I hope you will find this review to be helpful as you prepare for your final exam. A blue book and a Scantron answer sheet will be needed. Both may be purchased in the bookstore. Make Your Studies an Expression of Worship!
Your exam involves three major objectives:
1. Familiarity of major terms;
2. The ability to explain and contrast major worldview worldviews;
3. Articulate in a competent way major worldview issues:
This exam will also offer a bonus section whereby it is possible to earn 10 points!
I. Part I: Major Definition: 33.3%:
Major Definitions: Know the list of terms provided below. Most are found in the glossary of pages 497-504 of Understanding the Times. I will pick 35 terms from this list. This portion will be on Scantron and may involve true/false, matching, and/or multiple choice. Here are terms that you will need to know.
1. Agnosticism
2. Anarchy
3. Anthropic Principle (pg. 103).
4. Atheism
5. Biases*
6. Bourgeoisie
7. Capitalism
8. Collectivism
9. Communism
10. Conflict Absolutism*
11. Consequential Ethics*
12. Correspondence View of Truth
13. Cosmology (pg. 89).
14. Darwinism
15. Deconstruction
16. Deism
17. Despotism
18. Deontological Ethics*
19. Determinism
20. Dialectic
21. Dialectical Materialism
22. Dualism
23. Economic Determinism
24. Egoism*
25. Empiricism
26. Epistemology
27. Ethical Relativism
28. Eudaimonia* (see virtue ethics)
29. Evolution
30. Faith*
31. Fascism
32. Feminism
33. Finite godism*
34. Graded Absolutism*
35. Globalism
36. Golden Mean* (see virtue ethics)
37. Hedonism
38. Idealism
39. Ideology
40. Intelligent Design
41. Law of Non-Contradiction*
42. Leftism
43. Liberalism
44. Marxism
45. Materialism
46. Metanarrative
47. Metaphysics (pg. 89)
48. Moral Law
49. Natural Law
50. Nihilism
51. Noetic Effects of Sin*
52. Ontology (pg. 89).
53. Panentheism*
54. Preunderstandings*
55. Postmodernism
56. Realism
57. Relativism
58. Religious Pluralism
59. Scientism
60. Secular Humanism
61. Social Justice
62. Statism
63. Teleology (pg. 165)
64. Theocracy
65. Unqualified Absolutism*
66. Consequential Ethics*
67. Utopianism
68. Virtue Ethics*
69. Virtue* (see virtue ethics)
70. Vice* (see virtue ethics)
Here are terms and definitions you need to know which are not in your reading but are listed above with an *:
1. Biases. Biases are fixed presuppositions that do not change unless placed under extreme duress.
2. Preunderstandings. Preunderstandings are moldable influences that come and go depending upon contextual setting. They are fluid-like.
3. Deontological Ethics. An action is right if and only if it is in accord with a moral rule or principle.
4. Egosim. We should always act to maximize our own individual interests.
5. Noetic Effect of Sin. Noetic effects of sin are the effects of sin upon the mind.
6. Consequential Ethics. This major ethical division states that we choose the actions that bring about the best outcome (hence, consequential). Utilitarianism is a type of consequential ethics.
7. Virtue Ethics. An action is right if and only if it is what a virtuous person would do. Critical to virtue ethics are the following terms: “eudaimonia” which denotes human flourishing or successful living. “Virtue” (arête) refers to a habit of excellence whereas a “vice” is a bad habit. “Golden Mean” refers to being moderate in all things. Two non-virtuous ethical extremes are deficiency and excessiveness in any given sphere of activity. For example, in an armed conflict the golden mean is to be courageous, not cowardly (deficiency) or reckless (excessive).
8. Faith. The reliance upon that which you have reason to believe is true and trustworthy.
9. Panentheism. God is in the universe (e.g., as a mind is in a body).
10. Finite godism. A finite god exists beyond and in the universe.
11. Law of Non-Contradiction. This first undeniable principle of logic affirms that opposites cannot both be true. As Aristotle observed, “Nothing can be and not be at the same time in the same respect.”
12. Graded Absolutism. This ethical view, rooted in the Reformed tradition, advocates the idea that when two or more universal ethical norms come into unavoidable conflict, the Christian’s non-culpable duty is to follow the higher one. This position maintains that one is personally guiltless if he or she does the greatest good and chooses the lesser evil in a hard case situation.
13. Conflict Absolutism. This ethical view, rooted in the Lutheran tradition, affirms that moral conflicts are inevitable because we live in a fallen world. When two duties conflict, we are responsible to both duties. God’s law can never be broken without guilt. Therefore, in such cases, we must simply do the lesser evil and confess our sin (1 John 1:9).
14. Unqualified Absolutism. This ethical view, rooted in the Anabaptist tradition affirms that all moral conflicts are only apparent; they are not real.
15. Consequential Ethics:. An action is right if and only if it promotes the best consequences. For example, utilitarianism is one type of consequential ethics.
II. Part 2: Explain and Contrast Competing Worldviews: 33.3%
Be able to briefly explain and contrast the competing worldviews as listed on chart between table of contents and page 1 of Understanding the Times (33.3%). You will use blue book for this portion of exam.
III. Part 3: Essay Questions: 33.3%
Essay Questions from Unshakable Foundations(33.3%). The following essay questions are drawn from this book. From this list I will choose 3. You will use blue book for this portion of exam.
1. What are first principles and why begin with logic? (Chapter 1)
2. Can the laws of logic be used as a test for truth (Chapter 1)
2. What is truth? (Chapter 2)
3. Why are worldviews important (Chapter 3)?
4. Is science a matter of faith (Chapter 4)?
5. What is evil, Did God create evil, what is the purpose of evil and suffering, and can God be sovereign and still allow for human freedom (Chapter 11)?
6. Defend the Reliability of Scripture (Chapter 12).
7. Defend the Deity of Jesus Christ (Chapter 13).
8. Do absolute moral laws exist (Chapter 14)?
9. What gives ultimate meaning to life (Chapter 15)?
IV. Part 4: Bonus Questions:
Bonus Questions (2 out 3 Questions will be chosen; 5 points each; partial credit is given). This portion will also be in blue book. Here are the three questions from which I will choose 2:
1. Compare and Contrast the Major Models of Evangelical Ethics:
a. Unqualified Absolutism.
b. Conflict Absolutism.
c. Graded Absolutism.
2. List the 5 categories of justification of our beliefs as explained in class.
3. Explain the differences between Intelligent Design movement and Scientific Creationism.