke, a 12 year old Suzuki student dedicated to piano and sports who died of cancer in January, 2007. Graham played with style and enthusiasm, always ready tolearn a new piece.His gentle vigor and stamina for blues piano was an example to many youngsters.

The Festival will use this award towards the CC Contemporary Idioms classes; List A – Ballad/Blues Classes 1781 – 1788.

The Marilyn “Buddy” HunterAward -

$100 will be presented to the overall winner after the run-off for

Classes 1606 to 1609, the other participants will receive recognition. The remaining funds will be shared amongst the other competitors who participate in the run off.

Accademia Musica Award -

$100 to be awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicators to 2 piano students who have entered Sonatina classes 1711, 1712.

* Comstock-Kaye Life Celebration Centre& Medallion -

A monetary award of $75 and a medallion for Classes 1602A to 1602D Canadian Composers with set repertoire.

Music for Young Children Award & Medallion -

$30 for Piano Solo Beginner Classes 1639 and 1640.

Mr. Gary Greer and family have furnished a keeper medallion.

Music for Young Children Award & Medallion -

$30 for Piano Solo Beginner Classes 1641 and 1642.

Mr. Gary Greer and family have furnished a keeper medallion.

Music for Young Children Award & Medallion -

$30 for Piano Solo Beginner Class 1643 and 1644.

Mr. Gary Greer and family have furnished a keeper medallion.

Fitzgerald Family Award –

$50 for a beginner piano student (classes 1645 – 1647 will be considered)

The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation Piano Awards

Funds from this award will be awarded to deserving piano students, at the discretion of the committee and adjudicators. Candidates must have competed in more than one piano class. Classical, Modern and Romantic Classes will be considered.

O.R.M.T.A.Peterborough Branch Award and Plaques

One monetary award with a plaque will be awarded for the highest mark in Classes 1623 to 1625 Graded Junior Piano 1 to 3.

The second monetary award with a plaque will be awarded to the highest mark in classes 1626 to 1628 (Grades 4-6). Should there not be a worthy candidate the funds will be used towards Classes 1601D-F. The Music Festival has the discretion to withhold this prize.

The Gary Greer Memorial Piano Award 4 awards

The Barbara Greer (Music for Young Children) Memorial Award -

The estate of Mr. Gary Greer has furnished funding this award in memory of both Gary and Barbara Ellen Greer. Barbara being the Founder and Co-0rdinator of the Music for Young Children program here in the Peterborough area. Four monetary awards of $50 will be awarded to the piano students who have highest marks from classes 1704A – D Barogue Era classes. Should there not be any participants in Baroque classes, Classical piano will be considered.

PIANO Intermediate / Senior Piano Awards

Sisters of St Joseph Award - Senior Piano

$100 awarded to competitor in Piano Class1668 OR 1709h, Grade VIII Post-Romantic own choice RCM or CC with highest marks.

The Jack Abrahamse Memorial Award -

One monetary prize of $50 for the winner of Grade 9 Romantic era classes 1604E or F.

These awards are in memory of the late Jack Abrahamse, who, at the time of his death, was President-Elect of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers'

Association - Peterborough Branch and for which he was a tireless worker.

Should there be no candidate at that level, then participants from Classes

1604 C, D of F, may be considered by the adjudicators to be recipients of this award. The Music Festival has the discretion to withhold this prize.

T R Canden Award -

A monetary prize of $100 for Modern Senior Piano classes or at the discretion of the adjudicators.

TheLeslie Reichardt Memorial Award -

A monetary prize of $100 to be used toward Classes 1613 to 1615 Senior

Piano Age Group.

The Royal Bank Award -

This $100 award maybe granted to a participant in Piano Post Romantic, Early 20 Century Grade 10 and/or pre-diploma classes, or at the discretion of the adjudicators.

CIBC Award -

A monetary prize of $100 for Bach, Prelude and Fugue. Should there not be any likely candidate this prize will be used towards higher level senior piano.

Monkman Gracie & JohnstonInsurance Award & Medallion -

A monetary award of $100 and medallion to be awarded to a Senior Piano

student (Grades 8 - 10/Pre-diploma and Associate), who is a candidate for the Provincial (OMFA) Competition. The candidate will be selected at the discretion of the Adjudicator.

The Lloyd Carr-Harris Award

Funds have been made available to the Music Festival to recognize 20 years that the Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation has been supporting the Strings discipline. These funds will be awarded to worthy piano candidates as per instructions from the Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation. Funds will be used in all areas of piano Sonata Classes, and Concert Group.

Derry-Hunter Piano Duet Award to be awarded to the highest mark of a senior piano duet, and the remainder of the monies to be awarded to a junior piano duet-

Two monetary awards of $50.

The Marjorie Brown Memorial Piano Award -

Marjorie Brown studied piano at a young age in Campbellford. Throughout her life music held a great deal of significance as she took part in the church choir, social gatherings and musical events at Mark St. United Church.

After being taught by ear as a child she embraced further studies as an adult student learning theory and reading music. Her commitment in achieving her goal was accomplished through diligent practicing. This appreciation has influenced her grandchildren with the study of piano, violin and guitar. In the recent years Marjorie attended the competitions held during the Kiwanis Music Festival. The award of $50.00 will be available to an advanced level piano student.

Dr B McKone Memorial Award –this award will cease after April 2018.

A monetary recognition of $100 for Classes 1605A to 1605F, competitive original


Piano Trophies or Plaques

The Iris Sproule - Moira Whalon Memorial Trophy -

To be competed for by the winners of Classes 1718 & 1719

who have competed in more than one Piano Class.

Eveline Foster Memorial Trophy -

To be competed for by selected winners, who have competed in morethan one piano Class, Grade 10 or higher.

Phyllis Denne Memorial Trophy -

To the winner of the Run off classes for Intermediate Sonatina Classes 1713 to 1715.

George Cheatle Memorial Trophy -

For the winner of the run off Classes 1610 to 1612.

The Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherney Trophy -

To be presented to an advanced piano student at the entire discretion of the adjudicators.




For over 20 years now the Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation have participated in granting award money to worthy music students, the Music Festival is indeed indebted to the members of the Foundation for their support since 1994.

The $2,000 annual awards will be awarded to solo string performers as follows:

A plaque will be awarded to all winners ofeach of the Classes involving performers who are age 11 or under or performing at Grade 3 level or under.

An amount of $300 willbe awarded to the Senior String Candidate and an amount of $200 to the Junior String Candidate of the Ontario ProvincialCompetitions.

The balance of the funds will be divided between the winners of all other classical string competitive classes which include duets, ensembles and chamber groups, at the

discretion of the adjudicator. Viola winners will also be encouraged.

Consideration will also be given to 3 violin students to receive $100 each for their respective levels, Junior, Intermediate and Senior.

Accademia Musica Awards -

One $50 award, one either a 12 years old and under player or a 13 years or over player.

The Jack and Ruth Armstrong Memorial Award –(2014-2034)

An award of $50 to a deserving String performer sponsored by the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. The family has made a donation of $1000, to maintain the memory of the Armstrong Family till 2034.

Peterborough Symphony Emeritus Players Memorial Trophy -