Minutes of Meeting on 6th September 2011

Venue and time :
The meeting was held at Resolis Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m. / ACTION
Present :
Councillors - Duncan Ross (acting Chair and Treasurer)(DR), Alister Matheson (AM), A Nganasurian (SU), Marion Campbell (MC), Norma Holm (NH)
Secretary – Alastair Morton (AMo)
Apologies :
Ian Thorne (IT), Louise Barnett
New Secretary
DR introduced and welcomed the newly co-opted secretary AMo. MC confirmed that she was standing down from the role and DR explained that the new secretary would be subject to re-election in November with all other councillors and officers.
1. / Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved; proposed by AM and seconded by NH.
2. / Matters Arising
2.1 / Jemimaville Bus Shelter
A significant majority of residents’ survey responses were in favour of a wooden bus shelter being erected near the Post Office (10 favourable responses, 4 not in favour). DR reported that he has submitted a planning application to the Highland Council (THC) at a cost of £180 and showed copies of the plans. DR had previously met with the Roads Dep’t who did not think an application was necessary and then with a Planning Officer who did. AM will be installing the found and the dwarf block wall in due course.
2.2 / Bus service (Cromarty to Dingwall) (No. 21)
The service has been running for some weeks now. AMo reported that drivers of the morning service are frequently ignorant of the route they are supposed to be following, relying on passengers for directions, and this has sometimes led to Balblair being missed out when the driver mistakenly uses the short cut via the Memorial Hall. Nevertheless the service is a welcome addition to local public transport services.
2.3.2 / Resolis Road Signs
DR reported that the sign to be erected by the lay-by at the W end of the main Cullicudden straight is progressing. He showed a copy of the design which incorporates a picture by one of the children at the Primary School around which are the words “Welcome to Resolis” (above) and “Please Drive Carefully” (below). The letters have to be 6” high to meet THC regulations and this means that the sign dimensions overall will be 6’ high and 4’ wide. DR confirmed that about half the cost of the sign will be covered by a grant from the THC Black Isle Ward Discretionary Fund (THCBIWDF).
DR said that he had been considering the possibility of another sign on the parish boundary at Mount High where there is another well positioned lay-by. Whilst this is something probably best pursued next year he will hold preliminary discussions with the Forestry Commission. With the forest position in mind he has been thinking of a wooden sign and has had a talk with Ian Chalmers who has expressed his willingness to take on manufacture of a sign if asked. He has already done similar work for Balloch and other Community Councils (CCs). Costs would need to be the subject of a grant application. / DR
2.4 / Kirkmichael Wall
The repointing needed is still outstanding work for the future. THC Tech Services to be contacted. / DR/IT
2.5 / Complaints about Grass-cutting
NH reported that the complaints had been resolved. Apparently some locations had been missed off a list provided by THC to contractors but this omission has been rectified and cutting has recommenced.
2.6 / Crossroads Bus Shelter
DR and AM agreed that they would jointly repair the damaged rhone at a mutually convenient time in the near future. / DR/AM
3. / Treasurer’s Report
DR reported that the bank account balance stands at £2,627. An award of £1,750 is awaited from THCBIWDF towards the costs of the Jemimaville bus shelter and the first road sign (covering c. 50%).
4. / Correspondence
4.4 / Letter dated 04/07/2011 from THC Head of Environment & Development informing of the publication of a consultation draft of its proposed Supplementary Planning Guidance on Highland’s Statutorily Protected Species (consultation ended 17/08/2011).
Letter dated 11/08/2011 from THC Planning Dep’t informing of the publication of a draft document setting out additional guidance on the issue of Houses in Multiple Occupation. The document is available to view online at
Comment requested by 26/09/2011.
Letter from Stagecoach in the Highlands dated 15/08/2011 inviting all CCs to join a scheme whereby Stagecoach will inform of changes to bus services. AMo will arrange for RCC to join the scheme.
E-mail from THC PR Manager requesting assistance with the THC Quality Awards 2011. THC would like to know if there is:-
  • a THC service or team that has provided our community with a high quality or improving service
  • an individual member of THC staff who has given an outstanding service to our community who should be recognised for their work
/ AMo
5. / Any Other Business
5.6 / RCC Logo
DR reported that he has been experimenting with designs for a logo for RCC. He showed some preliminary sketches. The proposed design would be somewhat similar to one devised by the children at the Primary School, illustrating the ‘Slope of light’ theme. The logo could be used in many different situations.
Kirkmichael Trust
AM enquired of progress with the Kirkmichael Trust’s project and fundraising. DR confirmed that while a grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund had recently been successful the bigger application to the Strategic Rural Development Programme was proving more complicated and time consuming. Dr. Jim Mackay is leading the work on this.
Newhall Point Car Park
AM confirmed that the repairs he carried out to fill in a large hole in the car park surface are holding up well. He is looking at widening the car park entrance. He sought views on removing the central area of grass but the general opinion was in favour of retaining it to encourage tidy parking and leaving the circulation route clear.
Complaint about Footpath
DR reported that he had received a complaint about the footpath to Castle Craig being impassable due to vegetation. Whilst there is no longer a real problem in that the field crop has been harvested, allowing an alternative access route, he suggested that the Council should consider paying someone locally to carry out work such as footpath clearance and other odd jobs such as bus shelter and signpost maintenance. Both AM and DR said that they knew of local people who might be interested in the opportunity. It was agreed to leave this for further consideration next year in time to have a solution in place for the spring.
Information Boards
DR reported that he is working on a plan to enlist the help of the Primary School children in devising suitable content for one or more information boards that could be erected around the parish, subject to grant funding from e.g. THCBIWDF, which he believes would be forthcoming. His idea is to provide the children with the footpaths booklet and other information e.g. Dr Mackay’s book and ask them to propose what information about Resolis is important to convey to residents and visitors.
Memorial Hall Electricity Supply
DR recalled that when the old Newhall Primary School was sold £30,000 from the proceeds was due to be given to RCC for local projects. The majority of that money will need to be allocated to cover the costs of refurbishing the Hall’s electricity supply and wiring which is currently in an unsatisfactory condition of overloading. It is necessary to ascertain what the remaining funds will be so that expenditure on other suitable projects etc. can be considered and planned. David Alston to clarify at the next meeting. / David Alston
6. / Planning
AM reported that he had been unable to access the THC web site Planning area to look for new applications. However perusal of the Ross-shire Journal reports had not revealed anything to cause concern.
Regarding the old Free Church at Jemimaville and the sea wall - DR reported that he did not know whether IT had raised the matter with THC. IT to report at next meeting.
7. / Date of Next Meeting
The next council meeting will take place at the Resolis Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 4th October 2011