Resource Aide #1 – ProblemFraming and the Purpose & Need

The NEPA process is firmly rooted in decision sciences and is based largely on what is known as the rationale planning model. The development of the Purpose & Need and defining the scope & scale of a project are part of what is considered the “Problem Framing” phase.

This phase includes framing the problem so others can understand why we need to address it; defining objectives or purposes; and defining indicators. These components help clarify the Purpose and Needfor a project. The purpose and need statement is one of the most important parts of any NEPA process as it sets the stage for alternative development and analysis; therefore, it should be clear and well documented to aid in your overall decision process.

Problem framing refers to a concerted effort to focus on one’s understanding of a problem. The purpose and need is a statement of the problem and evidence that supports that the problem exists. It also then includes objectives which sets the direction you hope to move towards while providing the basis for your decision criteria.

The theory is that making good decisions require: (1) clear identification of the “problem” (need); (2) describing why we want to solve that problem (define objectives/purposes); and (3) what factors (indicators) are important in determining how well a proposal is solving that problem.

Defining objectives becomes more critical as the complexity of a problem increases as objectives or purposes help define the scope of the scope of the problem, the range of alternatives needed to be considered, and the scope of the analysis needed to inform the decision. Indicators assist in this effort as they can be used to measure and compare the effects of alternatives to how well they address the NEED and provide rationale for what elements warranted more in-depth analysis.