Research theoretical framework that will be applied to the workplace scenario. Develop and submit an annotated bibliography of five (5) references that support the framework and submit an outline of your practicum paper. Managing Qualities


Brewer, T. J., Kretchmar, K., Sondel, B., Ishmael, S., & Manfra, M. M. (2016). Teach for America's Preferential Treatment: School District Contracts, Hiring Decisions, and Employment Practices.Education Policy Analysis Archives,24(15),

Teach For America (TFA) began in 1990 as an organization purportedly interested in working towards ameliorating a national teacher shortage by sending its corps members into urban and rural schools. We analyze Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) between TFA and regional school districts, TFA's official literature, and public discourse to address the degree to which TFA is privileged in hiring practices. We provide evidence that school districts are contractually obligated to reserve and protect positions exclusively for corps members, jobs held by corps members are not a result of equal and open competition, corps member positions are specifically not limited to "so-called shortage areas," and TFA's partnership with charter schools and alumni of the organization have skewed hiring practices in favor of TFA over non-TFA teachers.

Outline sample:

  1. About the organization- Ascend Charter School
  2. Brief history about the school
  3. founding year: 2007
  4. Flagship school: Brooklyn Ascend Charter School in 2008
  5. Number of school: 10schools in the Central Brooklyn neighborhoods of Brownsville, Bushwick, Canarsie, and East Flatbush alone.
  6. Founder member of the school: Jeffery D. McCullen
  7. Number of branches: 2 in New York City locations and 1 in Florida
  8. Problem Faced- Insufficiency of Employees
  9. Reasons behind the insufficiency

1.5.1 Improper training

1.6Negative impact

1.6.1 on the interpersonal relationships of the employees.

2Problems faced by employees

2.1Problems identification

2.1.1problem of low employee morale

2.1.2lack of employee motivation

2.1.3alleviated degree of employees’ job satisfaction

2.2Factors and reasons for deteriorating relationships with one another in school

2.2.1void of organizational training

2.2.2Stress related to compensation rate and leave hours

3Statement of the problem

3.1lack of proper training and development program

3.2lack of motivation and engagement

4. Organizational Problem and its results

4.1Poor training and development programs by the organization

4.2 Decreased interpersonal relationship between the employees and its coaches and supervisors

5. Purpose of the study

5.1Evaluation of reasons behind the low employee performance

5.2 How application of Herzberg’s two-factor theory to the study will help

5.2.1 To understand causes of employee dissatisfaction and poor organizational performance.

6. Herzberg’s two-factor theory

6.1Definition and its parts

6.1.1 Hygiene Factor: when absent can lead to dissatisfaction

6.1.2 Motivator factor: provide satisfaction and lead to higher motivation

6.2 Study Outcome after application of the theory

6.2.1 Employees not experiencing intrinsic or extrinsic motivation

6.3 Herzberg theory application to Workforce scenario

6.3.1 Shows lack of motivation due to the absence of proper motivators like Lack of Training and development program Transparent communication process missing Absence of intrinsic or extrinsic rewards is absent

7. Conclusion

7.1 Employee training and development is important

7.2 lacks of motivators led to low job satisfaction and dissent in the employees.

7.3 led to deteriorating interpersonal relationships

7.4 What might help?

7.4.1 Proper training and development programs

8. References