Careers – Final Assignment
Expository Composition
Ms. Chorna
Fall 2014
Your assignment is to choose a career which you would like to investigate. It may be a career that you are interested in going into or just one that you are interested in learning about. There are a few components to this assignment. This assignment is to going to be opinion based, but there will be some factual information that you will be responsible for and will need to integrate into the final paper.
Interview – You will need to interview someone who is or has worked in the field that you are interested in. This can be done in person, on the phone, via email, however it works for you. You will need to devise 10 questions that you would like to know from this person about their career. It can be about any aspect of the job, but should be focused on the job. You will need to record, or write down their answers. A written transcript of the interview will be required to be submitted with your paper.
Observation – You will then need to observe someone doing/performing this career. I would suggest a 30-60 minute observation. Afterward, you will need to write a 1-2 page reflection of your observation. This reflection ofthe observation page will also be required to be submitted with your paper.
Paper –You will then need to write a 2-3 page paper. It should include: what you think about the career, why you think you might want to pursue it or why you wanted to learn something about it, what you learned from your interview and observation about this career, and what you now think about the career that you have investigated.
Presentation – You will then be required to present what you researched, learned and now know about the field you chose to investigate. You will need to discuss the career you have researched. You will also need to discuss what you learned about that career and how your research has influenced or not your desire to pursue this career. Your presentation should be about 5 minutes long.
The paper should be between 5-6pages, (2-3 pages of your writing, and 2-3 pages of your interview and observation reflection). The paper should be typed, 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1” margins. The pages include the transcript of your interview and your observation reflection.
This is your final exam. The papers are due on December 11th. The presentations will begin on thisdayand take as long as necessary through our final dates. The final will be worth a total of 200 points, 150 points for the paper and 50 points for the presentation.
Career Paper Grading
The written paper is worth 150 points total.
_____ What is the career you choose to look into and why did you pick it? (20 points)
_____ What decision did you come to regarding this career? (25 points)
_____ What did you learn during the process of your investigation? (30 points)
_____ What did you learn from your interview and observation? (20 points)
_____ Paper is 5-6 pages of text. (20 points)
_____ The transcript of the interview is included. (20 points)
_____ The reflection of the observation is included. (15 points)
The oral presentation is worth 50 points.
_____ Explain what career you investigated. (10 points)
_____ What did you learn about this career? (10 points)
_____ Discuss your interview and observation? (10 points)
_____ You speak clearly, slowly, and loud. You do not fidget. (10 points)
_____ The presentation is approximately 5 minutes. (10 points)