Review for Final Exam - MAT 330 Elementary Number Theory
- Prime numbers: factorization, sequence of prime numbers, Erathostene’s sieve, sketch of Euclid’s proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers.
- Ring of integers modulo n:
- Congruences modulo n, complete set of residues, arithmetic operations and properties;
- Chinese Reminder Theorem and associated isomorphism (homomorphism of rings)
- Solving linear equations modulo n
- Euler’s phi-function, relatively prime elements
- Fermat’s Little Theorem and Euler’s Theorem
- Multiplicative and completely multiplicative functions; examples: phi-function & powers
- How to solve ax=1 mod n; extended Euclidian Algorithm and representation ax+by=g
- Primality Test: n>1 is prime iff for all a>0, a^(p-1)=1 mod n (behaves like one: satisfies the statement from Fermat’s Little Theorem)
- Structure of (Zp*,.): it is a cyclic Abelian group; generators: primitive roots
- Solving polynomial equations over Zn (direct methods: guess & quadratic formula)
- Public-key cryptography:
- Cryptography using a secret key (translating a phrase into a number, encoding/decoding using a secret key / trap-door function)
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- Discrete log problem
- RSA cryptosystem (general description)
- Quadratic reciprocity
- Existence of square-roots: quadratic residues vs. quadratic non-residues
- Legendre symbol (def. and properties: group homomorphism) and Euler’s criterion
- Quadratic reciprocity for odd primes: L(p/q)=(-1)^e(p)e(q) L(q/p), e(p)=(p-1)/2; using it to reduce the numbers when determining Legendre symbol.
- Solving quadratic equations; square-root formula for p=-1 mod 4: sqrt(a)=a^[(p+1)/4] (Note: it is the case of inert primes: not splitting in Z[i]).
- Continued Fractions
- Def., convergence and their value, as a limit if infinite continued fractions
- Representation of rational numbers as finite CF
- Fact: quadratic irrationals have periodic CFs
- Using convergents of quadratic irrationals to find the fundamental solution of Pell’s equation
- Sums of Two Squares
- Gaussian integers, complex conjugation, algebraic norm N(z)=z z*
- For n=p prime, sum of two squares <-> splitting the prime
- N can be written as a sum of squares if its odd power prime factors split as Gaussian integers (p=1 mod 4).
- Elliptic Curves:
- equation, type of graph over R, C, Zp; determining the points of E(GF(p)) for given a & b; the graphical construction for the sum of two points under the group law
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography: main difference compared with DH & RSA; ElGamal Cryptosystem (analog of DH with Encode(Msg)=Msg+Key (group law in some EC(Zp)); EC discrete log problem.
- Elliptic Curves over Q: facts about rank & torsion.
- Congruent number problem and its relation with Elliptic Curves (at level of explanation).