Human Services 2 - CERT


Instructor: Mr. Franklin


Respect, Integrity, and Excellence in All We Do!!!

Course Description: This course will prepare students to be Teen Community Emergency Response Team members (TeenCERT). This course also explores careers in law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency medical technicians, security, and other public safety careers. This course in taught in partnership with the Rancho Cordova Police Department, Sacramento Metro CERT & Fire Department, and various other local public service partners.

Special Course Requirements:

Students will be provided with uniform shirts to be worn once a week. In order to participate on CERT training days, the students must wear closed toe shoes and long pants (NO SAGGING). Failure to come dressed appropriately may cause the student to fail the CERT training portion of the course. All CERT training materials will be supplied by the program and must remain in the classroom.

CERT – Community Emergency Response Team – Students in this class will become certified emergency support members. CERT is a nationally recognized organization created to support first responders in disasters and to help create citizens who can help themselves and their community in the event of a major disaster. Students will receive first aid training and CPR certifications in this class. Attendance is mandatory in order to complete certification. Missed classes/activities cannot be made up.

Training in this class requires students to be comfortable with putting their hands on each other on a daily basis. Students will be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment. Failure to follow safety rules will result in failing grades.

Professional Development - Each student is required to participate in a minimum of 24 hours of professional development to be completed by the end of the school year. The intent of this is to begin developing an understanding of public service and to increase employability skills and experience.



This includes Attendance, CERT Training, field trips, guest speaker presentations, team building activities, Mentor Emails, and professional development.


This includes required reading, writing, vocabulary, and other book work assignments.


This includes CPR Certification, CERT Certification, quizzes/tests on guest speakers and text book information, and individual/group project assignments.

Late Work will be accepted up to one week late. A minimum of 10% will be deducted for late work. All test makeup must be scheduled after school.

Letter Grades are assigned as follows:

A = 90 – 100%B = 80 – 89%C = 70 – 79%D = 60 – 69%

F = any grade below 60%

Students who fail any of the Human Services Classes are subject to removal from the academy.


The Public Safety Academy Teachers will require each student show respect for teachers, academy guest speakers and other students.

The field of public service demands all employees have a clean record; therefore, all Public Safety Academy students are expected to be clean and sober; no referrals; and above average attendance. Failure to meet any of these may result in removal from the academy.

Movies: Throughout the school year, the following movies will be shown in class to help teach some of the standards in Public Safety, Family & Human Services, and as part of character development. All of them are PG or not rated. Scared Straight does contain some profanity as it takes high school inside the walls of a federal state prison to meet inmates on death row.

Titles: Remember the Titans, Cool Runnings, The Guardian, Twelve Angry Men, Thirteen Days, Scared Straight, Ladder 49, Earthquake, National Geographic Inside 911, and Inside the Secret Service, Gangland, The FBI, Toxic Agents: Viruses and Chemical & Biological Warfare, NOVA Series: Epidemic: Ebola, AIDS, Bird Flu, and Typhoid; Family Secrets: Inside Addiction; Worlds Most Dangerous Drug.

Human Services 2- CERT Course Guidelines

I have read and understand the course guidelines for the Human Services 2 – CERT Course.


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