Algebra 1
Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures
Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer BarnawiPhone number: (843) 849-2809
Room Number: 149E-mail:
Extra Help: Thursday mornings 7:45Planning:8:35-9:20 and 1:35-2:20
Course Description
The South Carolina End of Course Exam in Algebra 1 will cover the following key concepts: Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions, Creating Expressions, Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities, Structure and Expressions, Building Functions, Interpreting Functions, Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Quantities, Real Number System, and Interpreting Data. The SC Algebra 1 standards can be found at the following link:
This course is designed for college preparatory students desiring a formal background in mathematics. It is intended for highly motivated students who wish to experience a challenging, rigorous curriculum. A “B” average or above is expected.
Materials Needed
- Pearson Algebra 1 textbook (class set to be kept in classroom)
- Pencils, erasers, and pens
- 3-ring Binder with loose leaf paper and dividers/or organized Notebook
- Graph paper (will remain in classroom)
- Dry erase markers (will remain in classroom)
- Graphing Calculator (TI-84 preferred)
Online Textbook
Students will be able to access their textbook online at the following website:
Each student will be provided with his/her own username and password for log-in.
Rules and Procedures
Students are expected to follow the PRIDE behaviors posted in the classroom. Students should exemplify Laing PRIDE at all times.
P- Personal Responsibility
E-Effective Behaviors (12)
Consequences for Tier One offenses are listed in the student handbook, located in the Laing Agenda. Any students not following the classroom procedures or PRIDE expectations will be issued a minor or major office referral.
Grading Policy
Assessments may include, but are not limited to homework, classwork, quizzes, projects, and tests. Homework is an opportunity for students to practice and will be checked daily for completion. Homework that is completely finished will receive full credit; incomplete homework receives half credit. If no attempt to complete the homework has been made, the student will receive a zero. Late homework is accepted for half credit. All other assignments that are late will receive a 5 point deduction each day that it is late.
Assignments and Assessments will be weighted as follows each quarter:
Tardies and Absences
Students who are tardy to class will be admitted. However, if it is unexcused, the student will be issued a minor. Excuses for absences should be submitted to the homeroom teacher as soon as the student returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work. Five (5) days from the date the student returns from an excused absence are allowed to complete makeup work.
Study Habits
- Take notes and copy all examples during class.
- Ask questions in class. Do not be shy!
- Keep all handouts, notes and assignments in your binder. Stay organized!
4. When studying for a quiz or test, students should practice problems from their notes, classroom examples, and homework.
Extra Help
Every Thursday, I will be available for student help before school. Please inform me by Wednesday of plans to stay for Thursday tutoring. The student will need a pass in his/her agenda signed by me the day before. Call or email anytime your child is confused or struggling. The sooner I know about any problems, the sooner I can help. I am here to help your child succeed! I can also schedule other times to help your child as needed…just ask!