Resource Conserving Crops
Resource Conserving Crop Rotation
E328101R Soil Erosion – Water
E328106R Soil Quality Degradation – Organic Matter Depletion
E328107R Soil Quality Degradation - Compaction
E328134RDegraded Plant Condition – Excessive Plant Pest Pressure
Improved Resource Conserving Crop Rotation
E328101ISoil Erosion – Water
E328106ISoil Quality Degradation – Organic Matter Depletion
E328107I Soil Quality Degradation - Compaction
E328134IDegraded Plant Condition – Excessive Plant Pest Pressure
Pennsylvania Guidance for Resource Conserving Crops
Resource-conserving crop means a crop that is one of the following:
1. A perennial grass grown at least 2 years from the time of planting;
2. A legume grown for use as forage grown for at least 2 years from time of planting;
3. A legume-grass mixture grown for at least 2 years from time of planting;
4. A grass-forbs mixture that is grown at least 2 years from time of planting
5. Legume-grass-forbs mixture grown at least 2 years from time of planting
6. With at least two other crops in the rotation, include a small grain in combination with a legume, forb, or any grass-forb mixture that is used as a green manure, whether interseeded or planted after small grain harvest. (Neither the small grain residue nor the cover crop shall be harvested or grazed.
Pennsylvania Specific List of Resource Conserving Crop species
Resource Conserving Crop Species.
- Perennial grass
- Orchardgrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Smooth Bromegrass
- Timothy
- Reed canarygrass
- Tall Fescue
- Matua prairiegrass
- Perennial ryegrass
- Switchgrass
- Big bluestem
- Indian grass
- Legumes
- Alfalfa
- Birdsfoot trefoil
- Red clover
- White clover
- Alsike clover
- Sweet clover
- A legume-grass mixture
a seeding mix of one or more species each from the legume list and the grass list below
Grass / Legume
- Orchardgrass
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Smooth Bromegrass
- Timothy
- Reed canarygrass
- Tall Fescue
- Matua prairiegrass
- Perennial ryegrass
- Switchgrass
- Big bluestem
- Indian grass
- Alfalfa
- Birdsfoot trefoil
- Red clover
- White clover
- Alsike clover
- Crimson clover
- Field pea
- Austrian winter pea
- Hairy vetch
- Sweet clover
- A small grain grown in combination with a green manure crop consisting of a grass, legume, forbs, or grass-forbs mixture, whether interseeded or planted in rotation. Neither the small grain residue nor the cover crop shall be harvested or grazed. At least two other crops grown in rotation.
Small grains: Winter Oat, Spring oat, Winter barley, Spring barley, Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Buckwheat, Winter triticale, Winter rye, Spelt
(green manure/cover crop) / Grass
(green manure/cover crop) / Legume
(green manure/cover crop)
- Rapeseed
- Mustards
- Sunflower
- Forage radish
- Phacelia
- Turnip
- Chicory
- Orchardgrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Smooth Bromegrass
- Timothy
- Reed canarygrass
- Tall Fescue
- Matua prairiegrass
- Perennial ryegrass
- Switchgrass
- Big bluestem
- Indian grass
- Annual ryegrass
- Sudangrass
- Sorghum and sudangrass hybrids
- Corn
- Millets
- Alfalfa
- Birdsfoot trefoil
- Red clover
- White clover
- Alsike clover
- Crimson clover
- Field pea
- Austrian winter pea
- Hairy vetch
- Sweet clover
- Sunn hemp
February 2018