BIS 300, Fall2016

Response Paper: Adult Learning

Criterion / Exemplary / Competent / Developing
Analysis /
  • Clear thesis/argument.
  • Clear, relevant observations from the three readings.
  • Connects readings to self with depth and insight.
  • Demonstrates understanding by using own language and novel applications.
  • Material cited effectively supports thesis/main argument.
  • Thesis/argument is not clear from the beginning.
  • Refers to the three readings.
  • Connections to self lack depth.
  • Demonstrates understanding (no incorrect assertions about readings), but stays very close to text.
  • Cited material somewhat supports thesis/main argument.
  • Vague thesis/argument.
  • Does not refer to readings.
  • Does not link to self.
  • Misrepresents ideas in reading; does not demonstrate understanding.
  • Does not cite material or provide evidence for thesis/main argument.

Organization /
  • Clear, effective introduction with thesis/argument statement.
  • Body of paper follows outline of argument presented in introduction.
  • Paragraphs use clear topic sentences and transitions.
  • Conclusion effectively ties
thesis/argument together. /
  • Introduction is generally clear, though thethesis/argument may not be obvious.
  • Body covers main points, but not in a logical order.
  • Paragraphs address main points, but may be choppy with
ineffective transitions.
  • Conclusion attempts to tie together thesis/argument.
  • Introduction is brief, leaving the reader unclear about what to expect.
  • Body is disorganized and hard to follow.
  • Paragraphs are not used appropriately to express main ideas – too short/too long or jumbled; no transitions.
  • Conclusion is not present or does not connect to the thesis/argument.

Style /
  • Conforms to length and format requirements.
  • References all three required essays.
  • Correctly cites sources.
  • Clear, correct sentence structure.
  • No or very few spelling errors or grammatical mistakes.
  • Conforms to length and format requirements.
  • References all three required essays.
  • Cites sources with a few formatting errors.
  • Clear sentence structure with only a few awkward sentences.
  • Easy to read with a few spelling or grammatical mistakes.
  • Does not conform to length or format requirements.
  • Fails to reference all three required essays.
  • Does not cite sources or does so inconsistently and in a sloppy manner.
  • Sentences are awkward and convoluted; excessive use of passive voice and vagueness on agency.
  • Many spelling errors and grammatical mistakes that distract from message.