Your Story

Responses from an actual coaching client.

How much do you weigh right now?


Why do you weigh this?What is your story on how you gained this weight?

In 1997 I weighed 232 lbs and successfully lost 70 lbs over a 4 year period of time.I made the decision to commit myself to not being thin, but being healthy.I maintained a healthy weight for 5 years.In January of 2008, I developed an intense rash and severe itch all over my body.I was misdiagnosed numerous times over a two month period.My doctor subscribed a steroid, Prednisone, to alleviate the itch.This helped my condition, but I rapidly gained weight throughout a six month period.In addition, in November of 2008, my father suffered from a major stroke and eventually was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.I am now his main caregiver and my entire life has been completely flipped upside down.While I am not using food like I did in the past, eating my emotions and not addressing them, I am simply not making myself a priority.I have been so focused on taking care of my family, I haven’t put my need for exercise and healthy foods first.


Ideas to Think About

Why did you hire me?

I was so excited about the opportunity to work with you after I read your book.I believe in your coaching style and the tools you have developed to not be thin, but to be healthy.

What do you hope to accomplish within this program?

I would like to get my life back in order and feel good about myself physically.I would like to move better and have an enormous amount of energy to accomplish my future goals.

Do you feel now as if you will succeed at this program?


Are you willing to try all the exercises and homework?(Especially the ones you have resistance to?)


What is your biggest fear about your weight?

My biggest fear is having a limited life.Allowing weight to limit what I can do today and in the future.


10 Major Events

Write down 5 major positive events in your life and 5 major negative events.

Positive Events:

1. Meeting and falling in love with the most incredible man on the planet and getting engaged in Dec 07.Our wedding date is set for May 1, 2010!

2. Returning to college at 35 and graduating from UC Berkeley with honors.

3. Taking a risk on myself and leaving my six figure career, selling my home, and traveling around the world for a year.

4. Taking the time and giving my love and strength to my father as he has gone through the most difficult year with illness and memory loss.

5. Conquering major addictions throughout my life.

Negative Events:

1. Gaining weight back when I really thought I had conquered this.

2. Rape.

3. Abandonment when I was a child.

4. Addictions.



My Life Would Be Better If …

My life would be better if I was thin because:

I could move better.I would have more energy.And I would enjoy getting dressed again. (I love fashionable clothes and I hate not fitting into my clothes.)

Being thin is:

not my goal.Being healthy is my goal.

Thin people are:


If I was thin I would feel:

better about myself.

My body is:

wider than I want it to be.The weight this time is proportioned in such a weird way.I have a heaviness above my butt, it’s really strange.

My legs are:

big and even when I was smaller they were big and muscular.I have always loved my legs, but right now I’m unhappy with them.They have ripples that they never had before and my knees are starting to cause pain.

My stomach is:

one large roll.

My butt is:

very wide.

My arms are:

Jiggly, but still strong.

My face is:

beautiful, but I have noticed I don’t look at it much anymore.


More Thought Provoking Questions

How would you feel if you could never eat sweets again? (don’t worry)

Sweets are not my big thing so this would be ok.I love frozen yogurt but recently found that it’s dairy that has caused the itching so I am no longer eating the sweet I really enjoyed.

Who do you blame for being overweight?Can you forgive them? Can you forgive yourself if you blame you?

Initially I blamed my mom. First because she gained so much weight when she was pregnant with me and so I was an overweight baby and I would tell her that I was destined to be fat.Second, I blamed her because of her constant obsession with her weight that she put on me.I remember she would tell me I was overweight at 12 years old and I look at pictures and am stunned that she would say this.I believe I put on weight when I was younger to prove to her I could have a good life and be overweight.Today, I’m the only one to blame.I know what my body needs.

But yes, I can forgive my mom and myself.

What would motivate you beyond doubt to lose weight?

Small continuous improvements.

Were you happy the last time you were thin?

I was happy when I was smaller.I really enjoyed it.But I always thought I was still heavy and had more to lose.I can’t figure out if I really needed to lose more or it was just in my mind to always see myself as heavy.I look at pictures and would love to be that weight again.

Do you enjoy exercise?Have you ever enjoyed any type of exercise?

Yes.I have always been athletic and enjoyed playing sports.

Do you sweat?How do you feel about sweat?

Yes.No problem with sweating.

What do you believe your weight says about you?

That my life is out of control, that I don’t have a handle on my life.


“Good for You to Know” Questions

What ARE you willing to sacrifice to lose weight?

Time. Stubbornness.

What AREN’T you willing to sacrifice to lose weight?

I don’t have an answer, I really don’t know.

Would anyone in your life be upset if you lost weight?

I don’t think so.

On a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you to lose weight?


What will happen if you don’t lose weight? What will it cost you?

I think if I don’t lose weight it will cost me my health.It will shorten my life, as well as make it more difficult to manage.


Starting Point Questions

When did you first start having an issue with your weight?

It feels like weight has always been an issue.I was always active in sports so I was a strong, muscular kid growing up, but I always felt bigger than others.I started gaining weight after high school.I think I was on my own and work became my life throughout my late teens and twenties.I gave everything to the career and didn’t exercise much and ate a lot.

What diets have you tried?

This past year I tried Nutri-system.I hated the food and tried to force myself to eat it.Waste of money and still have a lot of food left.When I lost weight before it wasn’t a diet, I worked with a nutritionist to eat healthier foods.

What causes you to overeat?

Emotional eating.Not thinking type of eating (I’m just too busy to even think about cooking or preparing food).

What do you think the issues are?

I really think it’s a lack of priority. When I don’t put myself first on the priority list.As well as not planning, I feel like when I was healthier I was always planning exercise and planning meals.


24-hour Food Diary

For an entire day (24-hours), write down everything you eat and the time you ate it. Do not try to change anything; just write it all down.

10 am Breakfast out – Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy, eggs, and hash brownsCoffee

2:30 pm Chicken Nuggets and fries with coke

7pm Left over vegetable and chicken pasta

8pm Snow cone

10pm Popcorn with butter

What did you learn from keeping this food journal? Are you able to look at what you ate with interest and not judgment? Why or why not?

Yesterday was a hectic day, but I look at the food overall and it seems like it’s a very little amount of food and very empty.I see that the choices are not good, but I can see how I can eat more foods that can provide energy.I kept thinking you should have had a carrot or an apple yesterday at some point.


“Think About This” Questions

What is the most upsetting issue, other than your weight, pressing on you now?

Moving my life forward and getting my career started.

What do you fear about this situation?

That I will not be able to financially provide for my family.

How do you currently manage stress?

Talk to my fiancé and write in my journal.

How much joy do you currently create in your life?

Not enough.

What gives your life meaning?

Getting and giving love to others.

Do you believe you are living the life you are meant to live?

I’m definitely moving in the right direction. The last year was a bump, a life learning bump, but yes this is the life I’m meant to live.

What do you want other people to know about you?

I’m a risk taker.I’m quiet until I get comfortable.I’m a supportive friend.


Your Story

FIRST NAME: ______

How much do you weigh right now?

Why do you weigh this? What is your story on how you gained this weight?


Ideas to Think About

Why do you want/need coaching?

What do you hope to accomplish with this process?

Do you feel now as if you will succeed in accomplishing it?

Are you willing to try all the exercises and homework? (Especially the ones you have resistance to?)

What is your biggest fear about your weight?


10 Major Events

Write down 5 major positive events in your life and 5 major negative events.

Positive Events:






Negative Events:







My Life Would Be Better If …

My life would be better if I was thin because:

Being thin is:

Thin people are:

If I was thin I would feel:

My body is:

My legs are:

My stomach is:

My butt is:

My arms are:

My face is:


More Thought Provoking Questions

How would you feel if you could never eat sweets again? (don’t worry)

Who do you blame for being overweight? Can you forgive them? Can you forgive yourself if you blame you?

What would motivate you beyond doubt to lose weight?

Were you happy the last time you were thin?

Do you enjoy exercise? Have you ever enjoyed any type of exercise?

Do you sweat? How do you feel about sweat?

What do you believe your weight says about you?


“Good for You to Know” Questions

What ARE you willing to sacrifice to lose weight?

What AREN’T you willing to sacrifice to lose weight?

Would anyone in your life be upset if you lost weight?

On a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you to lose weight?

What will happen if you don’t lose weight?


Starting Point Questions

When did you first start having an issue with your weight?

What diets have you tried?

What causes you to overeat?

What do you think the issues are?


24-hour Food Diary

For an entire day (24-hours), write down everything you eat and the time you ate it. Do not try to change anything; just write it all down.


10 am Breakfast out – Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy, eggs, and hash browns Coffee

2:30 pm Chicken Nuggets and fries with coke

7 pm Left over vegetable and chicken pasta

8 pm Snow cone

10 pm Popcorn with butter

What did you learn from keeping this food journal? Are you able to look at what you ate with interest and not judgment? Why or why not?

“Think About This” Questions

What is the most upsetting issue, other than your weight, pressing on you now?

What do you fear about this situation?

How do you currently manage stress?

How much joy do you currently create in your life?

What gives your life meaning?

Do you believe you are living the life you are meant to live?

What do you want other people to know about you?


Questions for First Sessions

What is your ultimate goal in working with me as your coach?

What are you most worried about?

What are your questions for me before we get started?

Why are you overweight?

What is the worst thing you have ever done with food?

Tell me about your body.

Describe times when you are mean to yourself during the day.

When are you most likely to overeat?

Tell me about some of the diets you have tried.

Do you believe you will lose weight?

What has your weight struggle taught you?

What is perfect about your weight issue?

Tell me about the last time you overate with fascination, not judgment.

What are your top five most painful thoughts?

Do you know the difference between a circumstance and a thought?

Do you know what causes your feelings?

Do you know what causes you to overeat?

Can you name the feeling that leads you to eating most often?

Can you name the thought that creates that feeling?

Where are you on the hunger scale right now?

Do you understand the four types of eating?

© 2012 Brooke Castillo, Inc. All rights reserved.