7th grade plan until Fall Break
10/2 – 10/3:
Review the three key types of social scientists
Randomly pick your role for the Egypt simulation
Read about your role (nobility, priest, scribe, artisan or farmer) in your Egyptian city of Abydos, Bubastis, Hermopolis, Memphis and Thebes
- Finish reading about your role and outlining your responsibilities for HW
Create timelines of prehistory and ancient Africa
10/4 – 10/5:
Bellwork: QUIZ on social scientists and read an article on ancient Egypt
Review roles in your group or nome, Egyptian city
- Your group and the class will earn points for following your expectations and roles. Points will earn you time using classroom technology after fall break
Finish timelines of prehistory and ancient Africa
Create pyramid notes on the Three Kingdoms
- Finish reading about the Three Kingdoms and taking notes for HW
10/8 – 10/9:
Bellwork: write your name in hieroglyphics
Link pyramids and their role as tombs to the religious traditions of Egypt
Read the an ancient Egyptian mythology story
Fill in a graphic organizer on the ancient gods of Egypt
- Finish graphic organizer for HW
- Write a summary comparing and contrasting two gods
10/10 – 10/11:
Bellwork: review study guide for QUIZ after break
Review the pharaohs, legacies and accomplishments of ancient Egypt by analyzing primary sources
- How do we know what we know about ancient Egypt?
- Read/examine a primary source article from an archaeological dig
- Complete the WebQuest using class website – if you have football, please complete it ahead of time or over break. It is due that Monday, October 22nd.
10/12 – 10/22:
If you are proficient on all of the above tasks you will be allowed to watch “Mummy Tech” a Modern Marvels movie by the History Channel. You will have to fill out a worksheet as you watch the movie. Stay after school on 10/23 until 5:15 if you miss it.
- You can bring in muffins/donuts (in the morning) or cookies/popcorn (in the afternoon) to celebrate the end of our ancient Egypt unit
10/23 – 10/24
BIG Quiz on ancient Egypt
Grade and review that day!! …. Then continue studying the great continent of Africa