White Settlement

Retired School Employees Association

The White Settlement Retired School Employees Association had a very full and exciting year. We celebrated our 15th year in existence this year with many informative and fun programs. Our school district has been going through many changes lately and we had the opportunity to meet with nearly all of our school leadership and get caught up on what is happening in our ISD and on individual campuses.

Our officers for the 2014-15 chapter year are:

President- Marellen Patterson

1st Vice President-Mary Sue Shipman

2nd Vice President-Paula Ponder

Secretary-Sandra Dear

Treasurer-Gloria Long

Gloria Long, Sandra Dear, and Mary Sue Shipman

at the District Fall Workshop

We started the year meeting with our new Superintendent and many of his Associate Superintendents. They brought a very informative program about what is new and about the future plans for our students and schools. Throughout the year, we were able to meet with individual campus principals and vice-principals about what is going on at their respective campuses and welcome many familiar faces back home, as several of them were students in our own classrooms. It is always fun to see your former students in successful positions, especially in education.

In November we were treated to a wonderful holiday program from the Brewer High School Choir and in December we celebrated the season together with dinner and a Chinese gift exchange which is always fun. We rounded out our year with fun programs on health care (both physical and mental), played games to sharpen our minds, and installed our new officers. We were honored to have District President, Jo Ann Smith as our guest in March.

Charter Members still active in WSRSEA Mary Sue Shipman and her husband, Mac

( Gloria Wilson, Eleanor Ball, George Ford, Mary Sue was the recipient of our Yearbook

Jerry Welch, Betty Morris, seated – Dedication

Sandra and Homer Dear).

As I said earlier we were formed 15 years ago this year, and we still have most of the charter members actively involved and our membership has grown steadily ever since.

This year our yearbook was dedicated to long time member Mary Sue Shipman. We delivered books to our Head Start and transitionalclassrooms, recognized the BHS food service staff at Christmas time, and were served lunch by the culinary arts students when we met at the high school in February.

We will give a scholarship to a Brewer High School Senior at the awards program in May. In all we had a very busy and productive year.