US History

Review Activity Workbook


  1. Handout - “Exam Review Facts”
  2. Handout - list of goals for US History from the NC Curriculum
  3. Handout – cover sheet to list all activities
  4. Handout – sample puzzles
  5. Construction paper, scissors, glue, graph paper, access to computer


  1. Students are to create an activity workbook. The workbook will contain activities for each of the 12 goals. The number of activities will vary for each goal:

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3
4 / 4
5 / 3
6 / 3
7 / 4
8 / 3
9 / 4
10 / 4
11 / 4
12 / 3
  1. There must be a variety of activities, i.e. crosswords, word finds, cryptograms, fill-in-essay, etc.

*Note: you may have a maximum of two of the same type of activities*

  1. You must include the goal, the goal number, and activity number on each puzzle.

i.e. Goal 1 Analyze the elements in the American Colonial experience that led to the separation from England.

Activity 1 Crossword Puzzle


  1. Workbooks must include an answer key for each activity.


  1. Workbooks must be neat and legible.
  2. Creativity will increase your grade.
  3. The review activity workbook will count as 25% of the six weeks grade.
  4. The goals will be divided into 3 parts; final draft of each part due on a specific day and worth one test grade:

Goals 1-4 due Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Goals 5-8 due Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Goals 1-12 due Monday, May 19, 2003

*The completed workbook must be turned in on May 19, 2003*


  1. Crossword puzzle
  2. Word Search – must provide clues
  3. Word Scramble – must provide clues
  4. Who Am I?
  5. Timeline – provide some information and leave blank spaces to be filled in
  6. Charts – provide some information and leave blank spaces to be filled in
  7. Matching/Match Our Names – must provide clues
  8. Decoder Puzzle
  9. Map game
  10. Fill-In-Essay
  11. True/False – must instruct to correct false statements
  12. Quotation Puzzle
  13. Cryptograms
  14. Double Matching
  15. Complete the Outline
  16. Initial This
  17. Column Puzzle
  18. Scramble Inscription
  19. Key Word – refer to sample puzzle packet for the correct format
  20. Scramble Columns
  21. Categories

You may create your own puzzles in addition to these. You must have prior approval from me before including your creation in your workbook.



Goal 1: Activity 1Goal 11: Activity 1

Activity 2 Activity 2

Activity 3 Activity 3

Activity 4

Goal 2: Activity 1

Activity 2Goal 12: Activity 1

Activity 3 Activity 2

Activity 3

Goal 3: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Goal 4: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Goal 5: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Goal 6: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Goal 7: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Goal 8: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Goal 9: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Goal 10: Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4