Return to L-109 YEARBOOK APPLICATION 2015-2016

NAME______Grade______(next year)



Home Phone:______Student’s Cell______

Student’s Email Address:______


Although this class is an elective, it requires dedication and hard work. Being on staff is a privilege and a commitment. Once students are accepted and school begins, students will not be able to drop the class at mid term unless the sponsor or principal initiates the change. Staffers must provide their own digital camera (a cell phone is not sufficient for yearbook).

Tell Us About Yourself (Type and attach to application )

1-Why are you interested in being on the yearbook staff?

2-What talents do you have in the way of photography, design, artist ability, writing, editing, etc?

3-Do you make good grades in English? Do you like to write stories?

4-Do you have transportation to cover events outside of school?

5-What clubs or activities are you involved in both in and out of school?

6-Locate a photo with at least 3 people involved in action, write a story; include who, what, where, when, how, and why of the story. Give the story a title and a subtitle. Be creative in deciding on the angle to take with your story. Attach the story to your application.

Contract ( student needs to initial and sign at the bottom)

_____ I agree to turn in my assigned pages on time.

_____ I agree to work before or after school if necessary to get my pages completed.

_____ I agree to attend school functions outside of the school day to cover my picture assignments. I agree to attend at least 3 club meetings in which I am assigned in order to take notes on club events.

_____ I agree to sell $500 in advertisements to be collected by November 1, 2015.

Meeting goals for ad sales are a major factor in the first few months. A student who cannot meet ad sales goals must understand that his or her grades will be lowered by 50%. Students selected in the Spring of 2015 to enroll in the class will startworking on securing advertisements over the summer. Students should turn in (in the first week of school) at least 10 pictures covering summer activities/ first day of school/ registration involving Barbe students.

Student’s Signature______date______

As the parent/guardian, I have read the above contract and agree to support my student’s commitment to the yearbook class, staff, and responsibilities.

Parent Signature: ______date______

Two teacher recommendation formsare required. When you turn in your completed application, please attach a copy of your last report card or your transcript.

A completed application does not guarantee your placement in the class. We will contact you at after your application has been reviewed. Do not schedule the class for the following school year until we announce the students selected for this class. Enrollment depends upon space available.


Yearbook 2015-2016


(Please print)

TEACHER’S NAME______(English Teacher)

In order to determine the best candidates for this class, we would like your input.

Teachers please return this form to L-109 Ms. Moreau as soon as possible. Do not give this recommendation to the student after completing it.

Score 1-5. FIVE = highest ONE = lowest.


Completion of assignments 54321




Ability to follow instructions54321


Time Management 54321

Ability to get along with others 5 4 3 2 1

Maturity 5 4 3 2 1




Yearbook 2015-2016


(Please print)


In order to determine the best candidates for this class, we would like your input.

Please return this form to Ms. Moreau (L-109). Do not give thi.s to student

Score 1-5. FIVE = highest ONE = lowest


Completion of assignments 54321




Ability to follow instructions54321


Time Management 54321

Ability to get along with others 5 4 3 2 1

Maturity 5 4 3 2 1

