Resource 3: Data request form for Crime Statistics Agency
This template has been prepared to assist you with submitting a request to the Crime Statistics Agency for recorded crime data.
It is strongly recommended that you contact the CSA before submitting your request. They can provide you with some assistance to complete this data request. To help explain the boundaries of your target area and (where applicable) comparison area and buffer zone, you are encouraged to include a map with the boundaries highlighted alongside this form.
Information requested can only be provided subject to the CSA confidentiality policy. Some data may require aggregation where the numbers are too small. Data will be aggregated to the lowest level possible under this policy.
Project reference #:
Organisation name:
Project start date:
Project end date:
Contact name:
Contact information:
Purpose of data request:
TIME PERIODPre-implementation period / Start: / dd/mm/yyyy
End: / dd/mm/yyyy
Data aggregation: / ☐Total
Post-implementation period / Start: / dd/mm/yyyy
End: / dd/mm/yyyy
Data aggregation: / ☐Total
Target area / Level of aggregation requested:
Choose all that apply / ☐Streets
☐Location type
☐Common place name
Streets (incl. suburb name/s):
List all that apply / Note that some streets may extend beyond target area. Information will be provided in aggregate form, not specific residential addresses.
Location type (incl. suburb name/s): / Residential:
☐ Dwelling— private
☐ Dwelling—non-private
☐ Grounds/surrounding land
☐ Education
☐ Health
☐ Religious
☐ Public transport
☐ Other transport
☐ Justice
☐ Open space
☐ Street/footpath
☐ Other / Other:
☐ Admin/professional
☐ Financial
☐ Retail
☐ Wholesale
☐ Warehousing/storage
☐ Manufacturing
☐ Agricultural
☐ Recreational
☐ Other location
Common place name (incl. suburb name):
List all that apply / Common names for locations of interest, such as park names
Comparison area / Level of aggregation requested:
Choose all that apply / ☐Streets
☐Location type
☐Common place name
☐Local government area
Streets (incl. suburb name/s)
List all that apply / Note that some streets may extend beyond target area. Information will be provided in aggregate form, not specific residential addresses.
Location type (incl. suburb name/s) / Residential:
☐ Dwelling— private
☐ Dwelling—non-private
☐ Grounds/surrounding land
☐ Education
☐ Health
☐ Religious
☐ Public transport
☐ Other transport
☐ Justice
☐ Open space
☐ Street/footpath
☐ Other / Other:
☐ Admin/professional
☐ Financial
☐ Retail
☐ Wholesale
☐ Warehousing/storage
☐ Manufacturing
☐ Agricultural
☐ Recreational
☐ Other location
Common place name (incl. suburb name)
List all that apply / Common names for locations of interest, such as park names
List all that apply
List all that apply
Local government area/s:
List all that apply
Buffer zone / Level of aggregation requested:
Choose all that apply / ☐Streets
☐Location type
☐Common place name
Streets (incl. suburb name/s)
List all that apply / Note that some streets may extend beyond target area. Information will be provided in aggregate form, not specific residential addresses.
Location type (incl. suburb name/s) / Residential:
☐ Dwelling— private
☐ Dwelling—non-private
☐ Grounds/surrounding land
☐ Education
☐ Health
☐ Religious
☐ Public transport
☐ Other transport
☐ Justice
☐ Open space
☐ Street/footpath
☐ Other / Other:
☐ Admin/professional
☐ Financial
☐ Retail
☐ Wholesale
☐ Warehousing/storage
☐ Manufacturing
☐ Agricultural
☐ Recreational
☐ Other location
Location type (incl. suburb name)
List all that apply / Common names for locations of interest, such as park names
Offence categories / Crimes against the person
☐ Homicide and related offences
☐ Assault and related offences
☐ Sexual offences
☐ Abduction and related offences
☐ Robbery
☐ Blackmail and extortion
☐ Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour
☐ Dangerous and negligent acts endangering people
☐ Total crimes against the person
Property and deception offences
☐ Arson
☐ Property damage
☐ Burglary/Break and enter
☐ Theft
☐ Deception
☐ Bribery
☐ Total property and deception offences
Drug offences
☐ Drug dealing and trafficking
☐ Cultivate or manufacture drugs
☐ Drug use and possession
☐ Other drug offences
☐ Total drug offences
Public order and security offences
☐ Weapons and explosives offences
☐ Disorderly and offensive conduct
☐ Public nuisance offences
☐ Public security offences
☐ Total public order and security offences
Other offences
☐ Regulatory driving offences
☐ Transport regulation offences
☐ Other government regulatory offences
☐ Miscellaneous offences
☐ Total other offences
Exclude family violence / ☐ Yes
☐ No
Day or night / ☐ Day (6am – 6pm)
☐ Night (6pm – 6am)
☐ Total day and night
Subject to the CSA confidentiality policy. Will only be provided where the numbers are not too small.