Joel Wennerstrom, Professor

Email: WEB:

Review of 1st semester basics: cube, cylinder AND ellipse

Warm-ups: Straight lines across the page, “target practice”. Concentrate on line quality and speed and accuracy.

Review of ellipses: Drawing ellipses on a vertical centerline. Using the “hover and land” technique. Use light line in back of ellipse, heavier in front to show depth.

40-second cubes. Get the view down fast, then correct the proportions, then darken.

Constructing a cube in 3-point perspective starting with an ellipse.

Drawing a cylinder and adding a rectilinear shape onto it.

Drawing large-scale objects vs. small, hand-held objects. Your perspective changes as you draw larger and larger objects.


10 pages of ellipses- Go over each ellipse until you get it right! (30 min)

Starting with an ellipse, draw 4 cubes in 3-pt. perspective on 1 page of newsprint. Shade, draw through, make them pop off the page. (30 min)

The next few weeks you will be designing furniture. The first week you will generate as many ideas as possible. The second week you will be refining your 2 best ideas. The third week, you will figure out construction details and investigate different materials by rendering them in markers.

This assignment will culminate in a series of presentation renderings based on your preliminary work. These renderings will show 2 pieces of furniture in their environment, construction details, and individual renderings of the pieces by themselves.

10 pages of furniture ideation sketches, 10 ideas/views per page. (That’s 100!!!) Choose from chairs, tables, beds, sofas, shelves, public seating, indoors or outdoors etc. Start with lightly drawn rectilinear shapes, spheres and cylinders to get the perspective and the proportions correct—then elaborate/ embellish the form. Include human figures to show scale when appropriate. Sketch on smooth newsprint and black colored pencil or “Borden and Riley #39 white opaque bond layout paper” and PEN. (at least 6 hours)

Focus on:

·  Proper proportions and perspective.

·  Draw simple objects well -not complicated objects poorly!

·  Draw through, draw through, and draw through.

·  Make your drawings pop off the wall: Use contrast and line weight effectively

·  Use contour center lines to show form