7th grade plan until Fall Break

10/2 – 10/3:

Review the three key types of social scientists

Randomly pick your role for the Egypt simulation

Read about your role (nobility, priest, scribe, artisan or farmer) in your Egyptian city of Abydos, Bubastis, Hermopolis, Memphis and Thebes

  • Finish reading about your role and outlining your responsibilities for HW

Create timelines of prehistory and ancient Africa

10/4 – 10/5:

Bellwork: QUIZ on social scientists and read an article on ancient Egypt

Review roles in your group or nome, Egyptian city

  • Your group and the class will earn points for following your expectations and roles. Points will earn you time using classroom technology after fall break 

Finish timelines of prehistory and ancient Africa

Create pyramid notes on the Three Kingdoms

  • Finish reading about the Three Kingdoms and taking notes for HW

10/8 – 10/9:

Bellwork: write your name in hieroglyphics

Link pyramids and their role as tombs to the religious traditions of Egypt

Read the an ancient Egyptian mythology story

Fill in a graphic organizer on the ancient gods of Egypt

  • Finish graphic organizer for HW
  • Write a summary comparing and contrasting two gods

10/10 – 10/11:

Bellwork: review study guide for QUIZ after break

Review the pharaohs, legacies and accomplishments of ancient Egypt by analyzing primary sources

  • How do we know what we know about ancient Egypt?
  • Read/examine a primary source article from an archaeological dig
  • Complete the WebQuest using class website – if you have football, please complete it ahead of time or over break. It is due that Monday, October 22nd.

10/12 – 10/22:

If you are proficient on all of the above tasks you will be allowed to watch “Mummy Tech” a Modern Marvels movie by the History Channel. You will have to fill out a worksheet as you watch the movie. Stay after school on 10/23 until 5:15 if you miss it.

  • You can bring in muffins/donuts (in the morning) or cookies/popcorn (in the afternoon) to celebrate the end of our ancient Egypt unit

10/23 – 10/24

BIG Quiz on ancient Egypt

Grade and review that day!! …. Then continue studying the great continent of Africa 