Revised Final Exams Programme of B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Sem.I, to VI. Exam. Oct./Novl, 2016


Circular No.246 Exam of October/November, 2016

Revised Final Examinations Programme of B.Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Sem. III to VI to be held in October/November, 2016.

1 The students should see their Seat Number & Name in the Name list and Mistakes if any should be communicated to this office IMMEDIATELY.

2 All the candidates are requested to confirm their Examination Seat Number as well as Place of the Examination on the Notice Board of the University/college will be declared later at least Two days before the date of examination.

3 The candidate should write correct seat No. on each answer book, If candidate writes wrong Seat Number. on answer book, the performance of such subject will not be considered.

4 The Candidates are requested to be present at their respective places of Examination FIFTEEN MINUTES before the time of starting of First paper Ten minutes before the starting of each subsequent paper.

5 The candidates are forbidden to take any book or paper into the Examination Hall.

6 The students are allowed to use the Non Programmable Scientific Calculators for numerical calculations at their own cost. The University will not supply such calculators

7 The cellular Phone, Programmable Scientific Calculator and Digital Dairy or any other means which can be used for unfair practice are not allowed in the Examination Hall and

8 The Candidate should write answers in BLUE INK only.

9 The candidate should remove his shoos outside the examination hall.

10 Students should verify the customized time table on his/her hall ticket with the final programme send to his/her college and also savable on university web-site at last days prior the date of examination.


B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester III to VI

University Exams

Exam of October/November, 2016

The Places of B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester– III to VI Examination to be held in October/November, 2016 at KOLHAPUR, SANGLI & SATARA Districts Centres are as under.

B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – III to VI Exam. October/November, 2016
No. / Center / Place
(Theory i.e. Written Exam.) / Examination
1 / Kolhapur / Vivekanand College (V) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – III to VI
2 / Sangli / Smt. Kasturbai Walchand College of
Arts & Science (KWS) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – III to VI
3 / Urun- Islampur / Karmveer Bhaurao Patil College (U) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – III to VI
4 / Karad / S.G.M. College (SGM) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – III to VI
5 / Satara / Y. C. Institute of Science (YCIS) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – III to VI

Vidyanagar Kolhapur : M. A. Kakade

Date :05/10/2016 Controller of Examinations

B. Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Part II Semester – III (From Oct., 14)
Time 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Day and Date / Subject Name / Subject Code No.
24/10/2016 / Genetics / 63820
25/10/2016 / Fundamentals of Biophysics / 63821
26/10/2016 / Metabolic Pathways / 63822
27/10/2016 / Ecology / 63823
03/11/2016 / Molecular Biology – I / 63824
Friday ,
04/11/2016 / Plant Tissue Culture / 63825
B. Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Part II Semester – IV (From April, 15)
Time 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Day and Date / Subject Name / Subject Code No.
05/11/2016 / Immunology / 63831
07/11/2016 / Advances in Cell Biology / 63832
08/11/2016 / Plant Biochemistry / 63833
0911/2016 / Environmental Biotechnology / 63834
10/11/2016 / Molecular Biology – II / 63835
11/11/2016 / Animal Tissue culture / 63836
B. Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Part III Semester – V
(New From Oct., 2015)
Time 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Day and Date / Subject Name / Subject Code No.
Thursday, 17/11/2016 / Basics in Genetic Engineering / 66083
19/11/2016 / Industrial Biotechnology / 66084
21/11/2016 / Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture / 66085
22/11/2016 / Developmental Biology (Plant and Animal ) / 66086
B. Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Part III Semester – VI
(New From April, 2016) (Old Up to October, 2016)
Time 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Day and Date / Subject Name / Subject Code No.
Wednesday, 23/11/2016 / Advances in Genetic Engineering (Old) / 55766
Advances in Genetic Engineering (New) / 66087
24/11/2016 / Food and Microbial Biotechnology (Old) / 55767
Food and Microbial Biotechnology (New) / 66088
25/11/2016 / Application of Biotechnology in Health (Old) / 55768
Application of Biotechnology in Health (New) / 66089
26/11/2016 / Bioinformatics (Old) / 55769
Bioinformatics (New) / 66090


The Examinations Programme is subject to change. If there is any change in the Examination programme will be communicated in due course, however the University will not responsible for the loss or inconvenience caused to the students.



Kolhapur-416004 M. A. Kakade

Date:-23/08/2016 Controller of Examination


College Examinations Programme

Circular No.247 Exam of October/November, 2016

Revised Final Examinations Programme of B.Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Sem. I, II to be held in October/November, 2016.

1 The students should see their Seat Number & Name in the Name list and Mistakes if any should be communicated to this office IMMEDIATELY.

2 All the candidates are requested to confirm their Examination Seat Number as well as Place of the Examination on the Notice Board of the University/college will be declared later at least Two days before the date of examination.

3 The candidate should write correct seat No. on each answer book, If candidate writes wrong Seat Number. on answer book, the performance of such subject will not be considered.

4 The Candidates are requested to be present at their respective places of Examination FIFTEEN MINUTES before the time of starting of First paper Ten minutes before the starting of each subsequent paper.

5 The candidates are forbidden to take any book or paper into the Examination Hall.

6 The students are allowed to use the Non Programmable Scientific Calculators for numerical calculations at their own cost. The University will not supply such calculators

7 The cellular Phone, Programmable Scientific Calculator and Digital Dairy or any other means which can be used for unfair practice are not allowed in the Examination Hall and

8 The Candidate should write answers in BLUE INK only.

9 The candidate should remove his shoos outside the examination hall.

10 Students should verify the customized time table on his/her hall ticket with the final programme send to his/her college and also savable on university web-site at last days prior the date of examination.


B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester I, II

College Examinations

Exam of October/November, 2016

The Places of B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester– I, II Examination to be held in in October/November, 2016 at KOLHAPUR, SANGLI & SATARA Districts Centres are as under.

B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – I, II Exam. October/November, 2016
No. / Center / Place
(Theory i.e. Written Exam.) / Examination
1 / Kolhapur / Vivekanand College (V) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – I, II
2 / Sangli / Smt. Kasturbai Walchand College of
Arts & Science (KWS) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – I, II
3 / Urun- Islampur / Karmveer Bhaurao Patil College (U) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – I, II
4 / Karad / S.G.M. College (SGM) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – I, II
5 / Satara / Y. C. Institute of Science (YCIS) / B.Sc. Bio-Technology (Entire) Semester – I, II

Vidyanagar Kolhapur : M. A. Kakade

Date :05/10/2016 Controller of Examinations

B. Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Part I Semester – I (College Examinations)
(From October, 2013)
Time 12.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m.
Day and Date / Subject Name / Subject Code No.
05/11/2016 / Chemistry-I Paper-I / 59716
07/11/2016 / Physics-I Paper-II / 59717
08/11/2016 / Plant Science Paper-III / 59718
09/11/2016 / Mathematical Methods Paper-IV / 59719
10/11/2016 / Biomolecules Paper-V / 59720
11/11/2016 / Biotechniques and Instrumentation Paper-VI / 59721
12/11/2016 / Microbiology-I Paper-VII / 59722
15/11/2016 / Computer Basics and Bioinformatics Paper-VIII / 59723
16/11/2016 / English for Communication-I Paper-IX / 59724
B. Sc. Biotechnology (Entire) Part I Semester – II (College Examinations)
(From March, 2014)
Time 12.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m.
Day and Date / Subject Name / Subject Code No.
17/11/2016 / Chemistry -II Paper- X / 59725
19/11/2016 / Physics-II Paper-XI / 59726
21/11/2016 / Animal Science Paper-XII / 59727
22/11/2016 / Statistical Methods Paper-XIII / 59728
23/11/2016 / Proteins and Enzymes Paper-XIV / 59729
24/11/2016 / Basics in Cell Biology Paper-XV / 59730
25/11/2016 / Microbiology – II Paper-XVI / 59731
26/11/2016 / Computer Programming Paper-XVII / 59732
28/11/2016 / English for Communication-II Paper-XVIII / 59733


The College Examinations Programme is subject to change. If there is any change in the Examination programme will be communicated in due course, however the University will not responsible for the loss or inconvenience caused to the students.



Kolhapur-416004 M. A. Kakade

Date:- 23/08/2016 Controller of Examinations