Resident/Client Intake Data Entry Form
Important Confidentiality Information:
All persons filling out and (or) entering this information into CMHC must sign and adhere to
the YCS Confidentiality agreement. If you have not done so, contact the HR dept. for a confidentiality agreement. Sign and return the agreement as soon as possible to HR.
CMHC – Client Registration
Signature of Site Administrator:
Sign off indicates agreement of completion.______
(All applicable fields filled in & entered into CMHC.)
Identification TAB
Client Identifying Information
Last Name: ______Status: ____ (MUST BE FILLED)
(A = Active, T = Terminated)
First Name: ______
Date of birth: ____/____/____Social Security Number: _____/_____/_____
Street Address: ______
Do not enter the address of your program – if there is no parent or guardian use the address of the DYFS case manager. Treatment home should
Always use the Treatment Home address where the child is place.
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: (H) (_____) ______
Email address: ______
Application Date: ____/____/____ Enter the date client first requested service from YCS
First Admit: ____/____/____ Enter the date client was admitted to program
Sex: M / F
Ethnicity: (circle one)
A = American Indian / Alaskan Native
B = Asian / Pacific Islander
C = Black, Not Hispanic
D = Hispanic
E = White, Not Hispanic
F = Other
Hispanic: Y / N
Marital Status: (circle one)
A = Married / Living as married
B = Widowed
C = Divorced
D = Separated
E = Never Married
F = Unknown
(Identification Tab Continued)
Department: (Program site Code, circle one)* MUST BE FILLED
- 320 = Adolescent Development Program
- 330 = Helen May Strauss Clinic – East Orange
- 350 = Helen May Strauss Clinic – Union City
- 351 = Helen May Strauss Clinic – Camden
- 380 = Family Preservation Service FPS
- 382 = Family Preservation Serve Step Down
- 383 = Nurse Family Partnership – Morris
- 384 = Nurse Family Partnership
- 390 = Behavioral Assistance/Intensive In-Community Services
- 397 = Parent as Teachers
- 575 = Therapeutic Nursery – Essex
- 576 = Therapeutic Nursery – Hudson
- 600 = New Brunswick Specialty Beds
- 610 = HolleyCenter
- 611 = Muller Hall IRTS
- 631 = Kid Connection Treatment Home Program DYFS
- 634A = In Home Behavioral Support
- 637 = Kid Connection Graduate Program
- 640 = Davis House
- 641 = Laurie Haven
- 650 = Fisher Hall
- 660 = Grace Hall I
- 661 = EmergencyDiagnosticReceptionCenterNewark
- 662 = Muller I – Newark
- 680 = Bridge
- 700 = Kid Connection
- 750 = Treatment Homes Central
- 751 = Treatment Homes Northern
- 752 = Treatment Homes Southern
- 760 = Infant Foster Care
- 761 = Early Childhood Foster Home
- 765 = Transitional Residence at (Star) Paul Moore Haven (Boys)
- 766 = Transitional Residence at (Star) Paul Moore Haven (Girls)
- 770 = Malcolm House
- 785 = Kid Connection FIS Foster Homes
- 789 = Sawtelle Burning Bush
- 790 = Kilbarchan
- 791 = Kilbarchan Paterson Assessment Unit
- 792 = Kilbarchan IRTS
- 793 = Sawtelle West Orange House
- 794 = SawtelleResidenceForest
- 795 = Sawtelle Residence Buffalo
- 796 = Sawtelle Residence – Thomas
- 797 = Sawtelle Hall
- 798= Sawtelle Home – Lawn Ridge
- 799 = Sawtelle Adult Emergency Capacity System
- 815 = Pre-Placement Assessments
- 831 = Options
- 835 = Sawtelle Home Care
- 837 = Evening and Weekend Reporting Center
- 840 = Sawtelle Home Camden
- 841 = Sawtelle HomeNew Brunswick
- 842 = Sawtelle Home Sewelle
- 844 = Sawtelle Home Blackwood
- 850 = Estell Manor
- 860 = Cedarbrook Residence
- 880 = Sayre House
(Identification Tab Continued)
- 881 = Sicklerville PCH
- 882 = Haddon Heights PCH
- 883 = Vineland Home Boys PCH
- 885 = Voorhees Group Home
Location: (Circle one code – for corrector address with the program name) * MUST BE FILLED
- ADP = 260 B’Way Newark – Adolescent Development Program
- AGE1 = 764 McLaughlin PlaceOrange – Malcolm House
- AGE2 = 2345 Vine RoadVineland–Vineland Boys Home PCH
- AGEFH = 2033 Sicklerville Rd. Sicklerville - Sicklerville PCH
- AGEHH = 101 E. Atlantic Ave. Haddon Heights - Haddon Heights PCH
- BASICS = 284 Broadway Newark - Behavioral Assistance/Intensive In-Community Services
- BERGTH = 60 Evergreen Pl.East Orange - Northern Treatment Homes
- BHDDD = 126 Buffalo Ave.Paterson- Sawtelle Residence –Buffalo
- BRIDGE = 60 Evergreen Pl.East Orange–Bridge
- CEDBRK = 34 South Cedar Brook Road Sicklerville - Cedarbrook PCH
- CENTH = 60 Evergreen Pl. EastOrange, - Central Treatment Homes
- CLINIC = 60 Evergreen Pl.East Orange - Mental Health Outpatient Clinic
- DH = 284 B'Way Newark - Davis House
- CRCNWK = 284 B'Way Newark–EmergencyDiagnosticReceptionCenter–Newark
- EARLY = 60 Evergreen Pl.East Orange - Early Childhood Foster Home
- ESTEL = 105 Cumberland Rod Estell Manor - Estell Manor PCH
- EWRC = 433 Market St.Camden - Evening and Weekend Reporting Center
- FIS = 1260 Bloomfield Ave.Fairfield - Kid Connection FIS Foster Homes
- FISHER = 260 Union St.Hackensack - Fisher Hall
- FPSSD = 533 32nd St.Union City - FPS Family Preservation Service Step Down
- FPSTC = 533 32nd St.Union City - FPS Family Preservation Service
- GRAD = 1260 Bloomfield Ave.Fairfield - Kid Connection Graduate Program
- HMSC = 711 32nd St. 1st Fl, Suite #3Union City - Helen May Strauss Clinic - Union City
- HMSCC = 517 Cooper St.Camden - Helen May Strauss Clinic –Camden
- HOLLEY = 260 Union St.Hackensack - HolleyCenter
- INFANT = 60 Evergreen East Orange - Infant Foster Care
- INHOME = 241 Main St.Hackensack - In-Home Behavioral Support
- KC = 1260 Bloomfield Ave.Fairfield - Kid Connection
- KILB = 81 East 39th StreetPaterson–Kilbarchan
- KBIRTS = 81 East 39th StreetPaterson - Kilbarchan IRTS
- LH = 720 Amboy Ave Edison - Laurie Haven
- LRTR = 45 Clifton PlaceJersey City - Transitional Residence (STAR) Girls at Paul Moore Haven
- MULLER = 260 Union St.Hackensack - Muller Hall IRTS
- MULI = 284 B'Way Newark - Muller 1 –Newark
- NBSB = 18 Abeel St. New Brunswick - New Brunswick Specialty Beds
- NFP = 260 Broadway Newark – Nurse Family Partnership Newark
- NFP = 260 Broadway Newark - Nurse Family Partnership Morris
- OPT = 20 E. Evergreen Ave. Somerdale –Options
- PATKLB = 81 East 39th StreetPaterson - Kilbarchan Paterson
- PAT = 760 Post Place, Secaucus, NJ - Parent as Teachers
- PMHTR = 45 Clifton PlJersey City - Transitional Residence (STAR) Boys at Paul Moore Haven
- PPA =20 E. Evergreen Ave Somerdale - PrePlacement Assessments
- SAMWELL - 2005 Amwell Road, Somerset, NJ - Sawtelle Amwell Adult Emergency Capacity System
- SAYRE =16 Hollywood Ave. Farmingdale - Sayer House
- SBB = 694 Burning Bush Road, Bridgewater - Sawtelle Burning Bush
- SH =517 Cooper St.Camden - Sawtelle Home –Camden
- SHBLWD = 1600 Peter Chesseman RoadBlackwood, NJ - Sawtelle Home Blackwood
- SHII = 189 George St. New Brunswick - Sawtelle Home - New Brunswick
- SHALL = 260 Union St.Hackensack - Sawtelle Hall
- SHS = 560 Hurffville Cross Keys Rd Sewell - Sawtelle Home Sewell
- SHC = 20 E. Evergreen Ave Somerdale - Sawtelle Home Care
- SHELES = 284 B'Way Newark - Grace Hall I
(Identification Tab Continued)
- SHLR = 332 Lawn Ridge RdOrangeNJ - Sawtelle Home - Lawn Ridge
- SRF = 2A Forest AveWest Orange, NJ - SawtelleResidenceForest
- SWOH = 2A Forest AveWest Orange, NJ - Sawtelle West Orange House
- THCAM = 20 E. Evergreen Ave.Somerdale, NJ - Treatment Homes Southern
- THDDD = 33-35 Thomas Street, Paterson, NJ = Sawtelle Residence – Thomas
- THNE = 60 Evergreen Place EastOrange - Therapeutic Nursery –Essex
- THNH = 760 Post Place Secaucus – Therapeutic Nursery – Hudson
- TRHOME = 1260 Bloomfield Ave.Fairfield - Kid Connection Treatment Home – DYFS
- VGH = 301 American Way - Voorhees Group Home
Adopted: Is this an adopted Child?
Y= Yes N = No
Responsible Party If you have this information available, please fill in the following for the child's parent or guardian. Responsible party in this case is the person who takes care of the child.
Rel: [Relationship: In the box that says Rel above the First Name enter the code for one of the following]
(circle one)
Parent Guardian Foster Parent Great/Grandparent Aunt/Uncle Sister Brother
Self Spouse
**For all Medicaid clients - The RP info. must always be filled in, including Social Security Number.
Use SE in the Relationship field (Rel) for Self. This will automatically bring over the client information
with their address and SS#, which is required here for Medicaid.
Last Name: ______First Name: ______
Street Address: ______
City:______State: ______Zip:______
Phone: (__)______Sex:M / F DOB: ____/____/____SS#: ____/____/____
Single Caretaker: Yes No Unknown (circle one)
[Did client come from a single parent or single primary caretaker home?
If DYFS is only know guardian enter U or Unknown]
Clinical TAB
Please provide diagnosis:Code Description:
*Both the code and description must be filled in on this form. [AXIS III - for Medical diagnosis only]
AxisI. a. ______.______
AxisI. b. ______.______
AxisI. c. ______.______
Axis II.a ______.______
Axis II.b ______.______
[Medical Diagnosis should be entered in Axis III]
Axis III.a_____.______
Axis III.b _____.______
Axis IV: List Psychosocial and Environment Problems/Stressors:
GAF1 score: ______(range 1-100 1 = minimal functioning 100 = highest level of functioning)
Gaf1 used at admission. If your program does not do client testing enter a 1 here.
Sub Use TAB
Child of Abuser: (circle one)
1 = No
2 = Child of Alcoholic (COA)
3 = Child of Substance Abuser (COSA)
4 = Child of both - COA & COSA
5 = Unknown
Geo1: (write here the Zip Code where clients lives) ______
(Do not type anything in the Geo1 field: Instead, put the cursor in the Geo 1 Field then hit the f2 key,
along the top of your keyboard. A popup box will come up. Click on the word zip in the popup box. This
will put the list in zip code order. Now type your zip code. Look for the city and zip code that applies,
click to highlight the choice and hit enter and this will fill in the correct Geo code.)
Yrs. Ed:(Number of years of Education completed, numeric input only): ______
Ed Type: (circle one)
A = Regular Education
B = Special Education
C = Adult Education
D = Not in School
Language: (Primary language spoken, circle one)
A = English
B = Spanish
C = Other Foreign
D = American Sign
Living Circ: (living circumstance prior to being admitted to YCS, circle one)
A = Alone / Independent
B = With relatives / Family / Friend
Q = Newly Adopted Family
C = Foster Care
D = RTC [Residential TreatmentCenter]
F = Shelter
G = Group Home
H = Hospital
K = Incarcerated
L = IRTS (Intensive Residential Treatment Service]
M = PCH / PCR [Psychiatric Children's Home / Residence]
N = Specialty Beds [SPEC]
P = Treatment Home
J = Unknown
E = Other
(Misc. I Tab Continued)
Ref Src: (referral source to YCS, circle one)
Emergency/Screening/InpatientCommunity Programs/Residential Sources
A = Designated screening centerH = Community mental health agency
B = EmergencyJ = Alcohol treatment program
C = CCIS inpatientK = Drug treatment program
D = County psychiatric hospitalL = School District/Child study team
E = State psychiatric hospitalM = Other social service agency
F = Other psychiatric inpatientN = Nursing home
G = GeneralHospitalO = Boarding home
P = Homeless shelter
Q = Child care/pre-school provider
R = Other residential program
Legal/Justice SystemIndividualsDept. of Human Services
S = Police / Court / JailX = Self6 = DYFS
T = State correctional program1 = Family or friend7 = Div. of Dev. Disab.
V = Community corrections2 = Private mental8 = Other (DHS Service)
programs health practitioner9 = DCBHS
W = Family crisis intervention3 = Private psychiatrist
Unit4 = Medical doctor
5 = ClergyZ = Other
Misc. II TAB
Pri Prob: (Primary Problem – circle one)
A = Alcohol abuseT = No social support resources
B = AnxietyV = Organic mental disorder
C = Assaultive Behavior/ThreatW = Physical abuse/assault victim
D = Bizarre behaviorX = Physical neglect
E = Compulsive gamblingY = Delinquent behavior
F = Daily living problemsZ = Substance abuse exposure
G = Depression/mood disorder1 = Runaway behavior
H = Destructive to property2 = School Problems
J = Developmental disability3 = Sexual abuse/rape victim
K = Drug abuse4 = Sexual abuser
L = Eating disorder5 = Social/interpersonal (other than family)
M = Economic stress6 = Suicide attempt
N = Fire setting/ideation7 = Suicide threat
O = Homicidal behavior/threat8 = Thought disorder
P = Legal/justice involvement9 = Other
R = Marital/family problem10 = Hyperactivity
S = Medical/somatic complaints11 = Short attention span
12 = Aggression (without assaultive behaviors/threats)
Prob 1 (Presenting Problem: Circle up to 4 and number them to 1 to 4 in order of priority)
[2nd - 4th choices enter under Prob 2, Prob 3, Prob 4)
**Note – Prob1 should be a repeat of primary problem.
A = Alcohol AbuseT = No social support resources
B = AnxietyV = Organic mental disorder
C = Assaultive behavior/threatW = Physical abuse/assault victim
D = Bizarre behaviorX = Physical neglect
E = Compulsive gamblingY = Delinquent behavior
F = Daily living problemsZ = Substance abuse exposure
G = Depression/mood disorder1 = Runaway behavior
H = Destructive to property2 = School Problems
J = Developmental disability3 = Sexual abuse/rape victim
K = Drug abuse4 = Sexual abuser
(Misc. II Continued)
L = Eating disorder5 = Social/interpersonal (other than family)
M = Economic stress6 = Suicide attempt
N = Fire setting/ideation7 = Suicide threat
O = Homicidal behavior/threat8 = Thought disorder
P = Legal/justice involvement9 = Other
R = Marital/family problem10 = Hyperactivity
S = Medical/somatic complaints11 = Short attention span
12 = Aggression (without assaultive behaviors/threats)
IS #1(Family Income source: Main source, circle up to 2. Enter 2nd choice under IS #2)
A = Disability insurance/workman’s comp.
B = Family or relative
C = Pension
D = Public assistance
E = Social security
F = Unemployment insurance
G = Wage/salary income
H = Other
J = Unknown
SR #1(Source of reimbursement: Circle up to 2) [Enter 2nd choice under SR #2]
A = None – Organization to absorb total costI = Div. of Health & Mental Srvcs. Dept of Ed.
B = Self/legally responsible relativeJ = Supplemental social security Income (S.S.I)
C = MedicaidK = DYFS
D = MedicareL = Division of mental health
E = Other public sourcesM = Local school district
F = Service contract (e.g., HMO)N = Office of education – Dept. of Human Srvcs.
G = Other third party insurance
H = Unknown
User 1 TAB
Case Manager: (select one for this client)
CMO – Care Management Organization
DDD – Division of Developmental Disabilities
UCM – Unified Case Management
YCM – Youth Case Management
NONE – None of these case managers are involved with this client
DYFS or Spirit #: (enter number here) ______
Name:(Name of the clinical person completing this form) ______
(Required Field) (Print Name)
(Press F2 for a list of Names)
(User 1 Tab Continued)
ED. CL (Education Classification: For students, circle one)
A = Auditory impaired
B = Autistic
C = Mild cognitive impairment
D = Moderate cognitive impairment
E = Severe cognitive impairment
F = Communication impaired
G = Emotionally disturbed
H = Multiply disabled
I = Orthopedically impaired
J = Other health impaired
K = Preschool disabled
L = Social maladjustment
M = Specific learning disability
N = Traumatic brain injury
O = Visually impaired
Prior Hosp: (Did client have any psychiatric hospitalizations during the year prior to intake)
This question must be answered or record will not be saved.
(Circle one)
Y = Yes N = No U = Unknown
Prior # Hosp (Only if prior Hosp is Yes. Enter Number of psychiatric hospitalizations for the year prior to intake)
Money in Pocket:(Enter the amount of money the client has on them. Required for all Residential programs as per the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture policy.)
$ ______._____
In CMHC enter the dollar amount, i.e.: 12.25
Do not put in the symbol $ If the client has no money on them enter 0.
Care Management Organizations: (Select the county for the Care Management Organization involved through
the Partnership for Children.)
ATCM = Atlantic/Cape May CountiesHUD = HudsonCounty
BER = Bergen CountyMER = MercerCounty
BUR = BurlingtonCountyMID = MiddlesexCounty
CAM = CamdenCountyMON = MonmouthCounty
CGS = Cumberland/Gloucester/SalemMSC = Morris/Sussex Counties
ESX = Essex CountyPAS = PassaicCounty
HSW = Hunterdon/Somerset/WarrenUNI = UnionCounty
Admit Restrictiveness of Living Environment: *[Only Required for Kid Connection]
(The restrictiveness of living Environment prior to KC admission – circle one)
1 = Hospitalized or incarcerated
2 = Residential treatment
3 = Group home / Aging in
4 = Shelter
5 = Treatment home / Foster home
6 = Family / friend / independent living
(User 1 Tab Continued)
DDD Serial Number: [DDD residences only enter 6 digit serial number here] ______
CCW Eligible: [For DDD residents, circle one] - Y = Yes, N= No
(CCW = community care waiver)
After completing all the above information, click on the SAVE Icon. A box will popup that says;Client’s admit to Initial Program.
The Admit Date defaults to today’s date. Be sure to change that to the accurate admit date. Fill in your location code, department code, program code and staff ID code for the staff member working with this client. (You can also use F2 to bring up a list for each of these codes.)
[When the record is not being created new, but you are updating an existing record, you will do those steps using the following procedure.
Select the PROGRAMS button along the button of Client Registration. Click on the New button at the top of the screen. With your cursor in the new, empty Prog. Field hit F2 for a list of programs and select the program the child is being admitted to or just type in the 3 digit code in that spot. The admit date defaults to today’s date, be sure to correct that if the intake date is not today. Tab over to the Staff field, do the same here, selecting the appropriate staff member for that program.]
Program Code: ______(same as Department Code)
Fill in the Social Worker’s name:
Social Worker’s Name:
Select the STAFF button along the bottom of Client Registration.
Click on the New button at the top, then F2 for a list & select
Social Worker’s name for this child. Then tab to the TYPE field
and choose Social Worker .
** In addition for Medicaid clientsalways click in the box to indicate Primary Provider.
STAFF button
Social Worker’s Name: ______
(That will be working with this client)
Next click on the Payors button along the bottom of Client Registration. Click on the new button at the top. Tab over to Pol# and enter the 12 Digit Medicaid number, no dash. * Please note this number should always be verified before entering it here. A copy of the Medicaid card must be sent to Anita Taylor in accounting.
PAYORS button – (enter Medicaid number written in the boxes below into the field that says Pol#/Pat ID)
Medicaid #: (12 Digit Medicaid #)
[*Enter one number in each box to complete the 12 digit Medicaid #]
Now click on the RELATED button. Click on the new button at the top. Fill in the DYFS case manager’s first and last name. Then in the TYPE field use the F2 key to bring up the list and select DYFS or DYGD. **If DYFS has legal responsibility then select DYGD to indicate this is the DYFS Worker & they have legal responsibility. Enter the address of the DYFS worker’s office and then tab down to phone # and enter the DYFS district office phone number.
RELATED button
DYFS Case Manager: (First and Last Name) ______
Type: (Circle one): DYFS – DYFS Case Manager only. DYGD – DYFS has legal responsibility.
DYFS District Office address: ______
DYFS District Office Phone Number: (___) ______
In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights. Room 326-W, WhittenBuilding, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington,, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
January 2013
Research/CMHC Reporting/CMHC Forms & Procedures/CMHC_Intake.doc