WB02182003P Tue
2/18/2003 PM bmb
REV. HAGIN operating as a PROPHET:
Well say it outloud, “For the Lord is good and His mercy endureth for ever.” Say it again. One more time. Aren’t you glad? Lift your hands and thank God for His goodness. Thank God for His mercy. For the Lord is good [repeats] and His mercy endureth for ever.
TONGUES: thank You, thank You, thank You. [KEH tries to speak and can’t articulate] laughs. [tongues] Thank You Lord. Thank you Lord. [still having trouble speaking] laughs. Thank You Lord.
Many are concerned about the future and they wonder what will happen?
Will darkness overtake, or will the light shine bright?
Yea, saith the Lord of hosts, remember that you’re in My hands.
And remember that I know the future better than you know the past.
And all is well!
I will alert you concerning that which will affect you.
I will show you the way to go and you’ll walk in it and be blessed
above all the people of the world, upon the earth you shall be blessed.
For thou art My people and My people shall rule and reign.
And the blessings of God will fall upon them.
The latter rain shall be poured out.
Yea, upon nations that are now barren and void.
But the rain will be poured out.
The seed will be planted.
The harvest will come.
The glory of God will shine upon the earth. [tongues] ha, ha.
And they of the world will walk on in the way in which they’ve walked!
And the darkness shall overtake them.
But ye shall walk in the light!
The entrance of His Words giveth light!
Walk according to the Word.
Walk IN the Word.
Walk IN the Spirit.
And the power shall rest upon you.
And the glory of God shall be seen upon your face!
Many shall turn to the Lord.
Great days, great times, great blessings are ahead.
So rejoice and be glad.
Many are concerned about things that have happened.
The terror that has taken hold of the hearts of many.
Many are concerned about war!
Many are concerned about the future!
Darkness seems to be developing.
Dark clouds are on the horizon of time.
But yea, saith the Lord of hosts, “Walk not by what you see with the physical eye.
Walk not by what you feel with the physical feeling.
Walk not according to what your physical senses tell you.
But walk according to what My Word says.
Walk according to what the Holy Ghost is saying unto you!
For He’s speaking unto many hearts.
And they walk on in the natural and pay no attention to their heart.
He’s speaking to many spirits!
They walk on in the realm of the mental thinking their own thoughts.
Planning their own way.
But yea, saith the Lord of hosts, “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to your heart.
To your spirit.
And what He said to you act upon it!
Act upon it!
Act like it’s so!
Rejoice and be glad.
In the face of adversity.
In the face of seemingly naturally defeat!
Laugh, ha, ha, ha, ha. [laughs] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Because you have inside information.
Information inside the Word.
Information given by the Spirit! glory to God, glory to God.
And-it-shall-all-come-to-pass. Amen.
Praise God, that’s what the Spirit of God’s saying. Thank You Lord Jesus.
Glory to God. [tongues] give me a chair there, I’m about to fall down. [tongues]
Now the reason I’m sitting down is because I’m about to fall down!
Oh my [tongues] Now sit down, everybody pray!
Father, we thank You. We thank You for Thou art good. Thy mercy endureth forever. Praise God. Not my will Your will be done. Not my name, Your Name be magnified and glorified. Praise God.
And Your plan, your plan, and your purpose come into full fruition. [tongues] [laughing but not joyfully] [tongues] [laughs more with joy] [tongues]
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. [over and over] [tongues]
Tongue changes almost Oriental--with tears. Sounds almost in distress.
Gets back into regular tongue. [tongues] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah un huh, yeah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha [tongues] Don’t you know [tongues] don’t you know [tongues] No, no, no, no, no [tongues] thank You, [tongues] thank You, thank You, yes Lord. Yes Lord. Yes, yes, yes, yes mmm, Yeah! [tongues] ha, ha. ha.
Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen. Praise God. Thank You Lord Jesus. Praise God, praise God, praise God. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Hallelujah. Thank You for Your Word. Yes, yes.
We pride ourselves in being a Word church and Word people.
And right and good for it is true, saith the Lord, you are a Word people.
But do not forget that you’re also a Holy Ghost people, spiritual.
Yes the Word goes forth.
But again and again the Spirit has endeavored to move in your midst
and you’ve ignored Him and you’ve kept quiet.
Some have yielded temporarily to the Spirit.
For the Spirit seeketh to manifest Himself.
He’ll manifest Himself in revelation, revealing unto you
through the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, the discerning of spirits.
And He’s endeavored to speak!
For He does speak unto His people by the Holy Spirit.
By tongues and interpretation.
By prophecy.
And many have held back and would not speak out.
And by so doing have quenched the Spirit, and have not only quenched the Spirit
but have grieved the Spirit.
Yea, listen to what the Spirit is saying.
For if there is to be, and there will be, an outpouring of the Holy Ghost
in these latter days.
The latter rain--the early rain and the latter rain to gather in the fruit of the earth for which He is waiting to receive before He comes again.
Yea, it’s coming!
And this year, the year of 2003, is a year of preparation
It’s a year of separation!
There’ll be those that’ll separate themselves from you, ha, and walk in their own way, carry out their own plan and have no power, and no glory, and no Spirit.
But a deadness shall overtake them.
But there shall be those that will respond in fullness and will say;
“Yes Lord, yes Lord, I’ve missed it in times past.
I’ve even been disobedient, forgive me.”
And remember that He forgives.
Remember that there is mercy.
Remember that it stated, “Let us come boldly to the Throne of grace
that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need.”
And so there’s mercy and there’s grace.
And so pick up and go forward and learn, learn the ways of the Spirit.
Study! Meditate!
There shall be a restoration!
There is a restoration in progress at the moment.
A restoration!
A restoration spiritually speaking.
When there shall be restored a full manifestation of the Spirit.
How does the Spirit manifest Himself?
For to one is given a word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge
by the same Spirit.”
And we might add, “To another discerning of spirits by the same spirit.
To another special faith, to another working of miracles, to another gifts of healings; to another prophecy, to another divers kinds of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.”
That’s the way He manifests Himself.
All of these worketh that one and selfsame Spirit dividing to every man
severally as He wills.
And He’s endeavored to divide the manifestation of that gift unto many
who sit here and you have not responded.
Be not afraid.
Yes, man is human and very often man misses it!
Misinterpreted, missed just what He’s saying.
But do not let those things deter you but let it be a learning experience.
Yes! Yes! This is the time of restoration.
And there is coming a restoration in the world, in the natural
[that’s a better way to say it] in the natural, the natural realm.
Restoration of marriages.
Restoration of those who have been out of fellowship one with another.
For some reason or another, selfishly, selfishly walking in their own way.
Refusing to fellowship with others.
But there’s a restoration.
It’s working even now and you cannot see it and you do not know it.
But it is. Ha, ha.
And shall shortly come to pass.
You’ll be glad.
Many’ll be glad.
Blessings of God will flow.
Because you know it’s written, again and again, in the Word of God, particularly
in the Acts in the days of the Early Church.
They were in one accord in one place when suddenly there came a sound from
Heaven like as a rushing mighty wind.
And so it is today.
When you get in one accord!
Many are out of fellowship!
But get into fellowship.
Get into fellowship one with another.
And get into one accord in praising and worshipping God.
And the glory shall come in a way that you’ve never seen it before.
So, this year 2003 is a year of preparation.
It’s a year of not only preparation but it’s a year--oh, oh, oh now mmm give me the right word there. Give me the right word there Lord.
Yeah! Yes, as I’ve said--as I’ve already said, restoration.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
And 2003 will be glorious, it’ll build and build one upon another, so to speak.
And ha, ha, ha--but it will not all be glorious!
Yes, God’s blessings is always glorious.
But! Remember Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.
And that wilderness experience was not all glorious until the end.
And so there will come to many who sit here [better word] some who sit here
not so many, but some who sit here a time that’ll not seem so glorious.
Tears [weeping] oh yeah, yeah! Yeah! Yeah tears shall be shed.
Grief shall be endured.
But joy cometh in the morning. [a woman screams KEH goes into tongues]
And so in many ways 2003, a year of opportunity, a year of restoration.
A year of rebuilding, so to speak in some areas.
But! 2004, what about 2004?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ha, ha, ha, ha [laughs big]
Yeah! 2004 will be a year for more. Ha, ha, ha, ha
More power, more glory, more manifestation, more saved,
more filled with the Spirit, more healed!!!
2004 will be a year for more.
What about 2005?
Will time last or will it cease?
2005, ohhh! Oh my, [again weeping] my, my, my, my [tongues]
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, oh my! Yeah!
Year of judgment.
If we judge ourselves we’ll not be judged.
But when we are judged we’re turned over to Satan for the destruction
of the flesh so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
There’ll be judgment on the individual realm.
There’ll be judgment in the family realm.
There’ll be judgment on the national level.
A day of sternness.
A day of discipline.
A day of correction.
But the end of the year will be glorious?
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Amends shall be made.
Many shall judge themselves.
Nations will turn to God. ha, ha.
And it’ll end in a glorious manner.
Now what about 2006? Ha, ha, ha.
Yeah! Oh my, oh no! oh no! no, no, no, no.[laughs]
My, my, my, my, my.
No way! no way! no way! no way!!! no WAY!!! no Way! no way!
My, my, my, my, my.
But [laughs] no, no, no, no, no.
There’s no way to tell it.
There is no way to tell it! ha, ha.
How could you explain to an Eskimo what a tree looked like
they’ve never seen a tree in their life.
No! my, my!
You just can’t tell it. ha, ha.
And then besides that there’s somethings that should not be told now!
At the moment.
And there’s some things that must not be told.
Paul, himself declared, “I knew a man above fourteen years ago, whether in the
body, out of the body I cannot tell.
Such as one caught up into the third heaven.
And I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell.
God knoweth.
Such as one caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words.”
Or Words which is not lawful to utter.
And so that fits--that fits! That fits this. Oh my!
Oh dear God. pshew!
Every time I see that I begin to oh my, oh my! oh my! my, my, my! Oh my!
But those words fit the situation not words that are not permitted to utter.
Permissible to utter. Ha, ha. Yeah!
Oh Lord, oh my! How do you describe it?
Oh! Yeah!
And that’s just the beginning. Ha, ha, ha.
Yeah, when I say “beginning” I’m talking about what happens just at the beginning of the year!
And it’ll grow in intensity.
Oh my! oh my! Oh my! my, my, my, my.
Yeah! Yeah! It will be--I could say this that it will be a glorious year.
It will be a year of heaven on earth! ha, ha. [tongues]
But the end will be more glorious than the beginning.
So rejoice and be glad. Amen.
The enemy is a defeated foe!
Jesus has triumphed.
Victory belongs to everyone.
No one should come up empty-handed.
But everyone should walk in full victory.
Commanding and demanding their rights and privileges in Christ Jesus.
Demanding nothing of the Father He’s the One that made the provision.
But demanding of the devil who’s endeavoring to thwart the plan of God.
Who’s endeavoring to keep it from coming to pass.
But it’ll all come to pass.
It’ll all come to pass at last.
And the Holy Spirit has spoken unto a number of ministers here tonight.
And He’s spoken to you in times past.
Told you exactly what to do.
You never have done it yet!
And you wonder why He withholds certain things.
You wonder why it’s tough.
Or the way seems rough.
Go ahead, listen to what the Holy Ghost is saying.
Make your church not only a Word church but a Holy Ghost church.
Put the Word first always.
Move in the Holy Ghost in line with the Word.
And the glory shall be made manifest.
The glory shall even be seen by many.
And the blessings of the Lord will flow like a mighty river.
Thank You Lord Jesus.
Thank You Lord Jesus. [over and over] hallelujah, blessed His Holy Name forever. Blessed be His Holy Name forever.
Now say it outloud:
It shall come to pass.
It shall all come to pass.
It shall come to pass at last! Glory to God.
Hallelujah, thank You Lord.
Let’s sing that, “It Shall Come To Pass.”
Amen, Amen, praise God hallelujah. Stand up everybody. Hallelujah. Turn and shake hands with your neighbor and say, “It shall come to pass.” [helping KEH up] Hallelujah.
Now again turn to the neighbor on the other side and say, “It shall come to pass.”
Brother Willigie,[?] Brother Larry, come up here. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.
Moving up! Moving in! Moving on! Glory to God.
Now come up here, praise God, Amen. Thank God for the moving of the Spirit. God don’t just wanta use me, He wants to use everybody. Amen.
We was in a meeting and I don’t know, you know like I do I get down in the crowd sometimes, you know. And suddenly! I just put my hand on his shoulder and I said, “Do you have prostate trouble?”
I didn’t know. The doctor thinks he might have cancer. It registered way up there didn’t it? Abnormally. He went back home and it had all disappeared.
But! There’s another little story there. People need to learn. You can learn by your own experience, but you can learn from other people’s experience.
God began to use him in somethings of the Spirit. But he was fearful of people and drew back and it came back on him. But then God dealt with him and he decided he’d just obey God and it changed again didn’t it? Huh! Yeah! Huh! Gone! Gone!
And he’s going to flow with the Spirit! Hallelujah. Amen. Well that’s a good example. I’m just saying that for the simple reason that there are other people that can learn from that. Are you listening? Don’t be afraid of people just go ahead and obey God.
Somebody said, “Yeah, but what if?”
Well you know what the Bible said? You remember what James said talking about Elijah. Said, “He’s a man subject to like passion as we are. Yet he prayed earnestly and the heaven was shut up, didn’t rain. Prayed again and prayed the rain down. Just a man subject to like passions. That means just like you and me. Amen.
But thank God God can use you anyway. Be obedient! Amen. God bless you. Man, that coat looks good, wonder how that’d look on me? Oh I don’t believe it’d fit me. Ha, ha. Bless you.
Hallelujah. Well what do you do with a service like this? Amen. I mean just like this the last time I was in a service like that was 1964, almost 40 years ago, 39 years ago.
But that’s what God said, there’ll be a restoration. Hallelujah. Do you all wanta sing anything else? Where’s Brother Keith, is he here? Come on down here, come on down here. I’ll guarantee you almost that he’s got something that’ll just fit right in here. Just help yourself.