Appendix B(ii)
Review of Capital Programme 2005/2006 to 2007/2008
Proposed New Starts
Scheme / Amount£`000s / Details
IT Development / 400.0 / IT Development Fund: There is a continuing need to invest to update and maintain systems and facilities, including existing finance and information systems, and to support the Council’s e-government strategy.
Disability Access (DDA) / 250.0 / Disability Access: A provision is made to enable adaptations to improve the accessibility of services. Previously the Council provided £100,000k per annum.
It is proposed to maintain the provision in 2007/2008 and to make an additional provision of £150,000 over the next three years.
R&M Enhancements / 250.0 / Capital Enhancements and Urgent Works
The core data included in the Capital Strategy document identified maintenance backlogs some of which this provision is intended to address.
Security of Buildings / 50.0 / Security of Buildings: This provision is used to assist in improving the security of buildings accommodating all services. A business case has to be made and match funding must be provided.
Small Scheme allocation / 60.0 / Executive agreed a small scheme allocation on the 27th April 2004. It is proposed to maintain the scheme into 2007/2008 and increase it to £60,000 per annum.
The purpose of this allocation is to allow for minor works to be undertaken that will enhance the Council’s property/asset portfolio in terms of improving condition, addressing deficiencies or developing the facilities.
Primary School review / 500.0 / Middlesbrough Council’s contribution to the review of Primary School provision (Phase 1 East Middlesbrough)
Scheme is aimed at replacing unsuitable accommodation with high-level modern education facilities.
Scheme has been subject to significant consultation and option appraisal. It is estimated to receive £8.2million external funding.
CCTV Enhancement / 150.0 / Increase CCTV coverage into `hotspot` areas. Areas being considered include Hemlington/Linthorpe/Princess Road.
The scheme will provide up to 7 new cameras and associated infrastructure Provision to meet revenue implications has been made in the Councils budget
Metz Bridge Travellers Site / 55.0 / This site is the responsibility of the Community protection service. The site is in need of repair. There are also a number of Health and Safety concerns regarding the site
Tackling Environmental Eyesores / 198.0 / This scheme is extending the existing project aimed at minor physical improvements to address the social and visual impact of environmental eyesores.
Existing funding has been used to tackle a wide range of problems presented to the community by environmental eyesores, which are often a focus for vandalism, arson and other anti social behaviour
Invest to Save: Carbon reduction / 100.0 / Seed funding as part of an invest to save programme to fund carbon reduction measures. Middlesbrough is one of 24 authorities that have participated in the LA Carbon Management programme in 2004/2005. A number of schemes have been identified in Schools, street lighting, and school buildings.
Linthorpe Cem CCTV / 30.0 / To install a CCTV system in Linthorpe Cemetery to cover areas which have recently been subject to significant vandalism. The Council is incurring significant repairs and maintenance costs and it is felt that this scheme will reduce future revenue implications.
Westbourne Park / 101.0 / Westbourne park is in poor condition. A masterplan has been developed following public consultation that incorporates a new play area, ballcourt, path improvements, tree planting, fencing and drainage improvements. Linthorpe lacks any decent park and has no play facility nearby.
Approx £250k external funding is expected to be generated.
Lingfield Country Park / 80.0 / Project is aimed at creating a country park on agricultural land around Newham Hall Farm. The park will be a semi-natural area of open space, creating new habitats and providing a gateway to the wider countryside and public rights of way network. The project will compliment the Lingfield Countryside Centre that will act as the park’s visitors centre and improve links with education programmes.
Stewart Park Restoration / 60.0 / Heritage Lottery is promoting park restoration under the Public Parks Initiative. Initial work has been completed as to a restoration plan for Stewart Park. A bid is proposed for up to £5m with grants from Heritage Lottery and European grants.
Funding is requested for a feasibility study and bid preparation work and is based on receiving a 40% contribution to the overall cost from Heritage Lottery fund.
Sick and Disabled adaptations / 600.0 / Under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 a local authority has a statutory duty to provide services to disabled persons.
The purpose of the scheme is to provide equipment and adaptations for disabled people so that they can continue to live in their own homes and live independently as possible
Robert Huggins / 197.0 / As part of the Older Peoples Change Programme, Middlesbrough Social Care are moving from being residential care providers to being care providers in housing with extra care in partnership with registered social landlords.
One of the sites for re-development is that of the former Robert Huggins home, in partnership with a Social Landlord where there is an opportunity to build a day centre. The scheme if it proceeds, is expected to generate £1.8m of external support.
Enterprise Centres / 28.0 / The Council owns 7 enterprise centres, which are increasingly in need of investment
to meet the requirements of modern business. The scheme involves completing urgent works to the Stockton Street Workshops and Southlands Business Centre.
Works include upgrading Ventilation systems to meet current requirements and an improvement to communications infrastructure.
Meath Street Community Centre / 86.0 / The scheme involves the demolition of a dilapidated facility and replacing it with a new build community centre.
The purpose of the project will be to provide social and economic benefits for all residents of central Middlesbrough including the Gresham ward. Genuinely encouraging grassroots usage and a real sense of community ownership is the ultimate aim. The centre will act as an outreach venue for some of the most successful job creation initiatives in the town, including @ Work and the WISE Group.
The scheme is being undertaken in partnership between Middlesbrough Council Regeneration Department and the West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust and is expected to generate £794,000 of external funding.
Public Art Strategy / 174.0 / The continuation of a public Art Strategy for Middlesbrough that furthers the drive for public realm improvement. The project has a direct impact upon developing cultural infrastructure, essential to economic regeneration.
North Middlesbrough
re-development / 600.0 / This project will assist with the regeneration of the industrial/commercial part of St. Hilda’s. The project is expected to involve £8.1m of external funding.