Response to Instruction

Response to Instruction



In compliance with No Child Left Behind, and the Individuals with Disabilities

Education Improvement Act, EdPowerSchools are dedicated to meeting the needs and services for all scholars to receive the best quality educationthrough individualized programming for the scholar. As such, we embrace theResponse to Intervention Framework model,now part of educational law, as a system of service delivery that uses evidencebasedinterventions, monitoring and evaluation for on-going tracking of individualscholars in making informed decisions about the scholar’s educational andbehavioral programming needs. This framework provides scholars who do notrespond to instruction with increasingly intensive levels of intervention.

EdPoweris dedicated to meeting the requirements of the Response to InstructionFramework Model through the School Intervention Team’s oversight ofprocedures and fidelity of implementation.


Definition of Response to Instruction: (RTI)

RTI is a tiered framework for service delivery that is systematic and data based for identifying and resolving scholars’ academic or behavioral difficulties through

implementation of scientifically based instructional practices based on the

individual learner’s needs.

This framework provides:

  • High-quality instruction and intervention matched to the scholar’s needs
  • Frequent assessment through progress monitoring to make decisions about change in instructional strategies and goals
  • Scholar response data applied to educational decisions including special education eligibility determination for scholars suspected of having learning disabilities

Key Components of RTI:

The use of teaching methods and interventions that have been proven to work because they are research-based

  • The tracking of progress of scholars receiving the interventions
  • The use of the data derived from monitoring scholar progress to makeimportant educational decisions about scholars including providing moreintensive interventions when progress is not adequate and considering additional resources of special education when a scholar does notrespond to interventions of increasing intensity
  • RTI integrates high-quality teaching and assessment methods in a systematic way so that scholars who are not successful when presented with one set of instructional methods can be given the chance to succeed with the use of other practices.

The School’s Response to Instruction Team (RTI Team)

The school RTI Team is a function of the regular education program ofEdPower Schools. The primary purpose of the RTI Team is to ensureall scholars are given opportunity to be successful in thegeneral education classroom by providing a structured support system forteachers and parents when scholars are experiencing insufficient success inlearning.

The roles and responsibilities of the RTI Team are to improvethe quality of teaching and learning in the school by determining interventionsand scholar plans for struggling learners by:

• Overseeing the implementation of the universal screenings and review results

• Identifying the scholars needing interventions from the universal screenings, teacher referrals and other data provided by teachers

• Design appropriate instructional interventions and assign responsibilities for implementation

• Monitoring instructional fidelity and implementation of the interventions through the collection of data

• Analyzing and interpreting the data

• Identifying possible reasons for non-responsiveness to intervention(instruction, behavior, motivation, possible learning disabilities)

• Monitoring intervention effectiveness and scholar progress

• Identifying scholars that should be referred for special education eligibility

• Provide the process to be utilized to resolve issues, problems, or concerns related to achievement of scholars identified by formative assessments, teachers, parents, guardians and/or administrators throughout the year.

• Develop follow-up plans

Who will serve on the school RTI Team?

• Principal, assistant principal or designee

• Grade Level Representative

• Special Education Teacher

• Director of Literacy (elementary schools)

• School Psychologist

• Director or Assistant Director of Assessment

The RTI Team is led by RTI coordinatorwho organizes theteam’s agenda and supervises the roles of the team members. Records of eachscholar involved in the RTI process are kept with the coordinator whokeeps track of the data collection and determines the dates for scholar review ofprogress. The RTI Team continues to meet for review of scholarprogress until RTI is either no longer needed by the scholar determined byadequate progress or the scholar has been identified through evaluation aseligible to receive special education services.


Universal screening and Referral to the RTI Team

All scholars are given a standardized screening measure.Scholars at risk for academic failure are identified through the screening data. Scholars scoring in the bottom 10 percentile will be considered at risk and will move directly into Tier I, as well as,receive general education instruction. Any scholar can be referred to the RTI Team based on teacher or parent concernsfrom formative or summative data, below or proficient grades/scores or otheracademic or behavioral concerns.

TIER I ~ Primary Intervention

All scholars receive scientifically researchedbased classroom instruction using validatedpractices. Tier I isthe core, research-based, programimplemented by the general education teacher using multi-tiered differentiated instruction.

Scholars identified in the lowest 10% and/or referred to the RTI Teamreceive interventions based on the needs identified by the Team. This targeted research-basedintervention is implemented by the classroom teacher and monitored for fidelityand effectiveness by the RTI Team.

Scholar progress ismonitored weekly by the teacher with the data collected and considered when the RTI Team meets.After approximately 2-3 weeks of interventions at Tier I the RTI Team meets to review progress with the parent. If progress has been made, theteam may consider continuing Tier I interventions until adequate gains are madeand the scholar no longer needs interventions. If there has been no progress or limited progress, the RTI Team and parent consider the scholar formore intensive Tier II interventions. The team may also consider the need forother support staff and services such as screenings and request assistance asappropriate.

TIER II~ SecondaryInterventions

Scholars in Tier II continue Tier Iinterventions according to the intervention action plan identified by the RTI team. In addition, other trained personnel will beginassisting with additional interventions that have been determined from data collection.

The classroom teacher continues monitoring progress weekly. After approximately2-3weeks the RTI Team again, reviews the scholar progress, and determines an appropriate plan for the scholar.

The scholar may be removed from RTI when adequate progress is determined, moved to Tier I for less intensive interventions, stay with both Tier I and Tier II, ormove to Tier III for more intensive or frequent intervention including possibleSpecial Education Services. The School’s Special Education Consultant isinvolved in the RTI meetings when considering a referral for special educationeligibility to help the team with assessment determination.

TIER III –Tertiary Interventionand Special Education

Scholars in Tier III continue to receiveservices of Tier I balanced daily instructionplus classroom interventions. Tier II and Tier

III can be combined for one intensive intervention strategy or Tier III may increase the frequency, duration, or type ofintervention. Scholars in Tier III are progress monitored weekly. After 2-4 weeks of Tier IIIinterventions, the RTI Team meets to consider the data. Areferral for an evaluation to consider eligibility for special education services willbe made if adequate progress is not evident. The special education personnelwill meet with the RTI Team and parent to help determineassessment needs.

Under the state of Indiana’s process for determining eligibility of a scholarwith a disability, a referral to the Multidisciplinary Team is required. Under the provisions ofthe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act this should only be considered:

  • After appropriate instructional interventions and strategies have beenimplemented in the general educational setting and the scholar continues to be at risk: or,
  • If the scholar displays obvious characteristics of a child with a disability

Progress Monitoring

Progress monitoring is a scientifically based practice used to access scholars’ academic performance, continuously measure scholar performance growth, and provide objective data to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and interventions.

  • The key components of progress monitoring are:
  • Brief assessments conducted frequently - weekly
  • Assessments occur throughout the intervention
  • Results are evaluated to determine whether scholar response tointervention is adequate or not
  • Most frequently, curriculum based measurement (CBM) is used for progress monitoring
  • Results are charted and analyzed to determine scholar progress regularly by the RTI Team
  • Rules are preset to determine when a scholar is not adequately responding to an intervention


Fidelity of implementation is the delivery of the scientific research-basedinstruction in the way in which it is designed to be delivered. Fidelity alsoaddresses the integrity with which the screening and progress-monitoringprocedures are completed followed by appropriate decisions based on the data.Best practices to help ensure fidelity include:

  • Link interventions to improved outcomes
  • Clearly define responsibilities for specific persons
  • Create a data system for measuring operations, techniques and components
  • Create a system for feedback and decision-making

Scientific, Research-Based Instruction

Application of research-based strategies that is rigorous, systematic and provides objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities must be utilized. These strategies should include:

  • Systematic, empirical methods that draw on observation or experiment
  • Rigorous data analyses that is adequate to test the stated hypotheses and justify the general conclusions drawn,
  • Measurements or observational methods that provide reliable and valid data across evaluators
  • Experimental or quasi-experimental designs implemented
  • Experimental studies presented in sufficient detail and clarity to allow replication
  • Research accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or approved by a panel of independent experts through a comparably rigorous, objective, andscientific review.

RTI Roles and Responsibilities

Role of RTI Committee:

  • Define agenda
  • Identify problems
  • Analyze problems
  • Determine needed interventions
  • Evaluate intervention effectiveness
  • Document decisions and data
  • Ensure teachers are submitting referrals and intervention updates electronically via googledoc
  • Create a folder for each scholar on google doc

Role of the Principal or Assistant Principal

  • Communication with CAO on overall number of scholars in RTI process.
  • Support RTI implementation
  • Develop infrastructure and implement
  • Provide time for RTI Facilitator to conduct professional development

Role of School Psychologist:

  • Attend all RTI facilitator trainings
  • Conduct RTI information sessions
  • Data Collection and analysis
  • Assist in determining appropriate interventions and assessment needs

•Provide parental rights and obtain Consent for Assessment for evaluations requested for Special Education eligibility determination

Role of the General Education Teacher:

  • Attend all RTI information sessions
  • Administer all required assessments
  • Use data to determine scholar needs
  • Implement differentiated core instruction
  • Maintain scholar RTI file folders and documentation
  • Administer progress monitoring probes to scholars in classroom who are in the RTI process
  • Graph and track scholar benchmark and progress monitoring data on excel file.
  • Notify parents of progress every 4-5 weeks

Role of the Special Education Teacher:

  • Liaison between team andschool psychologist when aSpecial Education referral is made by the RTI Team
  • Participate in RTIscholarmeetings as requested and helpwith determining appropriateinterventions, data analysis,assessment needs or referral to Special

•Weekly collaboration withLiteracy Coach to monitorscholar progress

Role of Director and Assistant Director of Assessment:

  • Assure all documentation is complete and up to date on Google docs
  • Monitor data to assist teachersand administrators in identifyingthe lowest 10% of the standardized assessments.

Response to Instruction

Forms and Procedure


  • Obtain google access for RTI
  • Complete referral electronically
  • Teachers meet with RTI team and have tier 1 form submitted before meeting
  • RTI team completes action plan for teacher
  • Teacher document progress on Tier 2 form electronically
  • Teacher meets with RTI team and discuss progress
  • If there is no progress, scholar will get more individualized assistance
  • Sped teacher will document progress on the Tier 3 form on google doc
  • If there continues to be no progress, scholar may be referred for special education.
  • If there is progress, scholar may go back to Tier 1 or 2 or be removed.
  • RTI and teachers should be in constant communication with parents.

(RESPONSE TO INSTRUCTION)Submit Electronically

Referral Form – Part 1

Scholar Name ______Grade ______Date ______

Phone ______Address______

Completed by: ______Relationship to scholar ______

Please complete the information below. All of this information is CONFIDENTIAL. This will become part of the scholar’s record.

The form should be returned to: RTI Chairperson

Please state your reason (s) for referral:

  1. Academic Concerns:
  • Reading
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Written Expression
  • Oral Expression
  • Math
  • Other
  1. Social/Emotional Concerns:
  • Learning Behaviors (attention, work completion, organization, study skills)
  • Social Behaviors (following rules, peer/adult relationships, emotional well being)
  • Other ______
  1. Describe any interventions you have tried with this scholar. Indicate any that have been successful.





  1. Describe parent/guardian’s response to scholar’s problematic behavior.





  1. List any testing data available.





  1. How is scholar’s attendance? ______
  1. Has the scholar ever been retained? ______
  1. How many discipline referrals have you written for this scholar? ______
  1. Are there any known health issues? ______
  1. List current grades if available. ______


Note: Please prepare a scholar folder with graded work samples and any other information pertinent to the scholar’s academic and behavioral performance and bring it to the RTI meeting.

Parent Information Letter

Response to Instruction (RTI)

Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s),

A dilemma for many parent(s) or guardian(s) and teachers are how to help scholars who are having academic or behavioral challenges while obtaining their education. Response to Instruction (RTI) is a means to intervene early, using academic or behavioral supports, and increase intensive interventions in the general education setting.

EdPower Schools’ RTI model consists of three tiers of instruction/intervention. Each tier offers services more intensive than the tier below it. Instruction and interventions are provided by highly-qualified teachers and are research-based, meaning that they have been independently tested and proven to improve scholar performance for a majority of scholars.

TIER I: All scholars receive researched-based differentiated instruction during the core instructional period.

TIER II: Provides additional support using research-based methods and material. Scholars’ progress is closely monitored every one or two weeks.

Tier III: Scholars who continue to face challenges in Tier 2 will receive more intensive interventions.

Interventions will continue as needed to ensure scholar success in the Tier I Instructional program. The vast majority of scholars meet grade-level expectations within this 3 Tiered approach.

RTI meetings for your scholar are scheduled weekly and last approximately 30 minutes. We invite you to join us in discussing any strategies that may be helpful in your scholar obtaining success at school. A worksheet has also been attached to provide the RTI team with more information. Please complete the worksheet and send back to school.

The meeting follows a series of steps to reach the desired outcome of academic and/or behavioral improvement for your scholar. Here is an overview of the meeting:

  • First, the team discusses the strengths and interests that are unique to your scholar. Then, based on information provided by the teacher and team members, the team confirms the academic and/or behavioral concerns your scholar is facing at school.
  • Next, ideas and strategies are developed which build on your scholar’s strengths and specific needs. These ideas are generated with the intent of helping your scholar be more successful in school.
  • The team completes the meeting by creating a plan of action that will support your scholar’s needs and monitor their progress.
  • The team meets on an ongoing basis, as appropraite for your scholar to see how the plan is working and make need changes.

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to work with you and your scholar. Together, we can make a difference in your scholar’s academic and behavioral progress. We look forward to serving your scholar


EdPower Schools

If you have any questions please contact

Dr. Shannon Jackson


School Psychologist

317-822-7960 Ext. 2350

Parent’s Worksheet

  1. What are your scholar’s strengths, both at home and at school?
  1. What are your scholar’s passions or interests? For example, does he or she love baseball, reading books about animals, drawing, puzzles, etc?
  1. Who does your scholar enjoy being with at school and home? (Please include teachers or school staff, school and neighborhood friends, relatives or siblings)
  1. Where do you see your scholar struggling? For example, is there a certain class he/she has difficulty with? Do you see memory or attention challenges with your scholar etc?

Examples of Interventions at each Tier

Tier 1

Differentiated Instruction: Taxonomy of Effective Teaching Practices, Whole Brain Teaching

Extended Day

Small Group Instruction as needed

Planner Support

Study Guides

Teacher/student conferences for writing

Adapted and Supplemental Texts

Behavior Support: Parent/Teacher/Admin Conferences