Rethinking History and Text

U.S. History Essential Question: AssessU.S History and ELA instruction and the inclusion or lack thereof of current student population and interests.

Inquiry Project/Argumentative Essay Prompt: Assess current U.S. History textbook’s inclusion of SAE student populations or interests. Justify the publication of events or individuals that better represent current school demographics or interests.

History textbooks have the nearly impossible task of summarizing a nations entire history within one short school year. Authors of the textbook must decide which events and historical figures should be included along with how much information and space should be provided. In addition, the textbook must be a desired product that school districts want to purchase. This means the U.S. History textbook must educate and at the same time, minimize potentially offensive and/or controversial material. Because of this difficult task, students may find textbooks “boring” or lacking in relevant content. As historians in a U.S. History class, it is our duty to engage in discussion and critical thought to any omissions (perceived or real) that our textbook might contain. We are to remember that we as a class can create active solutions to the visible discrepancy that a textbook may have.


Selected subject is approved.

- Selectedhistorical figureor historical event is not in the provided history textbook.

-Selected historical figure is an American woman or minority. If the individual immigrated into the United States that is acceptable but the assignment requires that their accomplishments occurred within the time frame of United States history.

-Selected historical event must be approved by teacher.

Part 1

-Paper will include a brief critique of United States history books and history textbooks in general. Explain the limitations of U.S. history textbooks. Explain the pros and cons of using a textbook in the classroom. Examine the challenges of teaching history in the United States.

Part 2

-Paper will include a thorough critique of the classroom history textbook. Student will state changes (if any) they see beneficial to text. Students will give examples of historical events or figures for which the textbook did not cover in desired detail. Students will give examples of historical events or figures that occupied more than desired space within their textbook (example- Too much attention specific events or figures).

Part 3

-Paper will introduce topic of study.

-Paper will include brief history of the individual’s family life, geography, socio economic status, and maturing experience ORbackground and details of specific topic.

Part 4

-Paper will include the case for the inclusion of selected individual or event.

-Paper will include the contributions the individual made in United States history explained in detail OR

-Paper will include the impact and consequences of chosen event.

Final paper due.

5-8 pages.

Double spaced

Times New Roman 12pt font

1-inch margins

6-8 teacher approved sources. Must include both primary and secondary sources.

MLA style in-text citations (suggested link: or )

MLA style works cited page (suggested link: or )

Submitted digitally (i.e. Google Docs, email, or flash drive)

CA State Standards

11.11 Students analyze the major social problems and domestic policy issues in contemporary American society.

CCSS Included:










C3 and NCSS Standards:

  1. Develop Questions and Plan Investigations/ Questions and Exploration

-Construct compelling and supporting questions to develop inquiry skills.

  1. Apply Disciplinary Concepts and Tools/ Knowledge: what learners need to understand.

-Develop student knowledge of disciplinary content and concepts in purposeful, meaningful ways.

-Apply disciplinary tools within historical field

-Change, Continuity, and Context


-Historical Sources and Evidence

-Causation and Argumentation

  1. Gather, Evaluate, and Use Evidence/ Processes: what learners will be capable of doing.

-Develop skills for gathering and evaluating sources and making claims based on evidence. Draw evidence from informational text to draw conclusions.

  1. Communicate Conclusions and Take Informed Action/ Products: how learners demonstrate understanding.

-Paraphrase, information, construct summaries, make arguments, communicate conclusions, and apply learning as described in CCSS.

-Take action.

A 4 Paper

-All parameters are met

-Paper thoroughly analyzes history textbooks, classroom text, and chosen individual/event

-Paper make convincing and compelling argument for inclusion of chosen individual/event in textbook.

-All claims are well-supported using relevant evidence.

-Sources are properly referenced

3 Paper

-All parameters are met

-Paper proficiently analyzes history textbooks, classroom text, and chosen individual/event

-All claims are sufficiently supported with facts and details

-Most sources are properly referenced

2 Paper

-All parameters may not be fully met

-Paper superficially analyzes history textbook, classroom text, and chosen individual/event

-All claims may not be sufficiently supported with facts and details

-Some sources are properly referenced

1 Paper

-Paper falls well short of meeting all parameters

-Paper fails to analyze history textbooks, classroom text, and chosen individual/event

-Claims are unsupported

-Sources are not properly referenced