September 9, 2003

Research, Planning, and Special Programs

K–12 Principals—Attached is a schedule of professional development sessions for September 26. Encourage your teachers and staff to attend the sessions organized for them. If conflicts exist (e.g., your media specialist is also your building’s gifted and talented program facilitator), building principals can assist in making decisions about priorities.

Please note that most sessions begin at noon or later. However, there are some exceptions because of the nature of the professional development session (e.g., the make-up session for new teachers). We hope this schedule accommodates your need for time in the morning to conduct your own building-level activities. Lunch will not be provided at the sessions.

In addition, we have included a unique opportunity! The Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics fall conference is scheduled for September 25–26 at the Convention Center. Teachers can plan to attend all day Friday for a small registration fee. A registration form and more information can be found at

If you have questions about specific sessions, please call the individuals listed. Other questions may be addressed to Wayne Eckerling, Assistant Superintendent of Research, Planning, and Special Programs, at 303-764-3802, or Rosanne Fulton, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, at 303-764-3505.

Nursing Services

9/11 Anniversary

This week is the two-year anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. As the anniversary approaches, people might experience a variety of reactions, including anxiety, depression, fatigue, sickness, change in appetite, sadness, stress, anger, irritability, trouble sleeping, and trouble concentrating. People may feel bothered by memories and thoughts of the tragedy, have nightmares, or feel a greater level of fearfulness. Children may have many of the same reactions as adults at this time. Remember that these reactions are a normal part of the healing process. It is important to take good care of yourself during this time!

Human Resources

Teacher Appraisal Lists

Principals will receive their list of teacher appraisals due during the 2003–2004 school year on or before Friday, September 19. The teacher appraisal forms are posted on the HR Web site under HR Forms at Training on conducting performance appraisals will be held in October for new principals.

New Job Reclassification Process

During the past 18 months, job reclassification requests have been on hold while the district worked to develop a new procedure to review, approve, and monitor requests to change a job classification grade based on new job requirements or labor market data. The Compensation Committee, composed of the district’s assistant superintendents and Human Resources, has approved a new process and forms, which will be posted on the HR Web site under HR Processes and HR Forms starting Monday, September 15. Any job reclassification requests that have been on hold in Human Resources will be processed in the next few weeks, with decisions communicated to responsible supervisors.

The new process requires approval of a Cabinet-level administrator and budget approval, before submitting a request to reclassify a job. The responsible supervisor will need to electronically submit a Job Classification Request Form and a new Job Classification form (using a standard job description template), along with the current Job Classification to a dedicated email box that will be posted on the Web site and on the Request form. The Compensation Committee will meet regularly during the year to review and approve job reclassification requests.

We appreciate your patience during this process. If you have questions about the new process or forms, please contact Lita Weinstein or Robin Kane.

Test Dates Set for DAEOP Bilingual Stipend

Please see the attached document explaining the DAEOP Bilingual Stipend. Also attached is the Request for Bilingual Designation form.

Teacher Contract Approved

At the September 4, 2003 board meeting, the Board of Education approved the new Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) contract, which was ratified by the Association on August 29.

Here is the link to the Addendum that reflects the Articles with substantive changes to the existing Agreement — Of particular note, the Addendum includes the new language referencing the Collaborative School Committee (CSC), which replaced the CDM (Article 5) from the Agreement. Also, particular attention should be paid to both Article 8 — Professional Standards — and Article 13 — Assignments, Schedules and Transfers — due to their importance and extent of the changes.

Principal training focusing in on the new CSC is scheduled for this Thursday, September 11 in the Area Meetings. Future training on other new elements of the Agreement will be scheduled for a later time.

Pupil Count and Fall Staffing Guidelines

Friday, September 12, is the district’s fall pupil count day for school staffing purposes. Every year at this time, the district conducts a pupil count to determine if changes in student enrollment will impact school staff allocations. Detailed information to guide schools through the process will be provided at Thursday’s area principal meetings. Specific topics to be covered are:

  • Role of CSC (Collaborative School Committee) and PC (Personnel Committee) regarding staffing decisions,
  • Budget guidance regarding allocation and conversions,
  • District guidelines in the event of a RIF, and
  • Details on the timeline that HR emailed earlier this week.

If you have specific questions, please communicate these to your area and/or assistant area superintendent by Wednesday, so these items can be addressed to all principals across the district consistently on Thursday.

Grants Resource Center

Grant Writing Training Course: September 24–25

The Grants Resource Center and the Department of Student Services is offering a grant-writing training course for faculty members from the northeast and northwest quadrants. The training will be taught by Ron Mirr, a nationally recognized grant writer and consultant. Interested faculty should inquire through Student Services at 303-764-3610. Another course will be offered in the spring for faculty in the southeast and southwest quadrants. More detailed information is available on the Grants Resource Center Web site at Information on current grant opportunities is available by clicking on the Grant Alerts section.

Pay for Performance Design Team

Teacher Objective Setting

Objectives set by student services specialists will be set with the supervisors in their disciplines, not principals at their home schools. These specialists include nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational and physical therapists, educational audiologists, hearing-impaired teachers, and vision-impaired teachers.

The Web-Based Objective Database is now up and running for all schools. All teachers and principals can access the system at If principals would like to be “walked through” the system or arrange a demonstration for their faculty, please contact the Design Team office at 303-764-3618.

Risk Management

Accepting Liability

From time to time a student, parent, or member of the public may be injured on district property. Also, a member of the public may believe they have some property damage due to a district activity. If any of these situations is brought to your attention, please do not accept liability on behalf of the district by saying, “Don’t worry, the district will pay for this,” or words to this effect.

You may have a strong motivation to accept liability because of a confrontational parent or member of the public on the phone or in your office. Liability is not a decision you can make for the district. You may always give the parent or member of the public the name and phone number of Risk Management at 303-764-3613. At the same time, please either call or send an email to Karen Bright at concerning the issue. Please provide your perspective on the issue.

Facility Management and Operations and Maintenance

Please see the attached memo regarding information being disseminated about the West Nile Virus.

Student Sweeper Hiring Procedure

To ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community members, we are providing the following procedure for the hiring of student sweepers. Please see the attached documents (student sweeper hiring procedures memo and age certificate).

Curriculum and Instruction

Family Life Training

Family Life training for fourth and fifth grade science teachers will be held October 7 from
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Centennial Elementary, 4665 Raleigh Street. All teachers who teach family life must receive this training to be eligible to teach the course (Policy IHAMB—Family Life/ Sex Education).

Public Information Office

9/11 Press Inquiry

The Rocky Mountain News is inquiring whether schools are planning special activities in observance of September 11. If you are willing to share information about your activities with the news media, please email a brief explanation along with the date and time of the activities to org.

DPS Office Professionals—On the Frontline (September 23 and 24)

Departments and schools—register your office staff now for free half-day morning and afternoon customer service workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 23 and 24 at the Pepsi Center. Registration information is attached. Schools and departments can register staff for alternate workshops to maintain office coverage. Topics will include the office professional’s role in school and district image-building, communication skills, customer service, telephone tips, and dealing with difficult people. Thanks for your support of the DPS priority to improve the performance of the district through a responsive, customer-oriented and user-friendly organizational culture.

Marketing Tip of the Week

Public opinion comes to life when reality and perception mix. Facts can easily get tossed aside, overrun by rumors and bad data. That’s why, no matter how great your school is, it pays to stay plugged into what people are really saying about it. Consider:

Tracking questions phoned into your school. Look for trends. Ask staff to alert you to common questions they hear in the school and community.

Holding occasional focus groups. Ask several parents, for example, to arrive before a planned a meeting and pick their brains about a topic or two.

Publishing frequently asked questions and answers in your newsletter and on your
Web site.

Video—Dateline High School

Copies of “Dateline High School,” the video that opened the administrators meeting in August, are on their way to schools. Contact the Public Information Office at 303-764-3414 if your office or department would like a copy to show to staff or DPS stakeholders in the community.

TUESDAY TELEGRAM ARCHIVE (click on this link)




To:Area Superintendents

Through:Mike Langley, Executive Director, Facility Management

From:Morgan R. Deane Jr., Director, Operations and Maintenance

Date:September 9, 2003

Subject:West Nile Virus Brochures

In our efforts to mitigate and eliminate the risk of the West Nile Virus to DPS students and staff, we are providing additional information for distribution to schools in our joint (with Student Services) pursuit of a healthy and safe environment.

Accompanying this memorandum:

 A package of West Nile Virus brochures published by the Denver Department of Environmental Health, Division of Vector Control;

 Statistics on infections and fatalities in Colorado by county;

 Information on DEET (insect repellent); and

 Safety precautions when using DEET on children.

The following Web site, Fight the Bite Colorado, can be used to access the information above:

We request that these brochures are made available in your school’s front office for faculty, students, and parents. To obtain more copies of these brochures, schools can call our Pest Management Shop at 303-575-4073 or Nursing Services at 303-764-3860. This information is intended to supplement information already distributed in the Tuesday Telegram and the flyer already distributed by Nursing Services.

Our department is currently monitoring all water retention sites on DPS property on a weekly basis, as well as working with the City and County of Denver Vector control. Schools must ensure any standing or ponding water (that is not draining or leeching off or evaporating within four days) is called in immediately to our SCC at 303-575-4020 or our Pest Management Shop at 303-575-4073.

You may also call Mike Langley at 303-575-4011 or Rusty Deane at 303-575-4137 if you have questions or concerns regarding this issue.

Thank You

CC:Andre PettigrewJohn Leslie

Donna ShocksDon Moon

Area SupervisorsRoger Reyes




To:Area Superintendents

Through:Andre Pettigrew, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services

Mike Langley, Executive Director, Facility Management

Robin Kane, Executive Director, Human Resources

From:Morgan R. Deane Jr., Director, Operations and Maintenance

Date:August 29, 2003

Subject:Student Sweeper Hiring Procedure

To ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community members, we are providing the following procedure for the hiring of student sweepers. This procedure is effective immediately.

  1. Schools must adhere to the following process and procedures when hiring student sweepers:
  • Applicants must fill out a standard DPS employment application.
  • Upon application, applicants must complete a disclosure (in the standard application) statement notifying Denver Public Schools of any past or present criminal charges, delinquency, probation, or municipal court violations.
  • Applications must be submitted to the school secretary.
  • Facility managers must review and recommend applicants to the principal or site-based manager for hiring.
  • Principals or site-based managers must approve all student sweeper hiring.
  • Discipline, discharge, and/or performance improvement measures are recommended by facility managers for principal’s approval.
  • Student sweepers shall not work in excess of 2.5–3 hours per day. Student sweepers shall not work over summer, spring, or winter breaks.
  1. Applicants should contact the main administrative office at each individual school to request information on available vacancies and/or fill out applications. All applicants must meet the following requirements:
  2. Applicant must be a Denver Public Schools student with proof of current enrollment.
  3. Priority will be given to students with written recommendations from their home school principal and/or teacher.
  4. Applicants must be at least 14 years of age—verifiable by birth certificate or a state-issued picture ID or driver’s license.
  5. If applicant is under age 16, they must first obtain an age verification certificate from their home school (obtained through the school counselor’s office).
  6. Applicants must be available to work 190 school days, 380 hours a year at 10 hours per week. Student sweeper pay in FY 03/04 shall be $6.80 per hour. There are no district-provided benefits available to this position.
  7. All necessary forms will be available in the main administrative office of each school.
  • Once hired, DPS student sweepers must have their school-issued identification cards on their person at all times while working in the schools.

CC:John LeslieLinda Teachout

Bart MullerScott Barnes





This is to certify that ______

Name of MinorAddress of Minor

has presented proof to the issuing officer named below that he, or she, was born

______in ______and is ______years old

Date of BirthCity, State

This certificate may be used as evidence of age for purpose of the Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act of 1971, where an employer desires proof of age of a minor employee or perspective employee. This certificate does not authorize employment contrary to the Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act (Title 8-12-101-117, CR1973).

Description of minor:

Sex______Color of hair______Color of eyes______Height______Weight______

School hours applicable to school attended: ______

Hours Student is Attending School

Separate school release permit is required for minors under 16 years of age to work on regular school days between the hours given above.


Signature of MinorSignature of Issuing Office


Date of IssuanceTitle/ School

This certificate does not authorize employment contrary to the child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standard Act or the Walsh-Healey Public Contract Act.

Note to Employers: This certificate is issued in order that the employer may have authentic evidence of the age of the minor for whom the certificate is issued. It must be kept on file by the employer for the duration of the minor’s employment and upon request, returned to the minor at the termination of his or her employment.

Revised 8-2003



Denver Public Schools Gifted and Talented Department

BRAIN BOWL (Available to grades 6–8)

State CoordinatorLyndi Thomas303-871-2625

DPS G/T DepartmentBecky Muggli303-405-8274

Colorado/Wyoming Competition: Date and location to be determined

DI (DESTINATION IMAGINATION®) (Available to grades K–12)

State CoordinatorConnie Ackerman303-871-2531 (Colorado)

DPS CoordinatorBecky Muggli303-405-8274 (National)

Tournament Dates

Denver Tournament: Saturday, March 6, 2004 (George Washington High School)

State Tournament: Saturday, April 24, 2004 (University of Denver)

Global Finals: May 25–30, 2004 (University of Tennessee)

Information Night

Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 7:00–8:30 p.m. (George Washington High School)

Team Manager Training

Saturday, November 8, 2003, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (University of Denver)

Saturday, December 6, 2003, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (University of Denver)

Saturday, January 10, 2004, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (University of Denver)

IC Clearly (Instant Challenge Workshop)

Saturday, December 13, 2004, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. (Campus Middle School, Cherry Creek Schools)

GEOGRAPHIC BEE (Available to grades 4–8)

DPS G/T DepartmentBecky Muggli303-405-8274 (National)

Registration Deadline: October 15, 2003

School Bees: Anytime between November 17, 2003, and January 16, 2004

Colorado Geographic Bee: April 2, 2004 (Location TBD)

National Geographic Bee: May 25–26, 2004 (Washington, DC)

HISTORY DAY (Available to grades 6–12)