Responses by subject 22/Aug/2005

Respondent No. Summary Proposed Alteration HCC Response


Reg 26


Aim of community engagement

776 Harpenden Town Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5725 Support Support the aim for community engagement. Support noted.


Aims and objectives

763 Lafarge Aggregates Ltd - A5. Industry

5643 Object There should be an initial explanation of why there is a need to identify The statement of community involvement is

minerals and waste sites at the very start of this exercise. It should be concerned with the processes of consultation and not

clearly explained why minerals are required to be extracted - the contents of the Minerals and Waste Development

infrastructure, buildings, roads etc. A link has to be made between Documents. Therefore it is not appropriate to amend

having built development and the material required to be quarried to the document in the way proposed by the consultee.

achieve this. The issue of waste management should also be fully

explained e.g. in the case of domestic waste - wheely bin emptied and

taken for management etc.


Aims and objectives

757 Ms B Scott-Smith - A5. Public

5596 Object The purpose of communication is to consult, setting out the options Comment noted

CLEARLY and involving the whole affected community. Not only

those with their own agenda.


Key issues for stakeholders

752 Anglian Water Services Ltd - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5572 Support The key issues identified in section 2.2 reflect the needs and priorities of Support noted

the Hertfordshire communities with regard to planning for minerals and


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754 Ickleford PC - A1. Parish/Town Council

5579 Support Agrees with the key issues identified in section 2.2 Support noted

755 Three Valleys Water PLC -

5587 Support Agree with the key ssues identified in section 2.2 Support noted

758 East & North Herts NHS Trust - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5604 Object Should include as an extra issue to understand the purpose of the Proposed extra issue included.

Minerals & Waste Development Framework and the process by which

the County Council assess future developments.

759 Stevenage CAB - A3. Community Groups/Voluntary Sector

5612 Support Agree with the issues identified in Section 2.2. Support noted.

760 St Albans & Harpenden PCT - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5620 Support Agree with the key issues identified within section 2.2. Support noted.

761 BIFFA Waste Services Ltd - A5. Industry

5627 Support Agree with the key issues identified in section 2.2. Support noted.

762 Hatfield Town Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5635 Support Agree with the key issues for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

764 Furneux Pelham Parish Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5650 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

765 Barkway Parish Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5658 Support Agree with the key issues identified in section 2.2. Support noted.

766 Essenden Parish Council -

5665 Support Agree with the key issues identified in section 2.2. Support noted.

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768 Broxbourne Borough Council - A1. District Council

5676 Object The list of issues for stakeholders seems a bit short. There is no There is no mention of local recycling facilities or

mentioning of local recycling facilities or kerbside recycling. It is not kerbside recycling as these are services provided by

clear what is meant with 'composting facilities'. Is this on a householder district and borough councils and are also issues for the

basis or large scale composts? waste management strategy not the statement of

community involvement. The phrase 'composting

facilities' is intended to refer to all composting facilities

including householder and large scale ones.

771 Royston Town Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5697 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

772 Lee Valley Regional Park - A5. Industry

5703 Support As a recreational and ecological resource the park has an important Support noted

contribution to make to the quality of life of various communities within

the region and the Authority is very interested in being involved in setting

the core strategy and strategic direction for minerals and waste planning

in Hertfordshire.

773 Watford Borough Council - A1. District Council

5707 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

774 Abbots Langley Parish Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5711 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

775 F J Thompson MRICS FIQ - A5. Public

5718 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

776 Harpenden Town Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5726 Support Support the key issues for stakeholders as in section 2.2. Support noted.

779 Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt

5739 Object A further bullet point under 2.2 "key issues for stakeholders" would be Proposed key issue included.

useful stating "ensuring that the quality of the natural environment is

protected and enhanced as much as possible".

780 Chipperfield Parish Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5746 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

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781 Scott Brownrigg - A5. Land Agents/Surveyors

5754 Support Agree with the key issues identified for stakeholders in section 2.2. Support noted.

783 Clerk to Kings Walden Parish Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5766 Support Agree with the key issues identified in section 2.2. Support noted.

784 Welwyn Hatfield Council - A1. District Council

5773 Support Agree with the key issues identified in section 2.2. Support noted.


Key issues for Hertfordshire County Council

776 Harpenden Town Council - A1. Parish/Town Council

5727 Support Support the five key issues identified in section 2.3. We consider two to Support noted.

be of particular importance. (a) Ensuring the outcomes of the

engagement processes are regularly reported on and made widely

available, including on your website. (b) Continual review, monitoring

and evaluation of the engagement programme and community

involvement strategy to maximise effectiveness.



757 Ms B Scott-Smith - A5. Public

5597 Object Object to the term 'Stakeholders' it is bureaucratic jargon. How many Comment noted, the term 'stakeholder' is in common

people understand what you mean by this term? usage particularly in reference to consultation

strategies, however an explanation of what a stakholder

is, has been included and its use will be minimised.


Draft development plan document

777 Go-East - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5734 Object Checklist 7a in Creating LDFs states that 'Authorities should clearly state Amendment made, new section called 'feedback'

how they will deal with representations received. Authorities should also included in Chapter 5 'Methods of Community

consider how they will report on what has changed as result of Involvement'.

community involvement undertaken'. Therefore you should include

details of the methods that will be used to report back to individuals and

organisations who have made representations on LDDs.

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Other community initiatves

757 Ms B Scott-Smith - A5. Public

5599 Object Should consider the number of local jobs provided. Comment noted, however this is not an issue for the

statement of community involvement.


Other community involvement iniatives

772 Lee Valley Regional Park - A5. Industry

5705 Object Given the new development plan process the Authority will need to work Noted and will include the authority on the database of

closely with the County Minerals and Waste Team to ensure the consultees.

Authority's Plan Proposals are taken into account in the preparation of

the MWDF. Early involvement by the County would therefore be

helpful to ensure the relevant issues and proposals/site allocations are

taken into consideration.


Integration with community plans and strategies

777 Go-East - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5732 Object We would also like the SCI to demondtrate that you have fully explored A brief explanation of how the County Council is

the potential for joint consultation iniatives for the Community Strategy approaching joint consultation has been included in

and LDD preparation. Where the opportunity presents itself, the SCI Chapter 2.

should commit the authority to joint consultation. Conversely, where

joint consultation is not possible, the SCI should indicate this, briefly

setting out the reasoning for this being the case.


Integration with community plans and strategies

777 Go-East - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5733 Object You may wish to consider if the list of Community Plans and Strategies List has been deleted.

on page 15 should be removed. Many of the documents described will

soon be out of date and replaced by new versions thus rendering the SCI,

which should look to last for sometime, potentially misleading.

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752 Anglian Water Services Ltd - A1&A2. Statutory Consultees & Govt Departments

5576 Object The Council should use the website and newspapers for advertising The county council currently advertises in local

planning applications newspapers for all applications for planning permission

for minerals and waste development and some county

council development in accordance with legislation

and as set out in the County Council's Code of Practice.

The Council is currently developing its web site and

under existing arrangements publishes a list of all

planning applications submitted together with a

summary and plan of the proposal. The council

intends to develop this facility to allow full copies of all

planning applications to be published online. This

requires investment in software and systems. The use

of newspapers is part of a range of publicity used by

the council in publicising planning applications.

Experience of the council is that very few responses

are received in relation to statutory notices in the

newspaper, most responses made are in relation to

‘neighbour’ letters, site notices and through word of

mouth or campaigns of local opposition organised by

persons within the community. Increasingly requests

are being made for access to information to be

available online. Statutory notices in newspapers are

relatively expensive and result in a very low level of

response. The government are currently trialling the

use of web based publicity in Camden. If this trial is

successful the council would wish to investigate the

development of a web based system for publicity of

planning applications as an alternative to that element

of its publicity concerned with placing newspaper


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Respondent No. Summary Proposed Alteration HCC Response


754 Ickleford PC - A1. Parish/Town Council

5583 Object The Council should use the website and newspapers for advertising The county council currently advertises in local

planning applications newspapers for all applications for planning permission

for minerals and waste development and some county

council development in accordance with legislation

and as set out in the County Council's Code of Practice.

The Council is currently developing its web site and

under existing arrangements publishes a list of all

planning applications submitted together with a

summary and plan of the proposal. The council

intends to develop this facility to allow full copies of all

planning applications to be published online. This

requires investment in software and systems. The use

of newspapers is part of a range of publicity used by

the council in publicising planning applications.

Experience of the council is that very few responses

are received in relation to statutory notices in the

newspaper, most responses made are in relation to

‘neighbour’ letters, site notices and through word of

mouth or campaigns of local opposition organised by

persons within the community. Increasingly requests

are being made for access to information to be

available online. Statutory notices in newspapers are

relatively expensive and result in a very low level of

response. The government are currently trialling the

use of web based publicity in Camden. If this trial is

successful the council would wish to investigate the

development of a web based system for publicity of

planning applications as an alternative to that element

of its publicity concerned with placing newspaper


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755 Three Valleys Water PLC -

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5591 Object Should use the website, free and local newspapers for advertising The county council currently advertises in local

planning applications. newspapers for all applications for planning permission

for minerals and waste development and some county

council development in accordance with legislation

and as set out in the County Council's Code of Practice.

The Council is currently developing its web site and

under existing arrangements publishes a list of all

planning applications submitted together with a

summary and plan of the proposal. The council

intends to develop this facility to allow full copies of all

planning applications to be published online. This

requires investment in software and systems. The use

of newspapers is part of a range of publicity used by

the council in publicising planning applications.

Experience of the council is that very few responses

are received in relation to statutory notices in the

newspaper, most responses made are in relation to

‘neighbour’ letters, site notices and through word of

mouth or campaigns of local opposition organised by

persons within the community. Increasingly requests

are being made for access to information to be

available online. Statutory notices in newspapers are

relatively expensive and result in a very low level of