Please send or Fax all forms into
Atten: Buchanan School
Fit Test assessment Forms
Fax No: 777-6065
PART 1: Respirator User InformationName: / Title/Occupation:
Employee #: / Contact #:
Department: / Supervisor Name:
PART 2: Conditions of Use
Activities requiring respirator: ______, ______, ______
Frequency of respirator use: daily weekly monthly yearly
Exertion level during use: light moderate heavy other
Duration of respirator use per shift: <1/4 hr >1/4 hr 2 hr variable
Temperature during use: <0゚C >0 and <25゚C > 25゚C
Special Work Considerations:
Hazardous materials (Emergency) Oxygen deficiency Confined spaces
Additional types of personal protective equipment required, specify:
(e.g. safety glasses –goggles; hearing protection - muffs, plugs; clothing – tyvek/coveralls/aprons)
PART 3: Types of Respirators Used (check all that apply)Air-purifying, nonpowered Supplied-air, demand
Air-purifying, powered Supplied-air, continuous-flow
Combination supplied-air with air-purifying elements Supplied-air, pressure-demand
Non-tight-fitting (e.g., hood, dust mask) Other specify: ______
PART 4: Respirator User’s Health Conditions (Check YES or NO box only. DO NOT SPECIFY)(a) Some health conditions can seriously affect your ability to safely use a respirator. Do you have or do you experience any of the following, or another condition that may affect respirator use? (A “Yes” or “No” response is all that’s required).
Emphysema Shortness of breath Breathing difficulties
Heart problems Lung disease Chest pain or exertion
Allergies Thyroid problems Cardiovascular disease
Seizures Fainting spells Neuromuscular disease
Hypertension Back/neck problems Facial features/skin conditions
Diabetes Dizziness/nausea Temperature susceptibility
Dentures Color blindness Claustrophobia/fear of heights
Asthma Chronic bronchitis Reduced sense of smell
Vision impairment Hearing impairment Reduced sense of taste
Panic attacks Pacemaker Prescription medication to control a condition
(b) Do you have any other known health condition that could limit you from using
a respirator YES NO
(c) Have you had previous difficulty while using a respirator? YES NO
Explain: ______
A “YES” answer to “a” “b” or “c” indicates further assessment by a health care professional is required prior to respirator use (see Part 5 & 6). Refer employee to EHRC 777-7788.NOTE: Medical information is NOT to be offered on this form.
Signature of Respirator User Supervisor’s Initials Date
PART 5: Physician’s Primary Assessment (if required)Assessment date: ______
Respirator use permitted: Yes No Uncertain (Refer to Safety Services)
Referred for medical assessment: Yes No
Comments: ______
Name of Physician Signature of Physician
PART 6: Medical Assessment (if required)Assessment date: ______
Class 1. NO restrictions
Class 2. Some specific restrictions apply:
Restrictions: ______
Class 3. Respirator use is NOT permitted/recommended
Name of Physician Signature of Physician Date
C:\Documents and Settings\checkin\My Documents\Tool Crib Events\Fit Testing\RESPIRATOR USER SCREENING FORM.doc