Booker High School
Mr. Tvenstrup
Research (Speech and Debate)
Course Goal:
The purpose of this course is to develop students’ beginning awareness, understanding, and application of language as it applies to oral communication concepts and strategies in a variety of given settings.
Summer Assignment Goal:
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce and expose students to some of the various skills and abilities that will be taught in the course, such as critical thinking and writing, research and reading comprehension, intellectual collaboration, and public speech and debate.
Assignment Outline:
Students will have a choice of completing any ONE of the following activities. Students should have completed the chosen activity by the time they enter Booker High School in August of 2016. We will be working with completed student summer work in the first week of class in order to prepare for eventual class presentations. PLEASE BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE ATTACHED RUBRIC! Good luck!
1)Choose a famous speech from history (Declamation). Selecta 3-5 minute portion of that speech to deliver in front of the class.
2)Write and deliver a 3-5 minute creative/informational speech about your activities over the summer break (Original Oratory).
3)Research, write and deliver a 3-5 minute persuasive speech about any topic of your choice (Debate).
Booker High School
Mr. Tvenstrup
Speech 1
Parameter 4- Exemplary3- Proficient 2- Developing 1- Beginner
Volume / Entirely appropriate and effective for audience / Mostly appropriate and effective for audience / Somewhat appropriate and effective for audience / Rarely appropriate and effective for audienceSpeed / Entirely appropriate and effective for audience / Mostly appropriate and effective for audience / Somewhat appropriate and effective for audience / Rarely appropriate and effective for audience
Tone / Entirely appropriate and effective for audience / Mostly appropriate and effective for audience / Somewhat appropriate and effective for audience / Rarely appropriate and effective for audience
Eye Contact/
Movement / Entirely appropriate and effective for audience / Mostly appropriate and effective for audience / Somewhat appropriate and effective for audience / Rarely appropriate and effective for audience
Clarity / Perfectly organized for a clear purpose / Mostly organized for a clear purpose / Somewhat organized for a clear purpose / Little/no organization and/or clarity
Logic / Demonstrates entirely logical/critical thinking / Demonstrates mostly logical/critical thinking / Demonstrates some logical/critical thinking / Demonstrates little/no logical/critical thinking
Support / Support is varied, credible, and well-cited / Support is credible and cited / Support is somewhat credible / Contains little/no support
Answers / All questions are clearly/ competently addressed / Most questions are competently addressed / Some questions are competently addressed / Few questions are competently addressed
Booker High School
Mr. Tvenstrup
Speech 1
Summer Assignment Questions
In addition to creating and memorizing/practicing your speech, please be prepared to field any/all of the following questions from your classmates (following the delivery of your speech):
1)Why did you choose the specific assignment (1, 2, or 3) that you chose? What discouraged you away from the other two choices, or what prompted you toward your choice?
2)Why did you choose the famous speech that you chose to present? What qualities of the writer/speaker do you respect? What do you particularly agree/disagree with concerning the message?
3)What were the hardest parts of this summer assignment? Why did you struggle in these particular areas? What were the easiest portions? Why were these parts more manageable for you?
4)How did you go about researching for this assignment? What were your most effective approaches to finding information that helped you to complete it?
5)How did you go about practicing for the speech (presentation) portion? What experiences have you had in the past that helped you to score better on the rubric?
6)What skills and abilities (as well as knowledge) do you hope to gain moving forward in this course? How can this course help you to reach your academic and life goals?
7)How long did it take you to complete this summer assignment? If you could do it over again, what would you have done differently? Explain.
8)How can peer collaboration help you as a student achieve your goals in public speaking?