

In order to prepare for tomorrow’s unit test on waves, complete this review sheet. In addition to preparing you for the test, you will earn 10 extra credit points toward the test for completing the assignment.

8-6.1 Recall that waves transmit energy but not matter

8-6.2 Distinguish between mechanical and electromagnetic waves

Write E if the statement describes electromagnetic, M if it is mechanical or B if it describes both.

______waves have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties

______can travel through a vacuum (empty space)

______water waves

______vibrate up and down perpendicular to the direction of wave travel

______compression and transverse are types

______transfers energy not mater

______can transfer energy without a medium


8-6.3 Summarize factors that influence the basic properties of waves (amplitude, frequency, wavelength and speed).

  1. Match the following words with the correct definition.

___ Wavelengtha. the number of waves that pass a point in 1 second

___ Amplitudeb. the height of a wave from the rest position to the crest or the rest position to the trough

___ Frequencyc. the length of a wave; measured from crest to crest or trough to trough

  1. Label the amplitude and wavelength on the diagram below.

8-6.4 Summarize the behavior of waves (refraction, reflection, absorption, transmission)

Define the following terms:





What wave behavior is illustrated in the following pictures?


8-6.5 Explain hearing in terms of the relationship between the ear and sound waves

Sound is collected by the outer ear and directed through the outer ear canal. The sound makes the eardrum vibrate, which in turn causes a series of three tiny bones (the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup) in the middle ear to vibrate. The vibration is transferred to the snail-shaped cochlea in the inner ear; the cochlea is lined with sensitive hairs which trigger the generation of nerve signals that are sent to the brain.

______directs the vibrations of the sound into the ear

______first part of the inner ear that detects the vibrations

______three tiny bones (anvil, hammer and stirrup) that amplify sound are located here

______area lined with hairs that create the nerve signals that are sent to the brain

______Where the vibration message is actually heard and is translated into messages

8-6.6 Explain sight in terms of the relationship between the eye and the light waves emitted or reflected by an object.

1. Label the following parts of the eye: Cornearetinalens iris optic nerve pupil

2. Name the part of the eye that performs the task explained.

______carries the signals generated by the rods and cones to your brain

______colored part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil

______Located at the back of the eye and is made up of two different kinds of cells that are sensitive to brightness and color, rods and cones

______can change its shape in order to focus the light and allow us to see clearly

______connection between eye and brain

______refracts light and focuses it on the retina

______opening in the eye that control the amount of light allowed in

3. What is the pathway of light that allows the man to see the chair?

  1. Light bulb man’s eyes chair
  2. Man’s eyes light bulb chair
  3. Chair light bulb Man’s eyes
  4. Light bulb chair Man’s eyes

8-6.7 Explain how the absorption and reflection of light waves by various materials result in the human perception of color.

  1. What happens when white light strikes a black object?
  1. How would a red rose look under blue light? Why?
  1. What happens to the light when it strikes a white object?
  1. Use the words reflect and absorb to explain why a shirt appears green.

8-6.8 Compare the wavelength and energy of waves in various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum

The following diagram shows the types of waves that make up the electromagnetic spectrum. They all travel at the same speed and are all invisible to humans except for visible light.

However, they differ in their wavelengths, frequencies, amplitude and uses.

Determine the wave described in each statement.

______have the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum

______cell phones use to transmit and receive signals

has the smallest wavelength and the most energy of all waves

______see these waves as the colors of the rainbow

______responsible for causing our sunburns

______highest frequency and the most energy

______carry signals to television sets and radios

______shorter wavelengths than radio waves, which heat the food we eat

______help your body produce vitamin D

______they pass easily through the skin allowing doctors to look at our bones

______can be used to treat cancer by killing diseased cells